Matthew and Sophia Martin were born into a dysfunctional household, plagued by horrors inflicted upon them by their parents. Their mother and father, both products of abusive upbringings themselves, perpetuated the cycle of violence within their own family. Day after day, the siblings endured physical and emotional torment, creating a breeding ground for an overwhelming sense of anger and resentment. Such an environment, devoid of love and stability, fostered a toxic mindset that ultimately propelled them toward a path of destruction. The turning point in Matthew and Sophia’s lives came after a tragic event that shattered their already broken world. The strained relationship with their father, combined with the crushing responsibilities thrust upon Sophia, pushed the siblings deeper into their darkest desires. Their bond, once filled with mutual support, morphed into an unholy alliance as they sought to enact their revenge on a world that had failed them.
Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a killer?
Not just any killer. But two siblings, haunted by a past darker than most. A past that intertwines pain and anger—where the lines between victim and monster blur. But what happens when their story is different? When everything is far more sinister than it appears?
The Martins were no strangers to torment. Branson and Katherine Martin, along with their two children, Matthew and Sophia, lived in a house that echoed with the cries of abuse. Violence was the air they breathed, a constant presence in their lives. And when Branson, consumed by his own darkness, shattered the final boundary by violating his daughter, the world they once knew collapsed. Sophia, at an age too young to understand such horrors, found herself with a weight too heavy to bear—a life growing inside her, a life forced upon her.
She never wanted a child—not like this. But choice was never hers to make. Matthew, on the other hand, was consumed with rage. How could their father do such a thing to his own flesh and blood? How could he carry on without regret, without remorse? The fire of anger burned hotter inside him, fueled by betrayal and hatred.
But it didn't end there. The pain, the suffering, the darkness—it only forged them further into something monstrous. A bond born not just of family, but of shared trauma. Their souls, shattered and twisted, became something far more terrifying. They were no longer just siblings. They were killers, each with a hunger for vengeance that would never be sated.
The world had failed them. Now, it would pay.
They would kill. Again, and again. Over and over, until the weight of their own darkness consumed them entirely. No one would save Matthew and Sophia. No one could. They were gone. They were broken. They were lost in the abyss.
You might see no evil in their eyes—only the shadows of a tortured past. But what if the evil runs deeper than you can ever imagine? What if the true terror lies within?
Book One of the See No Evil Series