
Please, Give Him A Cut.

🥀Happy reading🌹

Jade was smiling with Dan when they arrived at Dee's office.  Though he got more excited when he saw Dee. He hasn't seen her for a month and he couldn't stop jumping with every step that brought them closer to Dee. He can mumble a few words here and there and at the same time he can walk sometimes but most of the time, he wants to be carried especially when he is with Dee, he never wants to be left behind. Arriving at Dee's office, he struggled to be let down and Dan let him be. Opening the door to Dee's office, he shattered shouting once he saw Dee.

Dee's face brightened up when she saw Jade at her office, she didn't even look at her watch to confirm if it was truly ten or not. All she wanted was to see his cute little chubby face. This face that she had wanted to see for ages. Turns out he is the only Templeton that is not mad at her and wants to be near her most of the time. 

He hugged Dee, and Dee lifted him ro gig him so tightly. He didn't know why he had missed him this much. Jade placed a lot of kisses on her face, the kisses were mixed with saliva and Dee couldn't be much happier.  He was mumbling some words that Dee couldn't understand but with time she could understand what he was talking about. For example, he could do a sign that he was swimming and Dee understood that they were swimming at the beach. Dan left them.

Dee was left admiring the baby that was on her lap. This is all she wanted, to have a baby. Turns out that dream has been shattered and she doesn't want to have one at all. The man she thought would give her one is not around and all she had is herself, her lonely self. 

Dee ordered some food for the two of them, they had to start their preparation because soon the car will be waiting for them. After they were done, she helped to get Jade changed but first called the hairstylist and asked them to make sure Jade's air was in place and nothing was messed up. They placed a cute look on his hair just as Claire loved it. The smile on Jade's face said it all. After they were done with Jade, he waited for Dee to also get some make-up and her hair down. The wavy blonde hair was now a mess all over the place. It was dancing but the stylist helped her calm it down. It was curly but at the same time, it was bouncing when Dee walked. Dee didn't know why she loved putting this style for important ceremonies but this is her signature look. She prefers to have it whenever she is going. 

The fashion designer was brought along and he didn't fail to come with Dee's dress and Jade's suits which was a last-minute call but the designer didn't mind any of that.  He made sure that Dee looked beautiful in the strapless, black gown. The waist had a made-like belt but at the same time, it was holding onto her waist beautifully. The gown had a net-like outer layer that swept the floor. It was Dan's job to take care of it though Dee told him it was not necessary. The fashion designer was trying to hit on Dan that's why he was insisting on that.  Jade's tuxedo was beautiful. The collar of the tuxedo was made from the material of Dee's dress, and the pocket square was the material of Dee's dress too. He had a white shirt and a bow tie to match. 

Dan and Andreas were also ready, you could have seen the disappointment on the fashion designer's face when Andreas almost touched Dan's waist when he came in. That didn't hinder him from making sure the couple looked fabulous. By two, they were ready and they stood to take a picture before heading to the limo that was waiting for them. 

"Damn, are you planning on killing Jake now? That dress is a killer babe!"

Andreas couldn't help but comment on the beautiful look on Dee. The dress had portrayed her hourglass figure. The blonde hair was like a bright shining star in the darkness. That didn't make her feel full of herself. She decided to smile and pinch Andreas' face. 

"Aw thanks to your baby here, he made sure I looked like a queen maybe he is planning to have me murder my ex."

The all laughed and so did and though he didn't understand why they were laughing. When they were done, they ascended the small stair in the lobby and got into the limo that was waiting for them. Dee was very sensitive with the paparazzi and asked Dan to just exit the building discretely and that is what he did.

At the grand hotel, the building was decorated with beautiful flowers and a lot of guests were getting in. They screamed money from head to toe. Their dresses, suits and heels, some of them were just there to flaunt their good looks. Get a face presented to the media and give the media something to talk about. To some, they wanted to see how their exes were faring on but to some, this event meant too much for them. This was a very important thing in their life and they have lived to see their dream come true. Claire was an important guest. Though she is the pioneer with Dee, she was the first important guest. She did arrive at the hotel with her husband, Dominic who was holding her tightly closer to him. He didn't want to let her go anywhere. Claire had a black dress just like the dress code that had agreed with Dee. Her husband had a black tux with a material of Claire's dress on his square pocket.

They stood around looking at the camera. They had a lot of pictures taken but their bodyguards were around to make sure that they were not asked a lot of questions that were going to confuse them. Nothing confused Claire though, she could come up with answers but she preferred to have all questions and answers presented after the launch. All she said before the ceremony was for everyone to have a lovely day. 

Following them was Pete, in his tuxedo. Solo on the red carpet. Every eye was on him, no one knows why but most men seem to be swallowing hard for him but he was unconcerned, he smirked and let the media take a lot of photos as they would like. Most would say that his shirtdress created more attention. It was a mesh shirt with a pink suit. He loved the colour for the night and standing on the red carpet everyone adored his look very much. Everyone was just staring at him. 

At the celebration, there was no formal way of dressing, except for the two important guests, Claire and Dee. They agreed on black dresses and their plus one would have a square pocket of the same material. 

Next in line was Jake. He had his black suit and shirt without a tie. His hair stumbled making Claire worried once she saw him. He was trying his best to look good but he wasn't. He had these three rings on his hands and Claire just shook her head while looking at her husband. 

"What the fuck is wrong with him. He can't get a simple tie-down for his neck, even if his cufflinks are not closed? What's wrong with Jake for Christ's sake?"

Dominic calmed her down and told her to stand where she was and will speak to him. 

They thought that Jake was alone, how wrong were they, Fern was ushered out of the vehicle with the chauffeur. Her red dress shouts attention all over the place. It was a low neck, her breast nicely shown and her back was bare. She walked around and stretched her hands out for Jake who was hesitant but at the same time grabbed it. He turned her around and posed for the media to take pictures of her.

Questions were showered all over the place. 

"Miss Fern, how does it feel to be dating your sister's boyfriend."

Fern laughed and placed her hands on Jake's chest. 

"I mean, it doesn't bother me, that was her time babes and now it's my turn let me enjoy in peace would you?"

She went on laughing while Jake held her in place. Jake couldn't believe that she was drunk at two in the afternoon. 

"Are you two planning to get married plus Fern we heard that you are sick, how is it going?"

Jake felt like this was going to cause chaos and Fern might throw tantrums all over the place. He asked his men to try and pull them out and he walked with Fern inside. 

He met his two siblings, Dominic and Claire. Claire couldn't hide her disappointed face and Jake didn't care.

Dominic grabbed his hands and they walked to another distance leaving Fern with Claire. 

       "How does it feel taking the leftover?"

Claire was trying to bash Fern, but Fern was not the one to be thrown down into a drainage. 

"Turns out the leftovers are pretty good don't you think? I mean he is the whole package and nothing is going to change that. You have a problem with the girl your brother is dating, that's your problem you can't decide for him."

"Darling, oh babe, I don't have a problem with the bitch, I have a problem with his mental health. Look at him, did you even remind him to shave his beard or make his hair. Plus his cufflinks, why didn't you help him tie them, and where is his tie? If you want to make your leftovers delicious then do your job!"

"Bebe, I don't do something for someone that doesn't want me to. He doesn't want me to touch them, and I am not going to bother myself, as long as his dick game is good I don't care, will you excuse me?"

Claire wanted to punch someone right now but she couldn't bring herself to do it, instead, she tried to smile as she welcomed the visitors into the room. She then got her phone and texted something to Dee.

 She wanted her to say the baby is hers for some security reasons. Claire and Dominic, we're still hiding who they are they were making sure, that no one identifies them and that was working just fine for them.

"Your brother doesn't like it if anybody touches his cufflinks and he feels like no one does them better so he prefers to let them there."

Dominic whispered to Claire. Claire knew that was a lie. She knew very well that Dee was the one who did his ties and cufflinks and even helped with hair and beards. Right now he can't stand the presence of someone else doing all those activities for him because it's not Dee but Jake wound acknowledge that. 

        "Let's get to the door, Dee is arriving."

The limo stood nicely at the door and all the cameras were waiting to shatter and blind Dee as she will be walking. The news about their break-up was still lingering in the air. To some point, Dee wished that maybe Jayze break up with Beyonce so that their problems will be solved but that is not happening.

Jake hears that Dee had arrived and couldn't keep himself away from looking out for her. Ferm was in a corner either using the bathroom or just being Fern. 

He stood looking at the limo that was dropping them off. To some extent, he still felt mad that she was not the one standing beside him but also it was okay to him, she was not that girl anymore instead he heard Fern with him. Looking in Fern's direction, he couldn't see where she went and he went ahead looking at the people from the limo.

Claire and Dominic couldn't be left behind, it was like everyone was waiting for them to arrive and as soon as they did, the whole world stood still. Nothing was moving unless Dee steps out of the car and starts to walk, then the whole world would resume its walk.

"Do you think they are going to make her break down at this point?"

"It's the media sweetheart, she better keeps that rock heart, for now, the fragile one should be under the bus."

Claire breathed in but didn't breathe out.  

Dan walked out of the limo first, when the chauffeur opened the door. He stood on the red carpet with Andreas. They always get this privilege and it comes with having Dee as your boss, you will get anything that you want.  Next was Dee, the chauffeur who wanted to open the door but Pete was there, already standing. Out of nowhere, he was the one opening the door for Dee. 

When Dee raised her head, she was shocked but Pete smiled at her. 

"As much as you are a dick and you are my number one from the bottom, I will still hold your hand, though my nephew has beaten me to it, still I will hold your hands, my nephew, the other."

Dee smiled looking at him. Jade smiled too and hopped on Dee's lap. Pete carried him while the other hands were on Dee's waist.

No one had seen her face yet, it was still looking at Pete. 

"Are you afraid? Just say we are husband and wife and the baby is the reason why you broke up with Jake in case that part comes up."

Dee was unsure about that, she didn't want to use Jade as an excuse though she had to use it because Claire had asked her to. She knew what they were and she was making sure no one knows that the baby is theirs.

Jake watched as her bouncy wavy hair was being flown by a little breeze. He felt some anger grow in him but at the same time, he wasn't sure why he was angry. He felt a tap on his shoulder and feated that maybe it was Fern but it was Dan. 

"Jeeez, H. Christ, what's wrong with you? You couldn't even get a trim Jake? Are you serious?"

      "Just give me the tie. I need to go."

"Aha, you need to go or you still can't believe that the woman of your dread is gone and  now you are watching her from the windows?"

Dan placed the tie on his chest and left walking towards the entrance to meet with Dee. He wanted to have a quick conversation with her.

Dee was on the red carpet, she didn't fancy pictures so she didn't give anyone a show. She walked and stepped on the red carpet for a few seconds before heading out. Though she couldn't escape the questions that were being rained on her. One of the stood up.

        "Did you cheat on Jake?"

"Yes, sometimes things are not the way we want them to be. Right now I am a happy mother and my husband here is a happy father. He is my everything, thank you."

With that, she was quickly dragged out of the crowd and Pete smiled at her. When they arrived at the ballroom, Claire was there and she grabbed her hands as Jade warmed up to his father. 

Dan watching Claire grab Dee's arm, followed them.

"Okay, before you talk to each other, we are at a crisis here and this is embarrassing but we need to take care of it."

Claire looked at Dan and she wasn't sure if they were on the same page. So she went ahead and started talking to Dee.

"Dee, I need your help, I think you can just try and help Jake get a good shave of his beard and the cufflinks please."

"That was my issue too, why were you trying to ignore me. I know we can get shavers from somewhere. I am sorry Dee the tie you made was from him, I didn't want to shout about it."

                   "So, will you please give him a cut?"

🥀Thanks for reading. 

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Instagram: coffee_ciggarette🌹