

Locked away in a cold, unforgiving mental hospital, Selina was branded as crazy by those who should have protected her. Betrayed by her father and tormented by her peers, her years of captivity have only fueled her desire for vengeance. Now, with a daring escape behind her, Selina is back, and she’s not the same innocent girl they once knew. In a city that once turned a blind eye, secrets will be exposed and justice will be served—her way.

FaridahLawani2311 · Teen
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7 Chs

Crazy, huh?


(Frances rushes into the hallway, her face pale with worry and desperation.)

FRANCES: Where is my daughter? Doctor, I need to see my daughter.

HENRY: She is in a coma.

(Tears streams down Frances' face.)

FRANCES: Oh my God. For how long?

HENRY: We don't know yet, ma'am, but we will do our best to bring her out of the coma.

(Anne enters the hallway, her face etched with concern.)

ANNE: Aunt Frances, is Selina okay? Michael pushed her.

FRANCES: Who is Michael?

(Lizzy walks in, trying to appear composed but with a hint of nervousness in her eyes.)

LIZZY: Good day, ma'am, I came to see how Selina is doing.

FRANCES: Who the hell is Michael?

LIZZY: I saw them talking, and suddenly Selina pursued Michael, and he pushed her back. He didn't realize he pushed her into a snake pit.

ANNE: Talking? Michael always bullies her!

LIZZY: Anne, you're mistaken. Michael and Selina are good friends.

(Frances looks between Anne and Lizzy, her expression a mix of confusion and disbelief.)

FRANCES: You know what? I'll ask my daughter myself.

LIZZY: I came to give my sincere apology on behalf of the school. Selina will be okay. Excuse me. (Exits)

ANNE: Aunt, she's lying.

FRANCES: Don't worry, Anne. Selina will tell me the truth.


(Richard slides an envelope of money across the desk to Dr. Henry.)

RICHARD: Here's the money. You'll get the same amount when the job is done. Just come up with something. Fortunately, you're a doctor. My wife will probably buy it.

HENRY: Selina is mentally unstable.



(Helen stands beside Selina's bed, a sinister smile on her face.)

HELEN: Now's the time these pills you've been taking will pay off. Safe journey to the psychiatric hospital, love. (Laughs)

(Selina lies still, her eyes closed but a faint smile on her lips.)


(Lizzy enters the office, looking pleased with herself.)

LIZZY: Anne was there, sir, but I was able to convince Selina's mother.

JOE: Very good. Michael can't get in trouble.

LIZZY: He won't, sir.


(Taylor and Diego sit across from Thomas, who looks annoyed.)

TAYLOR: What did she say, son?

THOMAS: What did you just call me?

TAYLOR: Son. I called you my son.

THOMAS: Well, don't. I have my own mother. Anyway, your daughter was so disrespectful. She lacks manners. You didn't do a great job raising her.

DIEGO: We are sorry for her behavior, Thomas.

THOMAS: Why are you apologizing on her behalf? She should be doing it herself.

TAYLOR: Actually, Anne... She...

DIEGO: She went shopping.

TAYLOR: Yes, with her friends.

THOMAS: Shopping? She shouldn't be allowed out after what she did.

TAYLOR: The thing is, she sneaked out.

THOMAS: What? You can't even take good care of your daughter. No wonder she lacks manners. (Exits)

TAYLOR: How old is he again?

DIEGO: Twenty-two.

TAYLOR: And he's talking to us like that?

DIEGO: For business... just for business.



(Frances enters the office, her face pale with worry.)

HENRY: Good afternoon, Mrs. Richard. Thank you for coming in.

FRANCES: Thank you, Doctor. I'm very worried about my daughter. Can you tell me what's going on?

HENRY: After assessing your daughter, I have some concerns about her mental health. She's showing signs of mental instability.

(Frances gasps in shock.)

FRANCES: What do you mean by mental instability? Is this related to her fall?

HENRY: The fall may have triggered or exacerbated these symptoms, but what we're seeing suggests there may be underlying mental health issues.

FRANCES: Oh my goodness, I had no idea it was this serious. What should we do?

HENRY: It's important that we address her mental health promptly. I recommend that she sees a psychiatrist for a comprehensive evaluation. They can help diagnose any underlying conditions and develop a treatment plan.

FRANCES: How did this happen? She seemed fine before.

HENRY: Sometimes, stress or trauma can bring underlying issues to the surface. It's possible that her mental health was already fragile, and the fall acted as a trigger. The important thing now is to get her the help she needs.

FRANCES: I'll do whatever it takes. What can I do to help her at home?

HENRY: Create a calm, supportive environment for her. Encourage her to rest and avoid stressful situations. Be patient with her as she may struggle with everyday tasks. And most importantly, follow through with the appointments and treatment plan from the mental health professionals.

FRANCES: Thank you, Doctor. I'll make sure to take good care of her and follow up as needed.

HENRY: You're welcome. We'll be here to support you both through this. If you have any concerns or questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

(Frances shook the doctor's hand and left while he calls Richard.)

HENRY: The job is done, sir. I was able to convince her.


(Anne and Frances stand in a quiet corner, their voices hushed.)

FRANCES: That's what Dr. Henry told me.

ANNE: Aunt, Selina has been behaving strangely lately. I don't know what's wrong.

FRANCES: How strange?

ANNE: She's acting like she doesn't care about her life anymore. She accused herself of cheating the other day.


ANNE: Yes, Aunt, but she didn't do it.

FRANCES: I know she wouldn't dare do a thing like that. I am her mother, and I know what she is capable of.

ANNE: I don't want anything to happen to Selina. Aunt, she is my best friend.

FRANCES: Nothing is going to happen to her. She is a strong girl.





(Selina and Frances sit in the living room, tension hanging in the air.)

SELINA: Come on, Mom, are we still on this? I've told you, Michael didn't push me on purpose.

FRANCES: Are you sure?

SELINA: Why would I cover for him? I almost lost my life.

(Anne approaches Selina, her expression a mix of confusion and disappointment.)

ANNE: That's exactly what I want to know, Selina. Why are you covering for him?

SELINA: Anne, I can never lie to you or Mom. Michael didn't push me on purpose.

ANNE: Enough, Selina. Please stop lying to my face.

SELINA: I'm not.

ANNE: You know what? Fine, Michael didn't push you on purpose. Aunt, can we go now?

FRANCES: Love, Anne and I are going to buy some groceries. She's doing it for you.

SELINA: Thanks, Anne.

ANNE: Whatever.

(Anne exits angrily, leaving Frances and Selina behind.)

FRANCES: We'll be back soon. Bye, love.

(Frances exits while Joe and Lizzy enter.)

JOE: Good job.

SELINA: I did it because of my mom. You're not going to take her to court, are you?

LIZZY: We will think about it.

SELINA: But you promised.

JOE: We won't take her to court as long as you keep your mouth shut.

LIZZY: But if you look at it our way, we are trying to help you. We are trying to take a careless woman who can't take care of her daughter to court.

SELINA: She is a busy mother.

LIZZY: That doesn't give her the right to neglect her daughter.

SELINA: My mom is taking good care of me. Now, leave please.

LIZZY: If you say so.

JOE: Have a nice day, Selina.

(They exit.)

SELINA: God... I can't even tell Mom how my life has turned into hell.

(Richard enters with a smug expression.)

RICHARD: Look what the cat dragged in.

SELINA: Yes, Dad. It seems you can't get rid of me that easily.

RICHARD: (Laughs) Of course I can.

SELINA: Then why am I home? Why am I not in the psychiatric hospital?

RICHARD: Oh, don't worry about that. You'll be there soon.

SELINA: How? Your plan failed.

RICHARD: Watch me.

(Richard starts banging his head repeatedly on the wall. Selina watches in shock.)

SELINA: What are you doing? Stop it, Dad, just stop.

(Richard picks up his phone and calls Frances.)

RICHARD: Hello, you have to come home... S-S-Selina has gone crazy.

SELINA: That's not true. (Crying).

RICHARD: Please hurry up (hangs up). Let's see who wins.

SELINA: You are crazy, Dad. You need help.

RICHARD: Reverse is the case.

(Frances and Anne rush in.)

FRANCES: Where is she?

(Frances approaches Selina and hugs her tightly.)

FRANCES: Everything is going to be okay, love. You are going to be alright.

(Frances rushes to Richard's side, seeing his injured head.)

FRANCES: Oh my God, Richard, what happened to you?

RICHARD: She got violent again.

FRANCES: What do you mean, "again"?

RICHARD: She has done this before but I didn't want to get you worried. She was breaking everything in the house the last time she got violent.

(Selina, tears streaming down her face, protests desperately.)

SELINA: Mom, it's not true! He's making it up!

FRANCES: Calm down, honey, calm down.

SELINA: Don't send me there. I am not crazy!

RICHARD: It's for your own good, Selina.

(Selina yells in frustration and anger.)

SELINA: I said I am not crazy!

RICHARD: See, honey? This is what I am talking about.

FRANCES: Honey, I won't take you to the mental hospital, but I'll send you to church.


FRANCES: I love you, dear, but I can't see you in this condition. I have to help you before it's too late.

ANNE: Yes, Selina, we need to help you now.

RICHARD: Don't worry, daughter, we will always visit you.

FRANCES: That's a promise.

(Selina burst out crying.)