
sentinel of darkness

jake a 16 year old on earth goes through many hardships just to help his mother hold on a little longer but loses her in the process. but then an opportunity arises itself when he gets hit by a truck, he seems to be in some sort of black abyss as something unexplainable happens. suddenly shadows surrounded the ren of which confused him for he was the only one to see it as his new parents looked at him a dark and unrecognizable voice belonging to a shroud of darkness standing beside ren speaks to the little boy in the cot "I am the god of darkness and I have chosen you ren as my sentinel of darkness. join ren as he journeys though uncertain times in a new world and body just what Will he amount to, Will he save or Will he destroy?

Sythe_Reaper · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter: The Balance of Empires

In the vast expanse of the known world, seven mighty empires reigned supreme, each imbued with unique powers and legacies that shaped the very fabric of existence.

Among them, the Lemuria Empire of Light stood as a beacon of purity and enlightenment, its Eldron Academy a bastion of knowledge and wisdom. Yet, it was also considered the greatest threat to the demon realm, for the royalty of Lemuria, descendants of the elven race, wielded the potent magic of light, a force that countered the darkness of impure demon magic with unmatched efficacy.

In stark contrast, the Narkron Empire of Shadows lurked in the depths of darkness, its ties with Lemuria both mysterious and profound. Lilith the third Daughter of Lemurian royalty, held a unique position, born of a union between the elven race and humanity, a testament to the intricate web of alliances and bloodlines that bound the empires together.

Meanwhile, the Genoshin Empire of Stone, home to the indomitable dwarven race, boasted unrivaled craftsmanship, their blacksmiths renowned throughout the realms. The Andrite Academy served as a testament to their mastery over the earth and its elements.

Pyrash, the Empire of Flame, thrived amidst fiery landscapes and volcanic terrain, its inhabitants towering giants who commanded the very flames of creation. Their fertile lands bore witness to the raw power of nature, tempered only by the resilience of its people.

In Fontaine, water flowed freely through aqueducts, a testament to the ingenuity of its inhabitants and the Fontaine Institute of Magical Research. Here, the mysteries of water and its connection to magic were explored with fervor and dedication.

Aiarta, the enigmatic Empire of the Unknown, remained shrouded in mystery, its secrets known only to those who dared to seek them out.

And Voltraxan, the empire of void and lightning, where storms raged and energy crackled in the air a massive trade hub between the empires due to their amazing teleportation magic, a domain ruled by the mightiest of mages.

Yet, amidst the grandeur and splendor of these empires, a delicate balance existed, upheld by the Seven Tier-10 Mages, one born from each realm, their powers representing the elemental forces that governed the world. They are each the disciple of the God they serve to protect the world from destruction. For the laws of the universe dictated that only one Tier-10 Mage could exist for each element, a safeguard against the unchecked power that threatened to unravel the very fabric of reality.

And looming over all, the worst enemy of the world, the Demon King, and the treacherous Demon Realm, whose malevolent influence sought to plunge the world into eternal darkness. Against this relentless foe, the empires stood united, their strength forged in the fires of adversity, their resolve unwavering in the face of impending doom.