
Serpent of Sin

A giant tree poked at the ceiling of the world they knew and changed their view of the world upside down. With the curse of the dead and dangers hidden in the dark. The world moves to a different era or joins in a pre-existing era of the World Arahat. Earth now faced forces of nature and those of invaders. The world as they knew changed for better or worse. The people must cope and learn the new ways. With scheming and conspiracy brewing behind the scenes, the ordinarily lives serve nothing more than cattle.

Eugene_Black · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Sleep walking

The cream bun was very good, it made him want more, it was creamy and had a soft texture with a milky flavor. But unfortunately, the one he ate just now was the last. There had been many more but those two starved pigs finished them in no time and had their hands busy with others.

In that aspect, the newcomer was as big a gobbler as Vergil. She ate like the food would vanish any second and her stomach seemed capable to bear a ton.

After munching heavily on those packets of Doritos, finally, she looked like she could give attention to things other than food. swallowing what bit was in her mouth.

"Ahem...sorry for the late introduction, my name is Nora, Nora Blake...nice to meet you"

The woman was certainly good-looking. her long silky black hair cascading freely, her rich brown eyes, and her slender build made her look free and beautiful.

She began introducing herself, she was an accountant who had been working with a medium size company for a decent amount of salary. She went on and on about how low they paid and it was never enough.

" I could rarely go on shopping for some good dress, and my friends..."

She was going off-track and talking about some shit Hector didn't even know about!!. What was a Karaoke? Coffee day??.

She looked like she would continue, and Hector was already tired of listening to the complaints of a city woman. He thought 'aren't you eating well and sleeping safely without worries of not being able to see sunlight again'

Hector didn't understand much as he never had much comfort in his life.

"Yeah got it, cool, nice to meet you I'm Vergil"

Vergil spoke up, he looked like he didn't want to hear any more of her ramblings.

" I'm Hector, nice to meet you...Ms.Blake"

" Miss?? just call me Nora, and I'm not so old, I'm just 22 this year"

Hector heard that people usually graduated at 20 and work till their age of retirement. Unlike before it took more time. He didn't know the details but he knew for sure that the current system was messed up and the situation in the outskirts was a clear sign of that.

"so..." Vergil began " Can you tell me anything that's been happening here?"

Nora then began to recount what happened, It looked like people began to disappear a month ago, at first it was not given much attention but after a week and too many people had gone missing. complaints were sent to authorities but they did not respond seriously.

"One night I saw some people walking in their sleep through my window, I never went to check as it was just too scary and I thought I was imagining, " Nora said while recalling back " And I was not the only one who saw them, rumors began to spread, and people tried to confirm it so I heard. but I didn't hear any news about it, I was busy with my work "

" And people eventually just disappeared like that!?" Hector asked bewildered. It was like a story told to scare children to sleep, Hector couldn't digest that people kept disappearing without making it huge news on the paper.

" no, they didn't until that goddamn tree came!!, My neighbor never answered, whom I had talked to 10 minutes ago. When I checked her place she was not there!!" Hector could see her visibly shaken.

"It was a horrible experience" she continued " Imagine when you come out of your room and not see a single person in the whole damn building!!"

Just listening to her made Hector glad he didn't stay yesterday night, he didn't want to find out what would happen if he was unlucky enough.

The room was quiet for some time. With only noise in the big convenience store was Vergil crunching on some chocolate cookies.

"He's entertaining himself isn't he," Hector thought.

Vergil was a bit odd sometimes and sometimes bat shit crazy and the next moment he was the most somber person you ever met.

Vergil glanced at Nora for a moment and then turned to Hector.

"We are staying here tonight," He said as a matter of fact.

"What! why?" Though he knew why he just asked to express his unwillingness.

Ignoring his words Vergil asked him to go back and inform Wayne that they would not come back tonight.

"Why?" it was Nora's turn to ask. she probably had planned to move away from this place, but this guy wanted to stay in this haunted place.

Vergil gave her a brief explanation of what they found out about superpowers. Though it sounded as ridiculous as saying they met Cinderella, the situation made them think otherwise.


A vast Dark expanse spread across the sky, with the moon being the only source of light. A cool breeze brushed over them in silence.

For Hector, it was one of the most chilling nights he faced will now, Not because it was cold but because it felt so eerie looking down at the pitch black sewer tunnel.

" We really have to do this?" he asked hesitantly.

"No, but well curiosity!" He said. Damn your curiosity. A curiosity about how you can die? If so why bring us with you? Hector grumbled.

"So, you think everyone disappeared into the tunnel?" Nora asked doubtfully.

" Well, such a big population can't just vanish in the thin air right?" Vergil voices his reasoning, and he felt it was true. No matter what, one can't disappear without someone noticing. And it can be that they walked into the tunnels by the luring of some creature.

Hector thought so but he wished they were wrong. He didn't want to meet hundreds of people staring at him in the middle of a dark tunnel. The thought itself made him shudder.

Nora had decided to follow them, he didn't understand why she was willing to risk her neck here, but an extra hand would certainly be reassuring.

With fear and apprehension, they climbed down to the dark tunnel through the circular opening on the footpath.