
Who Is Who?

The woman at the door looked at him suspiciously. She pretended to be adjusting his glasses so that she can get an idea of why someone wanted to speak with her husband this night. They had always agreed with her h7sbads that work stays at work and when you come home it's all about family. She cleared her throat and opened the door wider for him to get in. 

Take felt like this was too suspicious, why would the woman take long before allowing him to come in. She threw glances right and left and when she saw satisfied that everything was okay, she closed the door and walked in. 

The inspector we situated in his leather chair, swinging back and forth as she dipped a drink from a glass. His house looked way too expensively furnished for a normal inspector. 

'Maybe he has an extra income and gets money to buy all this stuff,' he thought to himself as he walked closer to the inspector.

"You can wait for him here, he will arrive soon," told the woman. 

Jake turned to look at the woman talking and the person swinging in the leather seat. 

"And who is this?" Asked Jake as he raised his eyebrows.

"Ooh, that's Diaz's father, Diaz Senior, he is paralyzed and so can't talk am sorry about that," said The lady.

Jake watched the way the man was swinging in the seat, sipping something from the bottle slowly without care. He didn't look like he was paralyzed or had any deficiency.

Someone who is paralyzed can't hold a bottle of milk shale in her hand, sipping every drink while throwing glances here and there like a worried thief.

He looked at the sofa he was being offered, they hadn't talked about any safe word but he thought he might use the previous safe words that they had been using previously. 

Dominic and Pete were busy in the basement looking at various things here and there, so far they hadn't come closer to anything suspicious, just a normal basement with memories storied in boxes that were covered in dust.

"What do you think is going on in the living room?" Asked Pete as the kept searching through the boxes carefully and slowly.

"Your fucking inspector has a paralyzed father," came Claire's voice.

Pete and Dominic looked at each other. They didn't know anything about him having a father or anything closer to that. This made them question what else was he inspector godi g from them. 

They had known him for years, helped them work out some cases but not even once had they heard he had a father living with him and was paralysed. 

They only knew about his wife and their two children. But a shocking father.

"What do you think we should do? Because we might be caught by lots of surprises in this house," asked Pete.

"Maybe try and he white about looking for things in here and let Jake do the conversations," said Dominic.

They went on searching for the things in the basement but they couldn't come up with anything. 

"Maybe you should try the ceiling, that's what most people do babe, when they want to hide things, they prefer the ceiling because it is noticeable," said Claire. 

Dominic looked at Pete. "What is sje talking about?" 

"None of your business, let's see how we fan gets in the ceiling without being noticed," growled Dominic. 

"That will be helpful if you use the children's window, it's much safe and quicker," said Claire. 

"Thank you," said Pete and they slowly walked out of the basement and decided to head towards the children's room.

The room was upstairs, but since the house was made from wood and some steps were easily visible, they decided to use them, quietly as they climbed. 

Dominic was the first to do a safe landing in the kid's room. Pete followed suit and accidentally knocked the vase by the window which made a sound making the mother rush quickly into the room. 

She didn't see anything suspicious in the room. Everything was in place. Luckily the vase was metallic, so it was easy to put it back without any problem. 

Behind the kid's closet, Pete and Dominic were heading their breath, Mrs Diaz was standing next to them, and they didn't want to even do a single mistake that will make her find them. 

Back in the living room, Jake also heard the noise and quickly stood up, "it's okay, probably the children forgot to close the door."

Though Mrs Diaz was trying to sound calm, Jake could see the worried face she was hiding. The movement of the 'paralyzed,' man didn't go unnoticed by Jake. He didn't know the type of game that was being played here but he knew all this was just foul. Nothing was real here, it's either this is not the real Diaz or maybe he is and has just been asked to sit here and act all paralyzed.

Looking on the wall, Jake saw several pictures, of the family all around. He saw the wedding pictures, the vacation pictures, the pictures of the first baby, second and then he saw a rare picture, it was like a baby picture. The baby was so tiny and pale in the picture. 

He went closer and looked at it, he only knew of two children, where did this other kid come from, that is what je didn't know about.

He tried to scrutinise but still, nothing came up. Looking behind the picture, he felt something cold on his neck.

"Put the picture back right now," said a voice.

The voice didn't sound anything like Inspector Diaz. He concluded that probably it was the 'paralyzed,' man who was sipping milkshake while throwing glances east and west.

"I thought you were paralyzed?" Asked Jake as he carefully returned the picture.

"And I thought I had seen you somewhere, looking all familiar in your suit," said the voice.

Jake couldn't recognize the man, hos voice was not familiar, neither was his style of doing things. Nothing was. It was just a blur and if he could never do anything, then he would have to look him in the face and be sure that he had seen him somewhere.

"I have said return the frame to the wall!" He shouted.

"I think that will be impossible with that cold thing on my neck, maybe you should return it," said Jake and quickly turned around. 

The man was caught unaware, the frame was thrown on his face and his hands went flying for the picture as he dripped his gun on the floor.

Jake quickly bent down and retrieved it quickly before the man could.

He pointed it on the man's face and looked at him, "maybe you can tell me who you are before I burst your head up!"

"I don't think you want to do that," said the voice as he placed the picture on the seat next to him.

"As far as I know, maybe shooting you on the head and letting the bullet stuck in your brain can make you a real paralyzed man, maybe you will enjoy being that way for the rest of your life!"

"Mmh, I don't think so, maybe you will enjoy being paralysed for the rest of your life, once I put this behind your spinal cord. I don't know who will manage your business apart from your so-called girlfriend whom we feel should be killed!" Said Mrs Diaz placing the gun behind his neck.

"Fuck!" Shouted Jake. 

Seems like the two were playing the game. They had come in here in the hopes of getting one person but turns out they were getting g two people who are playing the game just perfectly. 

Though Jake was drill jot satisfied with the people in front of him, he wanted to know whether he was truly the inspector or he was just an accomplishment playing game here.

All Jake hoped was that Dee was safe and no one was going to hurt her. Sje had been through a lot and to have anyone come in between them was going to be another heartbreaking moment for him.

"Just play it cool, Dee is safe, she is in the penthouse safe, I will pray nothing or no one gets to her," told Claire while he was still contemplating on what to do.

"Put the gun down, the game is over," told Mrs Diaz.

Jake slowly placed his gun down and Mrs Diaz picked it up. The man that was standing in front of the fold section closer to Mrs Diaz and layer his head between her bosoms.

"Kneel, kneel right now!" Shouted the woman. 

Jake had otherwise. He wanted to fight them but je knew it wi be hard for him to fight given that these people here already have guns and they are two of them.

Though he had his gins and a pocket knife, he was waiting for Dominic and Pete to finish checking everything before they come down.

The microphone was making it easy for Claire to inform a the of what was going on.

"Where is inspector Diaz?" Asked Jake as he looked into their eyes. 

"Aha, I don't know how to say this but I would just ask anyway, who is inspector Diaz again?" Asked the lady he thought was the inspector's wife.

"He works at the station and we just talked with him today," answered Jake raising his eyebrows at them.

The lady fishes her phone from her pant's pocket and showed it to him. 

"Are you asking about this man?" Asked the lady.

Jake looked at the picture that he was being shown. All he could feel was anger pumping in his veins after what he saw. 

The inspector was hungry and his body was on the trees dangling