
Suck You Dry!

Dee's P. O. V

I felt some wet kisses on my cheeks, trying to resist them, the more they kept being placed. My eyes couldn't open up and as much as I tried they couldn't open up. Feeling a hand in between my thighs, that's when I jolted and my eyes opened up. Trying to look around, I was naked and there was a hand roaming all over my body. I had to take a look at the person who was touching me, when I saw the hairy hand I knew it was Jake's. Then it dawned on me, that yesterday was the day we had our moment. I loved every moment of it without any regrets. The way he treated me and did these dirty but nice things to me was amazing and I still want him to do me that. I held his hand that was roaming around my thigh. I felt his chin on the nape of my neck. 

                            "Morning beautiful?" 

I turned around, but, "ouch!" It was painful even turning around. I couldn't quickly turn around the way I wanted to. My legs couldn't move and I felt some mild pain in between my legs. This was due to the rough night that we had yesterday, I wanted to smile but it was kinda painful.

"Are you okay hun?" Asked Jake when he felt that I was wincing in pain while trying to turn over. 

Some mild pain hun, I can't even move my leg. The pain is kind of travelling up my body and I can't move.  That was the truth. I can't move my leg freely. It was just there and I felt like it was going to be a long day. Maybe I will need that wheelchair. 

Jake jumped to the other side of the bed and looked at me with worried eyes. You could think he has killed someone and wanted to think of what to do. Good thing he didn't kill anybody and didn't need to hide anything, though he needed to figure out how to make this pain go away. 

              "Do we need to get you a wheelchair?"

Fuck off hun, what is the wheelchair for? Claire is going to make fun of that the whole day and everyone is going to be suspicious when they see me in a wheelchair, 

I don't want any wheelchair around me. Maybe just some healing. I don't know how long it's going to take. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you this bad, I just wanted it to be a good night for you to enjoy," he said while caressing my cheeks.

Thanks, hun, I did enjoy the night. I mean with the love that you showered me, no one has ever done that. I didn't want that night to end but unfortunately, it can't be night forever and now the evidence of the night are visible. 

                "Maybe I make you a bath, it will ease things upon you,"

Sure thing I don't mind the shower. I might get better with time and avoid all this drama you know. 

He got up and moved to the bathroom, but before he gets there he looks back at me and smiled, "hot or cold?"

Hot please, with some herbs that help with the healing. Please make sure it has a vanilla scent that's something that I adore so much when using a bathtub.

I wanted to feel my thighs but I was too sore to even place a hand in them. After a dreamy night of five rounds, I know it's going to be hard for me to get used to him. Maybe I will go back and beg Claire for more lessons atheist I will always be tied to a bed after the exercise. 

Though it's going to be weird if we talk about his brother's sexual life, she might slap my face for once. I still need that girl talk with her.  I stretched a little and I could see some pinkish marks on my hands. My cheeks blushed from the shyness that was engraving me. Those were marks planted on my body like some crops on the land. If today were another normal working day, I would have just been wearing long-sleeved clothes to hide everything. Luckily I don't need to hide a thing because it is not a working day.

Jake walked back into the room and removed the covers from my body, he asked me to try to walk but I was not lifting a leg. The moment I tried to lift a single thing in my body it didn't happen because it was just too painful for me to do that.

He carried me to the bathroom and gently placed me in the bathtub, the water was refreshing as it touched my body. The candle was lit in the bathroom to create a mood. I don't know why he would light candles at this moment but what I knew was that I wanted this shower for myself.

          "I am coming okay?"

I nodded and he disappeared back to the bedroom. I didn't mind playing with the bubbles that were in the tub. Trying to raise my neck as I called Jake's name, he seemed to have taken forever inside that bedroom. I thought he was getting a towel or something like that.

When he came back, he smiled at me, jeez he didn't have any clothes with him. He is manhood was playing all around, if it could be breathing and showing me its angry face, I could see that it was demanding some lone time with his little sister. Too bad, his little sister was already famished to have a sister-brother playtime.

           "Are you ready?" 

He asked standing at the bathroom door, hands on his waist as je played with his little brother.

Come on, I can't even raise my legs hun, I think I will die and my flower is so sore, I can't even walk on my own, show some mercy, please?

Jake didn't seem to understand me because he moved closer. Though my pussy was sore, it was still needing him so much. Too bad I had to put her on a leash to avoid a lot of drama.

"It's okay hun, I was just kidding, let's get you washed up then we will figure how how to help you," he said.

I nodded and he joined me in the tub, massaging my whole body as he placed kisses on my neck. He placed the shower Gell in his hands and gently applied it on my back, scrubbing my back using his hands, I felt how carefully and soothingly he did the job. He moved down to my breast and he didn't show any mercy, kneading them while pleasuring me. He gave me this feeling that I couldn't get rid of. I wanted this, I wanted him in me so bad. But how was I going to do this without involving my pussy that is hungry for life?

I knew he will be going deep down my pussy and the way it was so sore, I might end up crying. Though he is an understanding gentleman, he also has needs. The problem is, that he doesn't want to keep his brother on a leash.

I turned and faced him, placing a wet kiss on her cheeks. He was surprised by me. He wanted to talk and tell me maybe to stop but I was not going to a stop. I wanted to rough him up and place his body under my spell. I wanted my hands on his neck all around and wanted to see him begging for release, I wanted to see him struggle under my spell. I didn't know what to do it. I kissed him softly and gently. He tried to lean in for more kisses, but I had to deny him and get hold of his brother. He winced in pleasure as he looked at me. We had to reduce some water inside the tab, though I was okay with the level of the water. 

My hands directed him to sit at the edge of the bathtub, that was the only way I was going to kill him, suck him dry. 

I placed the tip of my tongue and tasted him, yesterday I was not able to fully taste him because I was new to his brother but today, I wanted to try it out.  Teasing the tip of his penis with my tongue, he let out a hell of a groan. 

I stopped and looked at him, his eyes begging me to go on through his mouth couldn't say anything.

I went ahead to place my tongue on his manhood, using my hands while the top of my tongue did the teasing I had to make him groan in pleasure. 

"Hun, please, dont do that, I want you wholly in me hun, come on," he said looking at me with his dark eyes, pleasure was written all over them.

Do you remember when you were teasing me so bad that I couldn't even get you to be in me? You did the same and showed no mercy. I am also doing that, no mercy at all, not even a bit for you. 

"Ooh, baby," he groaned as I dipped my mouth and had half of him inside my mouth, sucking it, up and down, applying some substantial pressure on his penis, I had to make sure that I was doing it right just the same way he explained it to me. 

"Yes baby, your mouth is warm baby, suck me dry, baby, uh, yeah," he threw his head back shouting my name. 

I loved this, the way I was in control and he was begging me to do this to him. I did it quickly when I felt his penis twitch in my hands and in no time, I felt some warm liquid in my mouth, so warm that I didn't want to let go, a bit sour though but it wasn't that bad. 

Wait, did I just swallow his juice? I looked at him with sorry written in my eyes. I didn't know whether this was good or bad because he had his eyes all closed and his hands on my head. 

"That was heaven, how did you manage to have me all in your mouth?"

It was a gag reflex thing I had to read on how to deal with the gag reflex. So when he was done I did the job of making sure that ideal with the gag reflex. My problem was with his juice.

Do I need to get worried that I have swallowed your juice, it was warm you know.

He laughed and slid inside the tub kissing my mouth, the same mouth that had swallowed his juice. 

"It's amazing you have done that, hun, everyman dreams that their girl do that and for you to make me whole like that means a lot to me. Thank you."

He kissed me back and we bathed, he got me a towel. 

"I know you can't walk, dont worry because, I will carry you again," he said and scooped me from the bath. 

Settling me on the bed, he helped me dry up, dried my hair and I did the same for him. 

Can I do you some French braids? They might look nice on your head. He has this cute head that will be good with brands though I don't know what he will look like. Jake hated trimming his hair but every time he tried it he made sure he goes to a good barber to do his hair.

He gave me this look of surprise when I talked about french braid, he handed me the comb and sat in the middle of my legs. I didn't know how they were going to look, I was just trying to make sure that he looked cute. He took a video of me doing the braids while he sat massaging my legs and tickling my soles to make me laugh. 

"Maybe I should also know ways in which I can tame your blonds," said Jake looking at my face on the video.

My blinds are just many, they are wild a little but I know they won't love to be tamed up. The way they are curly and fluffy when I am done drying them, it's hard to tame them. 

His hair was not so soft, I love the hard texture that is hard. Making braids is not hard, I used to make them using grass when I was young and it was fun. I made him the conrow braids and his hair was just long enough only that he hasn't tied it in a pony the way Dominic does his.

Done with the braids, I asked him to look in the mirror. I didn't know what he was going to say, they were not the perfect things but at least I tried.  

"Jeez hun, what is this! This is not me, I am never like this, I guess I am someone else," he said looking in the mirror.

Trust me Claire is going to break into laughter if she sees you that way, the way they are falling on your shoulders you look like a girl the only thing is your beards that are cute on your chin.

"Haha, come on, it's not that serious, though I love them to some extent, they are cute on my head and I must admit that I am loving them. We should be doing it once in a while, what do you think?"

I don't know if this is a good idea, though I won't mind having my hands all over his hair trying to make him my little doll for the day. So yeah, I am taking the offer. 

How much are you goo g ro pay me for that?

"Come on hun, you know I pay handsomely," he said trying to come near me as he places a kiss on my cheeks. 

Okay, I didn't talk about today's payments. I was just asking but you already want to pay me for that? I am humbled, young man.

Done with his drama, he got me his t-shirt and boxers for me to put on, but I was not feeling like boxers, I just wanted a fan to blow some air below my vagina or a fridge to make me cool man, the way I was sore. 

"Are you feeling any better?" He asked.

Maybe you get me a fan or a fridge oi will feel a bit better. I was serious about it though he thought I was joking.

"Are you serious? That is going to kill you, hun, maybe I can use my mouth to blow some cool air, you will feel better than a fan and a fridge," he said winking at me.

I know what you are aiming at and I am not buying it, just get me something to eat I know I don't want to die in a minute with your lips in my pussy you eat me up despite my vulnerable condition.

He laughed and walked outside and came back with our food ready. Looks like had ordered us a real earlier and was just waiting for me to ask. I love this day. The way things are just going nicely without any problems. The way I get to be treated like a queen I am, I bet I will be having the real treatment for the one week.

"Any plans you have while we are here?" He asked 

Suck you dry!