
6 stomp you to death

... Everyone's jaw dropped at his appearance. No eyes were blinking. The sound of a glass shattering brought them back to reality. The glass fell from Austin's hand. "Oops, I'm sorry all. I'll ask the maid to come clean it up" He said smiling sheepishly and hurriedly escaped up the stairs. Nathaira went and pulled Ion who was still standing by the door, almost shaking like a jelly fish "Come on, why are you acting like this? Let's go get something to drink" She held his hand and pulled him to the bar. The boy at the bar continuously stared at her and gulped down his saliva as he asked her "What would you like to drink?" "Is there rice wine?" "Huh? What is that?" The boy asked confused. Ion's mouth twitched and he did to the boy " Please, give us juice. Any fruit juice" Nathaira faced Ion as her her mouth moved several times with a shocked expression. " Do I look like someone who would take fruit juice? " Ion rolled his eyes and said " I can't let you take alcohol" Nathaira nodded her head with a frowning face " I get it, you're being bossy. Let me tell you, you'll regret this" Ion looked away as the boy served them fruit juices each. Ion took his drinks but Nathaira refused to touch hers and looked at the continued celebration. They had continued dancing but some were still glancing at Ion and her. She shook her head and sighed as she thought to herself " boring days ahead"

Ion who was sipping his drinks was also looking at her remembering what had happened since they got to his house. How she had been checking things out like someone from the outside world. Damaging most of the things in the house. He had Nanny Lu clean up every mess she created... And also how she talks about kickin' his ass if he doesn't comply to her wishes. Is there anything like a vulgar fairy? That suits her... Pretty, yet vulgar ...

Nathaira and Ion did not participate in anything at the birthday party. They only sat down watching the others. Sometimes, Nathaira would snort and roll her eyes at him and Ion would sip his juice in response and look away.

It happened that Ion couldn't stay any longer and he pulled Nathaira with him "Let's go, it's 9 already and I can't stay any longer" Nathaira followed him quietly. She also couldn't wait to get out of this damned hell. They both walked outside when someone called out to them "Ion".

Ion and Nathaira faced the direction of the voice when they saw Austin walk out from the corner, hands in pockets. He walked to them and stopped in front of Nathaira "Hello Pretty" Austin said with a very big smile which looked irritating to Nathaira. She's going back to get her beauty sleep , but this idiot is going to delay her? She frowned and squeezed Ion's hand which was still holding hers " Dear, let's go" "Are you sure you want to follow this dumbass?" Austin asked still smiling "Dumbass? Who is the dumbass?" Nathaira asked, her frown deepening "Of course, you know who I'm talking about..." "No, I don't. Please, be specific" Nathaira cut in , her frown turning into a glare "Of course, it's Ion...." Austin hadn't finished his words before he earned a kick from Nathaira on his knee. He knelt down and groaned in pain "You dare to call my boyfriend a dumbass? You're tired of living?" She stomped on Austin as Ion tried to pull her away but she wouldn't bulge as she kept stomping " Nathaira, stop it , don't do this...". The burly men at the gate heard the commotion and they both rushed to their side " What is happening" One asked as Nathaira stopped stomping. She wouldn't want to beat up this men if they tried to stop her . She looked at Austin fuming "That's just a tip of the iceberg. Dare to call my people names... That's what you get...."...