
Serpent of Sin

A giant tree poked at the ceiling of the world they knew and changed their view of the world upside down. With the curse of the dead and dangers hidden in the dark. The world moves to a different era or joins in a pre-existing era of the World Arahat. Earth now faced forces of nature and those of invaders. The world as they knew changed for better or worse. The people must cope and learn the new ways. With scheming and conspiracy brewing behind the scenes, the ordinarily lives serve nothing more than cattle.

Eugene_Black · Fantasy
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19 Chs

An office woman

The Morning light hit the ground and chased away the darkness looming over the area of the outer settlement. But the silence remained and not even a chirp of birds reached one's ear.

Hector Bent over the edges of the building, scanning the surrounding which he hadn't bothered to see closely the last time he came here.

"It's too silent" Virgil commented.

He too was here, wearing the same blood-stained white shirt and black trousers. His soft unruly black hair danced due to the chilling breeze of morning.

They were here to check on this place to see if they can learn anything about what was transpiring in this place. Hector and Vergil came here leaving Wayne to scavenge food this time.

The place was the same as yesterday evening, with the only difference being that bright light took some creepiness off the surroundings.

Devoid of activity and filled with wandering undead.

" If all of them had died then they would have become undead, but the number of undead isn't so great as the population" Vergil started wearing a Bulletproof jacket they found on a dead cop " It's more like they vanished just like you said"

Hector stayed silent for a while, affected by the atmosphere " The reason behind all this may be a horrendous monster, It's not necessarily for monsters to be big like the one we saw, rather they can be small and with terrifying magic abilities"

Vergil contemplated for a while " True, since some people can use things such as magic. The creatures may very well be able to do so" After putting on the jacket and placing his gun in the holster " But the question remains, what kind of ability could these creatures possess"

Hector thought about it too but couldn't think of one specific. There were no signs of bloodshed, the streets were filled with cars with broken windows, and some even had burned and scorched black.

Hector pulled up his long hair and tied it back with a rubber band like a small phony. playing with his kitchen knives he stood up.

" So do we split or go together"

" It's better to stick together, I don't want to face some abnormal creatures alone," He said with a somber expression.

Both left the building which was not so tall and walked in the alleys. Occasionally they would encounter an undead. Both of them could manage them now, but one thing that disturbed them was that the undead was stronger than yesterday, and if this pattern keeps on, one day it would be hard and life-threatening to kill even a single undead.

The undead were already a menace but if they grew powerful their chances of survival would grow slim. And Hector could already imagine that.

'But it would be different if we acquire some of those magic abilities Vergil spoke of'

The only chance for them to survive in this circumstance was to grow stronger themselves. They killed a lot of undead but failed to get an ability. Hence the reason they were actually here, with the assumption that they need to kill a higher monster to get wonderful magic.

Hector and Vergil, were both skeptical of the theory they came up yesterday night. But they had to make sure before they ignored it completely. And the higher chance of meeting something else than an undead would of course be this creepy area.

Both of them traveled aimlessly along the narrow alleys until they heard a high-pitched scream from their right. Hector and Vergil looked at each other, both had uncertainty in their eyes. They couldn't just go and save anyone they see, they were not so strong enough to face a horde of undead nor duty bound to do so.

" We may get some important information, we haven't seen anyone alive all this time, and we may very well not see them for a long time" Vergil voiced his opinion. And it sounded logical enough, Hector had seen some people or traces of them yesterday. But now they couldn't find a single one, which only increased their wariness.

Hector nodded and followed Virgil in the direction where they heard the scream. And to their bad luck, it was indeed a group of six undead surrounding a woman who held a steel pipe defiantly.

Vergil and Hector stopped in their tracks, hesitant whether to go in or ignore it. They couldn't take much time to decide because the fate of getting one's body ripped was looming over the woman.

This time Hector took the lead, He didn't think much about it and charged knowing that Vergil will follow him anyway.

He could hear Vergil cursing him from the back, but his attention was on the undead at the front.

They hadn't noticed him yet so he crept behind one and pierced its neck, effectively breaking its spinal cord in one clean hit. It made a low growling sound before falling which alerted the others. But before they could react he finished another one in the same manner.

Vergil drew out his cold steel sword, the sunlight reflected brilliantly along the surface. He beheaded two undead in a single stoke and turned three sixty and cleaved the other's head in half. The top part of the head fell with a splash and one could see the open lower jaw, tongue, and the wind pipes and all.


surprisingly the last of the undead was taken care of by the woman herself. Yelling at the top of her lungs she smashed the head of the helpless undead. She kept hitting even after it fell and likely died permanently this time.

It looked like a working woman who got too stressed by her awful boss and was venting her frustration on her favorite pillow. Only this looked more barbaric and bloody than cute.

She stopped only after the head was half smashed, her steel pipe sticky with blood dripping from them.

Right now Hector was more scared of the woman than the undead.

She let out a laborious breadth and plummeted down on the pavement. Catching some breath she said

" Don't mind..huff...things happened and it's all built-in"

' I guessed it right' Hector thought, she was indeed one of those uncharacteristic ladies. He didn't comment, he would like to but he feared that the same bloodied rod would hit him next.

" Aye, I have seen NOTHING, Just a beautiful damsel in distress~"

Apparently, Virgil didn't share Hector's fears and joked to lighten the mood.

The woman who looked as if she was in her late twenties, raised her head and stared at Vergil for some time. Hector feared she might go violent but ultimately she just rolled her eyes.

'saved!' Hector heaved a sigh internally. He already had an impression that the woman was a crazy type.

hello, I hope you liked today's chapter. I decided to be more descriptive to make the scenarios livelier.

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Eugene_Blackcreators' thoughts