
Sentient Core

Waking up after dying mysteriously, Xadia is met with a new world has he awakens from his internal slumber. Awoken to a world occupied by humans and Siphons (People with abilities) and technological advancements. Not long after he awakens from death, he discovers that he is possessing a siphon ability. With this discovery, Xadia strives to grow stronger and uncover the mysteries of his death. Can he survive this new world? Imagine a futuristic world where cultivation is possible, where humans have evolved into super-powered beings, where anything is possible, magic and power, why imagine when you can have it all in one, check out Sentient Core. *********************** We will warm the Herd And shake the stars.

Davion_blue001 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

Big day ahead.

Eventually, the tour came to an end, relieving Xadia from the pressure of the new student, it was quite unusual to see a level one student like himself take out three students, although he had done the same thing once and he didn't know what level they were, it was still a great feat to defeat all of them so easily.

"I'll see you later derp,". Roland said leaving xadia to himself.

"Hmm let's see, I've gone to construction, alchemy, and martial class what other class I've I not gone to" xadia soliloquized trying to decide his next destination.

"I can't go to the cultivation class right now, I'm pretty sure I'd react to the energy of the cultivators there and I won't be able to control myself.

After giving it much thought Xadia made up his mind." I guess It's the training room today." He said heading for the training building.

There wasn't another option on where Xadia would head to today and he had his reasons for heading to the training room, he had contemplated that if he could have complete control of his muscles and tissues he would be able to resist the energy that always took control of him, and what better way to do that than to strengthen his muscles and tissues.

Soon reaching the training room, it wasn't as empty as the last time he was here, other students were training in their own way using the equipments in the room, heading to the red area, Xadia had begun to workout using one of the equipments he was familiar with; the plate disc.

After two hours of a series of workout exercises,xadia had assured his mind that the second lesson would have been over and he soon left the building heading for the special VIP dorm area.

It didn't take long for Xadia to reach his destination, the VIP area was very close to the school, unlike the normal dormitory building that was relatively farther from the school, it was the perks of the VIP accommodations.

Now in front of the mini dome building xadia pressed a small green holographic port at the side of the door, it was a hand-sized port and with the way it looked, one could guess what it was used for.

a release of frost gas accompanied the door as it slid open, and entering the room Xadia could see a girl sitting on the footstool beside the construction side of the table.

"Hey Ivy, do you think I should add that infrared mode feature I told you about?".


"Uhm, I'm not Ivy". Xadia replied the girl.

"Ooh, I thought you were Ivy". The girl said now facing Xadia, and he had begun to take glances at her.

The girl's head was occupied by a wavy white afro hairstyle and she wore a pair of goggles that screamed the word nerd, she had a square face, but the most noticeable thing Xadia could see was her skin color, it was light chocolate and if they were still in the ancient days, she would be referred to as an African-American.

"Hi, I'm Jasmine".

"I'm Xadia, ....what are you doing"

"Oh this, it's a new project I've been working on, it's not a school project, so Ivy lets me use this place sometimes, it's an advanced data glass, it can generate information on anything based on what you look at while wearing the glasses, I designed it myself"

"Wow, that's cool".

"Yeah, I'm awesome". Jasmine said with a light chuckle.

"For a modern-age nerd, she's quite an energetic". Xadia thought in his mind

"So as I was thinking before you came in, would it be okay if i added an infrared setting on the glasses"

"Of course, it would help for reading heat signatures". Xadia replied the girl.

"How did you know that?, not everyone I've met, knows this type of stuff, are you a computer geek". Jasmine asked.

"I was one, I don't really do them again but I still know a little about it".

Truly Xadia was once a computer geek, but he couldn't say that he was one right now as he wasn't familiar with the computer concepts of this new world.

"Oh okay, would you like to join me as I finish it up"

"Okay, I'll just sit and watch". Xadia said as he sat down on the footstool beside Jasmine.

After a couple of tinkering and adjustments on the glasses, it was finally finished. "Care to test it out," Jasmine said gesturing at Xadia.

Taking the pair of glasses from Jasmine he then wore it on. "You have to tap its side for it to work". Jasmine added.

The door soon slid open and in came Ivy, "You're already here". Ivy said, but she got no response from the party.

Pressing on the side of the glasses the information of ivy soon displayed on the screen of the data glasses, and it read thus:

Name/Ivy Sinclaire/

Race/human female/



siphon ability(Emitter)-/level 4/

All these were displayed In a futuristic manner and the heat signatures were working smoothly, displaying a clear X-ray of Ivy.

"Woah". Xadia exclaimed.

"It's awesome". Xadia said giving back the glasses.

"Ivy you're here, we've been waiting for you, I finally finished my data glasses and I added the infrared feature I talked about the other day, it's finished, thanks again for letting me use your place"

"I gotta go, I have something to do, and you also have a guest". And with that, she quickly left the room not giving Ivy the chance to reply her.

"I didn't expect you'd be this early to come, let's get to it then". Ivy said unzipping a green waist bag by her side pulling out the crystal staff, it made Xadia raise his eyebrows but he soon pulled it down, knowing that Ivy was an emitter it didn't bother him, he had the same attribute as his dimensional bracelet.

Giving the staff to Xadia, almost instantly as he touched the staff all of the energy in it had started to seep into him, and after a few minutes it was completely drained of energy.

"Wow, that was fast, hold on let me pour into it again". Ivy then collected the staff from Xadia before pouring her energy into it, repeating a spell as she held onto the staff.

She wasn't an expert in controlling her energy, so she had resulted to a spell for the fastest energy transfer.

Soon she was done with her energy transfusion, and giving back the staff to Xadia, he immediately began the drain again and in a few minutes he was done.

"I think that's enough for now". Xadia said satisfied, for some reason at the end of every drain he was feeling a satisfactory sensation and he didn't know why but it was soothing.

"Yeah, I'm out too, so I'll see you tomorrow morning".

"Morning?!, aren't you going to prepare for the morning lesson, I wake up late so I won't be able to make it in time tomorrow morning".

"We don't have lessons tomorrow, there's always a two-day break for the week's lesson, guess I forgot to mention that the other time". Ivy said

"Oh okay, I'll try to make it, like I said I wake up late, so don't wait up on me".

"Good night then".

"Good night Ivy".

Stepping out of the building, Xadia decided to warm up his body as he ran towards the dorm, he soon arrived at the dorm building, and going up the building, he entered his shared room.

"Welcome your majesty". Tyson said giving a funny bow and teasing at Xadia. "And how was your date, your Majesty".

"It wasn't a date my dear friend". Xadia said with a funny accent playing along with Tyson, soon they both laughed at each other's etiquette.

"So what are you doing tomorrow, if you're free we could go to the arcade".

"The arcade?".

"Yes I've been saving up credits for both of us to play, so are you in or out". Tyson asked

"I'm in". Xadia replied

"Great, we should go to sleep now, we have a big day ahead of us". Tyson said as he moved to his bed.


We will warm the Herd

And shake the Stars.


we will warm the herd

and shake the stars

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