
sentinel of darkness

jake a 16 year old on earth goes through many hardships just to help his mother hold on a little longer but loses her in the process. but then an opportunity arises itself when he gets hit by a truck, he seems to be in some sort of black abyss as something unexplainable happens. suddenly shadows surrounded the ren of which confused him for he was the only one to see it as his new parents looked at him a dark and unrecognizable voice belonging to a shroud of darkness standing beside ren speaks to the little boy in the cot "I am the god of darkness and I have chosen you ren as my sentinel of darkness. join ren as he journeys though uncertain times in a new world and body just what Will he amount to, Will he save or Will he destroy?

Sythe_Reaper · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter: The way of the Mage

**Auxiliary: The Tiered Magic System**


In the world of Narkron, magic flows like a river, weaving through the fabric of reality and shaping the destiny of its inhabitants. At the heart of this mystical realm lies the Tiered Magic System, a complex hierarchy that governs the use of arcane power.

**Tier 10: Masters of the Arcane**

At the pinnacle of the tiered system stand the Tier 10 mages, revered as the Masters of the Arcane. These individuals possess unparalleled mastery over their chosen element, wielding power that can reshape the very foundations of reality itself. Legends speak of Tier 10 mages who could command the elements, summon creatures from other realms, and even alter the flow of time itself.

**Tier 9: Keepers of Ancient Knowledge**

Just below the Tier 10 mages are the Tier 9 mages, known as the Keepers of Ancient Knowledge. These formidable spellcasters have spent centuries delving into the mysteries of magic, uncovering long-forgotten secrets and mastering spells of incredible potency. Tier 9 mages are often revered as scholars and sages, sought out for their wisdom and insight into the arcane arts.

**Tier 8: Guardians of the Realm**

Tier 8 mages, known as the Guardians of the Realm, are tasked with defending the world of Narkron from external threats and maintaining the balance of power within its borders. These skilled warriors possess a deep connection to the elements, allowing them to wield magic in defense of their homeland and its people. Tier 8 mages are often found serving as commanders in the Narkron military, leading armies into battle against the forces of darkness that seek to engulf the world.

**Tier 7: Seekers of Truth**

Tier 7 mages, known as the Seekers of Truth, are driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding. These inquisitive individuals spend their lives unraveling the mysteries of the universe, studying ancient texts, and conducting experiments in search of enlightenment. Tier 7 mages are often found in libraries and laboratories, pouring over dusty tomes and conducting arcane rituals in pursuit of their lofty goals.

**Tier 6: Artisans of Magic**

Tier 6 mages, known as the Artisans of Magic, are skilled craftsmen and artisans who specialize in the creation of magical artifacts and enchanted items. These talented individuals possess a deep understanding of the arcane arts, allowing them to imbue everyday objects with magical properties and powers. Tier 6 mages are often sought out by adventurers and nobles alike, eager to acquire their wares and harness the power of magic for their own purposes.

**Tier 5: Guardians of Nature**

Tier 5 mages, known as the Guardians of Nature, are deeply attuned to the natural world, possessing the ability to commune with plants, animals, and the elements themselves. These druidic spellcasters are tasked with preserving the delicate balance of nature and protecting the world's ecosystems from harm. Tier 5 mages are often found living in remote wilderness areas, where they serve as stewards of the land and defenders of the natural order.

**Tier 4: Protectors of the Innocent**

Tier 4 mages, known as the Protectors of the Innocent, are dedicated to upholding justice and defending the weak and defenseless. These noble warriors possess a strong sense of duty and honor, using their magical abilities to fight against tyranny and oppression wherever it may be found. Tier 4 mages are often found serving as guardians and champions of the common people, standing up to corrupt rulers and wicked tyrants in the name of righteousness.

**Tier 3: Guardians of Tradition**

Tier 3 mages, known as the Guardians of Tradition, are steeped in the ancient rituals and customs of their forebears, preserving the knowledge and wisdom of past generations for future ones. These conservative spellcasters are deeply traditional and resistant to change, preferring to rely on time-honored techniques and practices rather than embracing new innovations. Tier 3 mages are often found serving as advisors and mentors to younger spellcasters, passing down their knowledge and experience to the next generation.

**Tier 2: Students of the Arcane**

Tier 2 mages, known as the Students of the Arcane, are just beginning their journey into the world of magic, eager to learn and explore the limitless possibilities that lie before them. These young apprentices are filled with curiosity and wonder, soaking up knowledge like sponges as they study under the guidance of their more experienced mentors. Tier 2 mages are often found attending prestigious magical academies, where they undergo rigorous training and education in the arcane arts.

**Tier 1: Ascendants of Magic**

At the lowest tier of the hierarchy are the Tier 1 mages, known as the Novices of Magic. These fledgling spellcasters are new to the world of magic, still learning the basics of spellcasting and magical theory. Tier 1 mages are often found practicing simple spells and incantations under the watchful eye of their mentors, eager to prove themselves worthy of ascending to higher tiers of mastery.