
sentinel of darkness

jake a 16 year old on earth goes through many hardships just to help his mother hold on a little longer but loses her in the process. but then an opportunity arises itself when he gets hit by a truck, he seems to be in some sort of black abyss as something unexplainable happens. suddenly shadows surrounded the ren of which confused him for he was the only one to see it as his new parents looked at him a dark and unrecognizable voice belonging to a shroud of darkness standing beside ren speaks to the little boy in the cot "I am the god of darkness and I have chosen you ren as my sentinel of darkness. join ren as he journeys though uncertain times in a new world and body just what Will he amount to, Will he save or Will he destroy?

Sythe_Reaper · Fantasy
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7 Chs

chapter 3: "quizzical mind"

Maybe just maybe this might actually be real cause I seriously doubt it. I mean like what the hell i die wake up as a baby and some God says I the chosen one or something. What is my brain doing well it's not shutting off and I'm tired. cause I'm a baby and can't actually do anything. Apart from eat, sleep and well you get the gist of things still weird though but this might not turn out bad as I think it will


yep things got weird turns out my uncle is THE KING and has no children cause he's infertile seriously so I'm next in line like what the hell I thought I born into a normal family not royalty. Oh but have got to love the magic as well it's teird into 10 teirs with 1 being lowest and 10 being highest and then there is ascended which is the gods magic.

There are seven Gods Light and dark, fire and water, earth and air then there is void which is kinda like using spacial magic

And what is weirder is my family has ruled the empire for 3000 years well I guess you could contribute the stability to the church of seven there are seven empires. I live in the Narkron empire it's nice people are happy my uncle treats the people of narkron well

There are only 4 noble houses in each continent there is the duke then the 3 counts

The duke is of royal blood which is currently my father who is the kings brother so technically I can inherit to be the king and be the duke well it doesn't matter I can choose and there is a law that the current king and duke must have a least 1 child and if not possible the other must have two to fill the position whether they be male or female to be trained as duke, duchess, king or queen they must be taught everything they need by the age of 16.

Well all the empires royalty was chosen by each God. The God our empire worships the most is the God of darkness we still worship all the Gods but them the most. But each empire has an academy respective to their nations elemental affinity. And then there is the 7 disciples or chosen ones in each empire well nobody actually knows who they are except the disciple the gods and the bishop of the church they get chosen every 100 years and when they turn 16 a ceremony is held to find who it is is in each empire whether they are royalty like me or just a commoner I don't really have any problems with the commoners. Sure I've met a few of the richer family's but I haven't really Intreracted with them but everybody's been nice to but I guess you could say they have been nice to the two year old crown Prince ren Tallen.

sorry for the almost year delay been dealing with the nightmare called life and lack of inspiration going to update more fell free to comment any ideas you have

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