
Servant Of Greed

In a realm eternally draped in shadows, where the clash between day and night defines its very existence, a young boy from the enigmatic dark side finds his world shattered by a cataclysmic event. In the midst of his grief and confusion, he forms an unlikely alliance with a powerful deity who emerges from the shadows. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth and restore the balance of the world. Join this unlikely duo as they forge a path through darkness and light, unearthing the truths that will reshape their world and redefine their own destinies. Prepare to be enthralled by an epic journey where hope gleams amidst the darkest of nights.

Fire_Duck · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Never Ending

In a world where the sun never sets, and the moon never rises, life exists in a perpetual state of duality. One side of the planet is eternally shrouded in darkness, while the other basks in the unrelenting glow of sunlight. Each side is home to its own distinct cultures, beliefs, and ways of life, and the two halves of the world have long been separated by an impenetrable barrier of fear and ignorance.

The dark side of the world was called Umbra, which meant shadow in latin. The side of the never setting sun was given the name of Helios. These two worlds are separated by a huge ravine dubbed "the Abyss" from which hellish creatures derive from.

The world of Umbra was a place of perpetual darkness, shrouded in mystery and shadow. Its landscape was rugged and rocky, with towering cliffs and deep ravines that seemed to stretch on forever. The cold embraced every living creature making it impossible for anyone to stray too far away from the biggest and only source of heat, the Erebos Kingdom.

At the heart of Umbra, the Erebos Kingdom stood as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. Its massive walls towered over the surrounding landscape, providing a sense of security and protection to those who lived within its boundaries. The kingdom was home to a diverse population, ranging from simple farmers to skilled craftsmen and powerful sorcerers.

The people of Erebos were known for their resilience and resourcefulness, relying on each other to survive in the harsh conditions of their world.

Outside the walls of Erebos, the satellite villages dotted the landscape, each one huddled around a small source of warmth. These villages were tightly-knit communities, where neighbors looked out for each other and shared whatever resources they had.

On the other side of the Abyss lay the world of Helios, a land of endless light and heat. Its terrain was flat and expansive, with rolling hills and shimmering lakes that sparkled in the perpetual daylight. The air was alive with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, and the sound of birdsong filled the air. The entire area was surrounded by a dome that protected the inhabitants from the searing lasers of the sun.

But despite their differences, these two worlds shared a common enemy: the terrifying creatures that emerged from the Abyss, known as the Abyssals. These hellish beasts were twisted and dark, with razor-sharp teeth and glowing eyes that glinted in the darkness. They preyed on the denizens of both Umbra and Helios alike, striking fear into the hearts of all who encountered them.

A young man located in a satellite village close to the huge kingdom could be seen wandering outside. Despite the negative temperature the boy wore casual clothes, a long sleeved black shirt and dark colored pants. His body had adapted to the cold, it didnt faze him as much anymore. His long hair was white and his eyes, deep purple. His name was Dionisus, given to him by Griz, his father.

Griz was a scholar, he enjoyed studying about the old world. Especially the region of greece. It was fascinating to him to learn about the gods worshipped by the Greek people and always wanted to learn more about it.

In his pursuit he became a Pilgrim, a sort of adventurer which took down Abyssals for rewards. He spent his life studying and battling until he received a loving woman and a child. Although that didnt last for long. He retired after his lady died in birth and raised the boy alone.

Nowadays he is quite worn out. His body damaged with several appendages missing due to frostbite and his adventures. His hair like his spawn is also white but with tints of grey and balding all over it. The eyes which once shined with ambition are now deprived of light, hollow.

Dionisus however was still hopeful for a better future, his goal was to become an inhabitant of the great kingdom of Erebos, that way he wouldnt need to hunt small creatures every day to simply survive.

Hunting, the thing which gave him the most amount of dopamine but at the same time kept him always depressed. Depressed because the only job he would ever be able to do was that of Pilgrim if he ever got to step foot inside the walls of Erebos.

As of this moment he was tracking down a small rabbit which had furrowed underground, in his hand was a makeshift knife. Crouched on the cold ground, his breath turned to mist in the air. He had been tracking the rabbit for hours, following its trail through the rocky terrain of Umbra. Now, finally, he had it cornered.

As he peered into the small hole in the ground where the rabbit had burrowed, Dionisus could hear its panicked breathing. He reached for his dagger, his fingers wrapping tightly around the hilt. He knew he had to be quick, or the rabbit would escape.

Dionisus plunged the knife towards the rabbit, striking it in the chest. The rabbit let out a weak grunt, trying to suck in as much air as it could. Soon it lay there, motionless.

He grabbed the rabbit's corpse with his free hand and juggled him up to his shoulder. Dionisus felt the smooth fur of the creature rubbing across his face, he felt bad for it, but had no choice.

Hurriedly, Dionisus jogged to his house. Griz was sitting in a chair with his hands resting upon a table. His hands were missing on total three fingers, his beard was outgrown and messy. He looked like a slob, but his personality couldnt be more different.

He was a pleasent person to be around, not one of many words, however his body alone conveyed subtle messages. Griz took the rabbit from his son and put it on the table before commencing the removal of its pelt. He used a sharp knife and was careful, with quick precision he removed the pelt and threw it in a basket filled with other animal's fur. Dionisus took the basket and began tying the fur together to form a protective layer of clothing.

"Son!" Griz exclaimed from afar. Dionisus understood and came towards him, the scent of cooked rabbit meat filling his nostrils. He sat down and picked up a makeshift fork, the father serrated the creature into two pieces and gave his son the bigger part.

A little bit of info dumping in this chapter, although I hope you guys liked it. Anyways, let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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