

The house was completely a blast. It looked more like a clubhouse. The disco, the song, the wines and alcoholic drinks being placed down, different girls, different boys all dancing together, flirting and drinking. In front of the gate of this house, a taxi stopped. Nathaira peeped out and scoffed as she saw two burly men in front of the gate. "shall we knock them out?" She asked "They're acting like dad's oppressive bodyguards. Tch! Just a knock and they're out" "Let's get down" Ion said as he shook his head. He's had enough of this female. He couldn't wait to push her out. Looks like he made a huge mistake putting down an offer. He hope she wouldn't destroy his face even more at the party. Ion got down from the other side and closed the door. Nathaira opened her mouth and thought 'How did he open that door again? '. When Ion saw that Nathaira wasn't going to come down anytime soon. He hit his forehead and went to open the door for her. Nathaira looked up at him, smiled and said "Thank you" Ion was stunned by her smiles, he smiled back in response and nodded at her. Nathaira came down and they both went to the burly men by the gate "Good evening, sirs" Ion greeted and tried to walk past them with Nathaira, but they blocked him and said "who are you?" "I'm Austin's classmate, he invited me here" "The party was supposed to start by 5 . You could have come by 6in the least but this is seven already. What happened? " One of them said while folding his arms "We want to have a majestic entrance" Nathaira said and folded her arms too. "Besides, I don't go earlier to parties that are not mine" The burly men looked at Nathaira as they chuckled and one of them said to Ion "You have a hot chick by your side, little one" The other said "You may go in, but our eyes are on you" "Take them off" Nathaira said and walked in as Ion bowed at the men and followed Nathaira.

Inside the house the music had been stopped and the birthday girl , Aurora was in front of them all. She was trying to blow th candle on her birthday cake when... The door opened with swift force. Everyone turned to look at the cause of the noise when a leg appeared. It was slender, fair and very attractive. The people's eyes were itching to see the rest of the body, but they never came. Outside, Ion was scolding Nathaira for opening the door that way, that she should have pressed the handle. Nathaira looked at him till he was done with the preaching. She snorted and walked fully inside but stopped in her tracks when she saw everyone in the house staring at her with mouth wide open as of she was an appetizing dish. Lucia regained her senses from where she stood with Austin. She looked up and saw Austin staring at the girl from nowhere. She tapped Austin but Austin kept pushing her away. She scoffed and moved away from him.

Nathaira got confused when they all won't stop looking at her "Wait! Wait! Wait! Don't tell me this birthday party includes the game 'staring contest' The people slowly processed her words, then regained their senses and turned away from her. Nathaira exhaled but frowned when she saw that Ion hadn't entered. "What are you still doing outside ? Aren't you coming inside?... dear..." Nathaira frowned even more when she couldn't remember that guy's name. She thought to herself "It starts with an I. What's the name again?" Nathaira had wanted to say dear Ion which meant nothing to her but her incomplete sentence ending with dear earned the gazes of many. This angel is taken? Who is the lucky guy?. Oh! The lucky guy . ust be a fairy himself with no blemishes. Ion sighed and slowly walked inside. Everyone's jaw dropped at his appearance. No eyes were blinking. The sound of a glass shattering brought them back to reality...

Sorry for not posting yesterday . It's my day today. Thanking God for the gift of life... I'm giving you guys Aurora's cake, think of it as mine .... Smiles

Thanks for reading Serpent Lady: Fight For Throne. Please support, comment and share. Thank you all. And if you have complaints. Please let me know . Love you all

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