
You've Got It Wrong!


"What have you done to him? Why did you do this to him?" Shouted Jake as he looked at the picture of the inspector. He couldn't believe the man he just spoke to some few hours ago who was fine and healthy is now a piece of meat dangling from the tree as if he suffered some wild depression for him to take his own life.

"You are shouting like a woman, can you man up?" Asked the woman as he walked in a circle around Jake.

"I just want to know what made you do that to him?" Asked Jake.

The woman stood behind him, tapping her forehead as she looked deep in thoughts. 

"What can I say, if someone is too noisy into some business that doesn't concern him, the only thing that happens to that person is dead. We eliminate him he is a threat and will lead to other people being killed."

The lady didn't sound remorseful. It was like that was her work and he was happy to have down that. One thing Jake knew, it was the man who was Faking paralyzation who helped her in this or someone else did it. 

He wanted to make sure that he knows everything that is happening before his two friends barge into the room and acted the superhero role.

"What business was that? He was my friend but he never did something that could annoy people," said Jake.

"Don't act so good, we know who you are! We know that you have a girlfriend whom you helped escape her fate. If something is meant to be, then it will be. Your girl is our saviour.  She must shed her blood to rescue her people, she must undergo pain to pay for the sins committed by her people. That's why she has to undergo through the knife without mercy and the time we get our hands in her, trust me, we will make you watch as we do everything to her till she takes her last breath out of this world.

Jake wanted to get mad, shout at them for talking badly about his girl, but he figured that maybe he can use Dee to get I get something out of them.

"Just be careful with your words. You can show that you don't care much about Dee to help you gather some intel," ad iced Claire who was listening to the who conversation as she tried I trace the voice of the person talking.

She has been running her voice and of the old mna's but she hasn't come up with anything helpful.  Everything g was a dead end and their voices were not traceable. The only thing she was successful at tracing was their home before she had been provided with Diaz's phone number.

"Why are you so obsessed with Dee?" Asked Jake.

"The same reason you are obsessed with who we are. You know people believe that there is a man who created everything and will come back to rescue everyone but what they don't know is that the creator is a woman. This pain we went through to give birth and he comes and claims that he was the creator! Why doesn't he give birth to the young people if he is the creator instead of him saying that he is mighty?

That's why I came up with an idea. How to make people believe that there is a superior God than the real God, that a woman is God and she is the creator!  

I wanted men to bow down to kiss my ass, worship us as the high and mighty God. That's the main work of my religion. It is more of Dominance, as a woman, I get to dominate and take over everything. A man is supposed to rule under me and act as if I am the one in charge. He listened to me every time and does what I tell him to do."

Jake was shocked by her words. So all these ideas were hers. From people to kill themselves and to worship her, defend her like she is the main God!

"But you were Diaz's wife, what happened?" Asked Jake.

"Diaz, he was such a baby, dramatic a and felt like the law is what talks for me. What he didn't know was that the law was me and I talked to it. I had almost everyone with a higher position under my grip. They knew how to fix things and anything that I want to be done is done.  I married this man beside me, some ninety years ago. If someone looks at him, he looks the same as Diaz, right? Well he is not, he is just a replica in the face. 

You see, the world is changing and a better way to change is by making sure that your identity is erased, using expensive machines to make yourself look younger. We have been using Microcurrent facial, it helps us look younger and our facial bones become sleek, someone will think that I am thirty but no, I am old and my purpose is to go on being this way after I erase you and sacrifice your girl!"

Jake knew the woman in front of him was trying to irk him and use that against him. What she didn't know, was Jake can't be broken that easily, and he was going through all that to make sure that he gets everything. 

"Wow, that's a lot to take in, and what did they use to call you during those days before you tuned into this murderous but humble-looking woman?" 

Jake was trying to toy with her. If the woman thinks that after this he was going to finish her off, she is so stupid.

"They called me Nanie Doss!" Said the lady.

Claire thought the name sounded familiar, she went through her google check to look for the name. She had heard it somewhere but was not sure where exactly it was.

Her Google search came back quickly and she couldn't believe what she was seeing. This is the same woman who used to kill children and people because of their life insurance and had been presumed dead by the authority!

She looked at the year of death, it was an accident that left her with a burnt face and scars all over her body. 

'This woman used Inspector Diaz to erase all the data from her file and she is here, ready to kill. Using various ways to make sure that she kills again. Maybe make more money to fool her followers with,' thought Claire.

Jake wasn't sure about her name, he has never heard about it anywhere, so the possibility of him coming up with an idea was still a blur.

"And how do you get money to make sure that people keep on being by your side. We know this is all fake and nothing is true.  No one will be rich from all this. You go on asking them to do this before this and after that, the jobs keep piling up until they feel exhausted and when they want to leave, you threatened them. Tell me am wrong!"

She looked at him and burst into laughter. So did the man. 

"Wrong and you are making your assumptions!" Said the woman.

Jake couldn't believe that someone proved him wrong today. He had always made sure everything is correct. But with this matter everything was wrong. He is always right and he wanted to prove that. He felt like the woman here was trying to play him something he hated.

He didn't regret meeting Dee and he jas never regretted it, to some extent he had come to piece the broken parts together and realized the type of cult his father was into. 

What he regretted, is meeting inspector Diaz, giving him some important information and now everything is useless. He felt wasted, useless and he felt that he had betrayed Dominic's girlfriend Claire. He hated himself for that.

Though he felt that most things have given him big ideas and the way things are happening in this area. He had only secluded himself to the city, lamenting that maybe business is what made his dad fame but no, there was no business but just done undercooking. He hated his father for that 

Watching the way the woman in front of him was feeling the superior one and she didn't even care about what she was doing, it made him angrier than he couldn't imagine. 

Being happy about killing people every time and acting that it's a cool act? That has never been something he wanted in his life. He knew he was a killer, but the people he killed deserved it, and it was just a matter of time before he spills the blood of this woman in front of him and paralyzes this man.

"Do you know how killing people is fun?"