
Chapter 20

Yunki has been looking at a particular contact in his phone contemplating whether he should call or not. Sighing at the end he pressed the call option and then put the phone near his ear then waited for the other end to answer. "Hello?" A deep voice came making him gulp in slight fear. "M-Mr. Min?" "Mr. Min? Since when did you start calling your dad like that, son?" "Since you ruined my life." He spat. No matter how scared he is of his father it never stopped him from showing his hate towards the said person. "You and I both know that whatever I did was only for you. I wanted to make my son strong. You were a pussy back then and I made you a real Min." Yunki scoffed at his father's unbelievable words. How can someone be this ignorant about their own son? Can't he see what he has done to Yunki? Is he really going to act all blind? But why is he surprised? He had known this all along that even if there is a man who is responsible for his existence in this world there won't be a day when he would feel love of a father. "Any way why did you call? I hope it is what I am thinking about." "You're right." "Oh well so what did you decide?" "I am agreeing but on one condition" "And what is that?" "I won't harm anyone." Yunki cannot see the smirk the older man is giving at the other end with many ideas running in his mind which Yunki might not like. "Sure. But I am glad that my son chose the right option. You really are a Min, Yunki" "Whatever" And then he cut the call before his father could irritate him more. He very well knows that what he did is wrong and can surely put his life in danger but he had to do it. To save someone who has started to grow up on him lately. He just wanted to keep that bubbly boy safe whom he had thought is irritating in the beginning but later on couldn't able to resist his cuteness. He wants to keep that precious boy safe from this cruel world. And specially from himself.

The boys soon decided to leave the couple alone and let them rest and decided to head home. "Jeon brothers I will drop you Okay?" Hoseok said "Ah hyung" Jimin interrupted suddenly making all of them halt in their steps. "I am not going home now. I am going at friend's" He said making Jeongguk widen his eyes. "Why? You already were not home for two days and now you are not coming again?" He asked almost whined to the older. "I need something to do." Jimin replied coldly without looking at his brother even for once which shattered the younger's heart. "Fine Ji. Take care of yourself. " Tae said and patted his friends back lightly who gave a small smile in return before walking away. "Let's go Gguk." On seeing that Jeongguk is about to cry the oldest of the three hold his hand and started walking to his car and soon drove to Jeongguk's.

Staying away from his brother is not what Jimin wants. He wants to go back and hug that bunny. Stay close to him and spend all his time with him but their current situation is not allowing him to do any of those. No matter how much he wants to deny and forget but he knows they won't be same anymore. The distance he wanted to decrease between both of them has increased drastically instead. And even to the point that there is no going back. Why didn't he stop that night while he could. Why the fuck he let that happen? Had he never thought about what he is putting both his brother and himself into? Didn't it come into his mind even for once that he is ruining their life? Is he that of an idiot. Yeah sure he is or else he wouldn't have done what he did. But there is no point in crying now. His tears won't help anything. And the only option left for him is to stay away from his favorite person no matter how much it hurts.

Hoseok and Taehyung got out of the car and as the younger saw another car parked outside their house he got excited knowing that someone is home already. As they entered inside he wanted to go to Yunki's room but stopped when he remembered those words of the other asking him to stay away. "Go talk to him if you want." Hoseok said "No. It's fine. If he wants me to stay away then let it be." With that he walked away into his room before Hoseok could say anything. Staying away from him is what the older wants right? Then he will do the exact. Now he won't beg the other to love him because he knows there is no point. The older would never accept him. Oh how stupid he was to think that they were getting closer. How could he even think that the older will ever love him? Even after trying for the millionth time to win other's heart the only thing he could do is make the older even more away from him. Now he can't see any hope for them. He knows that it will going to hurt so bad but now he has to learn to stay away from the particular blonde.

Silent. Everything is silent and only a muffled crying sound is contrasting the eerie silence inside this dark room. A twelve years old boy is standing with lots of men dressed in black suits and with their faces covered with black masks, around him. In his front is a chair on which a man is sitting while being tied with chains. A number of steel nails embedded in his palms to attach them with the chair. There are lots of cuts and many traces of dried blood on his body. Some amount of dry blood is on his clothes too which are torn apart at some places. The man's face is covered by a black bag which seems like is making him a little bit suffocating because of his heavy pants. The sight is too scary for the poor young boy. He doesn't know why he is here. Why the man is like this and why no one is helping him. Why did his appa ask him to come here? He was in his room studying for his upcoming exam when one of his appa's man came and told him that his appa would like to meet him. He was not confused nor suspicious as his appa loves him so much and spends most of his time with him. The boy also loves and respects his father a lot and wants to become just like him one day. He was in fact happy that his appa has missed him and wants to meet him just like he missed his appa so he went with that man but that wired looking man brought him to this room with no sign of his appa making him shiver in terror. Why would his appa call him to a place like this? And why is this man crying? Did appa hurt him? But appa can never hurt anyone. He is a very kind person and always helps others. He can never do something like this to someone, right?

The boy is still thinking that this all is an act. Soon the lights will turn on and all this people will stop acting and his appa will come and hug him but then why they are not doing that? Where is his appa? Why is he not coming to save him? His body is shaking with cold and fear but no one is there to protect him. To hug him and tell him that he is safe. "A-Appa... Appa" He slowly mumbled hoping his appa will soon hear his voice and will come to protect him from these monster looking like people. Suddenly the door opened and heavy foot steps echoed through the whole room. He turned around and saw all those scary looking men bowing to this newcomer. He tried to look at the person's face who just entered but couldn't due to the dim lights in the room just that he is a man. As the man came into light a wide and bright smile plastered on the young boy's face. "Appa!" All the fear all the tension flew away giving him the familiar feeling of safety.

The man smiles at the boy. The smile felt different from his usual smiles he gives the boy but he ignored it. Too happy to see his appa finally that he doesn't want to think about anything else. "Yunki? How are you feeling my son?" The man crouches down and looked into his son's eyes. "I-I was scared appa. Y-You were not h-here. These people are scary. They even hurt this uncle and made him cry. But now appa is here. You will save me and this uncle right?" The boy claps his hand happily while looking into his appa's eyes hopefully. The man only smirked and stood up back. "Yunki, what did your teacher taught you about bad students? They should be punished right?" The younger slowly nodded not getting what his appa wants to say. Why is he talking about his school suddenly? Why is he not saving this man from these bad guys? "Your teacher punishes those students who do bad things right?" Yunki nodded again. "Yunki, this man here has done something bad." The man pointed at the man who is tied up making the boy turned his head and look at the crying man who started mumbling incoherently by now. "W-Wha.....What did he..... do... ap-appa?" "He hurt your appa." The boy widen his eyes and looked at his father. "Where!? Are you bleeding? Shall I bring first aid kit?" He asked concerned that his father got hurt somewhere. The man started chuckling making the boy confused. "No Yunki. Appa is not bleeding anywhere." He said making the boy even more confused. "Then how are you hurt?" He asked. "This man....told something to your appa which he shouldn't. He said something bad to your appa." The man glared at the other tied man. His cold hard gaze is sending shivers down everyone's body except Yunki who is still looking at his appa confused. "Did he curse at you? Teacher said cursing is bad. We shouldn't do it." He said innocently. "Much more than that." The man replied and then looked at his son with a smile. "We should punish him right?" He asked making Yunki look back at the tied man. "But he is already bleeding." He pouted sadly. "That's not enough. He has done something very wrong so he should get punished hard." "H-How?" Yunki asked. Although he doesn't want to hurt the poor man but he doesn't want to deny his father too. The man smirked and took out a gun from his belt making the boy's eyes widen. He is not stupid. He has seen many movies and he knows what that is and what it is used for. The only thing which is confusing him is that why his appa has it?

"Yunki, can you hold it for me?" The boy lifted his shaky arms and grabbed the metal object with both of his palms while gulping in fear. "Good boy. Now do you know how to hold it properly?" The man asked again to which Yunki nodded slowly and adjusted his hands on the gun but ended up doing it wrong making his father sigh. The man adjusted Yunki's little fingers correctly on the object before smirking at the sight of his son. "Now... you are looking like a Min, my dear son." He spoke in a deep husky voice making his son shudder in fear. "Aim at that man Yunki." The man asked and Yunki quickly looked at his appa with begging eyes. A few tear droplets fall down his chubby cheeks and he sniffled not wanting to hurt the poor man. "Yunki, what did I tell you just now? People like his should be punished. Now do as I said." The little boy shakily moved his hands and try to aim at the man's body but couldn't as he is just a kid! How would a small kid like him know how to use such weapons. His father bent down and hold his small hands with his own larger ones and adjusted the object before pulling the trigger hitting in the mid of the man's forehead.

Yunki jolted up while panting heavily. His forehead has tiny droplets of sweat and his body is shaking lightly. Why these nightmares are coming back again? He had successfully overcome them years ago then why again? Since when he has seen his father again after a very long time alll those past memories have started making him suffer again. No matter how much he tries to forget but his past is something which will never leave him alone. It will always be there like a disease of which there is no medicine. He can never get rid of all those memories which have come back to haunt him. He took a deep breath and take the glass of water from the nightstand before gulping down all of it. He put the now empty glass back and checked the time on the table clock. 3:35 it is. He sighed knowing he doesn't have much time left to sleep. Nevertheless he decided to lay down and squeeze the last couple of hours for his sleep.

Morning soon came and Jeongguk is sill pouting while getting ready as his favorite person is not at home yet. "He is avoiding me. I can sense it. I am not stupid." "But it hurts even more than I thought it would." He sighs and walks into the kitchen to make breakfast. After finishing with all he left for university where he finds out that his hyung didn't come. "Maybe he will come late?" He thought and tried to be positive. He forced a smile on his face and walked into his first class where only few students are there. He walks and sits beside Taehyung who is keeping his head on the table for the whole time. "Hey!" He poked other's arm with his finger earning a groan from the other. Taehyung lifted his head glared at the boy dared to disturb him. "What you want?" He asked irritated. "Nothing. Just thought you are dead." Jeongguk smirked earning a glare from the older and then a smack on his head. "Ow that hurts you dumbshit" "Good" The older rolled his eyes. "Anyway, did Jimin come back?" He asked making the younger sigh and pout sadly which answered the other's question. "Give him some time he will be ok" Taehyung said and patted other's shoulder. The teacher soon arrived making them stop talking and pay attention in the class.

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