
About Your Wealth?

                        Jake's P.O.V

I don't know what to do,

I don't know what to FUCKING DO!

Listening to her cries like that, shouting, all over the place and I am just here, seated, with my sister who is holding me back from going in there. I wish I had the power to make everything right at this moment, but I can't. 

"Let her mourn, let her cry bro, she needs it," said Claire while wiping my tears.

I was back to this young boy, this small boy who used to cry every fucking day. 

I didn't get my favourite meal for lunch, cry

Didn't get a good toy for my birthday present, cry.

Right now, I am crying, not because I didn't get my favourite meal, not because I didn't get my best toy for my birthday, but because the person I love the most is in pain. There is nothing I can do. 

All I can do, is sit down, listen to her cries and act like I am okay?

That is my sister's word of advice. 

"Do you think she will ever recover from any of that?" I asked Claire.

She looked at me then at the door that was being hit some seconds ago. 

"She is strong, she is brave and I know she is going to manage everything Jake, there is nothing that will defeat her. She is broken though, handle her with care, be there for her be the friend and make sure she is healing okay."

I nodded my head, maybe I can do all of that, what about the people responsible for all this, they deserve to die!

"Don't let your anger control you," 

Those were Dee's words just a few hours ago. I felt their weight when she said them. Right now I don't feel their weight. Maybe it's because she is suffering, I don't know. She might also be wanting the same, everyone who caused her pain, strangle them to death because that's what I feel right now. I don't want that, I know if I do that my whole life will be over. I won't see Dee. She will be gone, all gone and not a sight of her. I will be locked up in some cell because of that stupid decision. That is something I don't want to mess with. 

The noise died down. It's like she was quiet, not doing anything. 

"Do you think she is calm now?" I asked Claire. 

"Maybe you should get in there and check on her, she might have harmed herself and needs some care," she said.

I gently walked to the door and punched some numbers before the door opened.

The moment the door opened, Dee, jumped out of nowhere catching me off guard and I fell. She ran downstairs shouting.

"I am going to kill someone today, I am going to kill someone today, I don't care, get the fuck out of my way Claire, get the fucking out!"

Dee was a blazing flame. You couldn't touch her. Claire was standing on the stairs blocking her way. I needed to intervene, but I was still on the floor. 

I quickly stood and walked closer to Dee.

I signalled Claire to pretend as if I was not behind her so that she can engage Dee.

"You don't want to do anything right now Dee, stay inside and calm down," Claire told her.

"You think I want to calm down, you think this is not hurting more than just sitting down and calming the fucking down! What am I, a wind or a fucking storm to calm down? I just want you to get the fuck out of my way Claire, I don't want to make your face look like some Frankenstein's."

Someone tell me where all this rage, all this anger, all this mouthing came from? 

Is this how monstrous she is when angry? 

I am starting to fear that she had been keeping her monster at the edge for quite a long time to have it jump out of nowhere like this! She is untouchable. She is fierce and the way she has just lashed out at Claire makes me fear her the most.

"Are you hearing yourself speaking, Dee, that's not you. I understand that you are hurt and want to do the same to the people responsible. We have already placed them in prison and they are not going to come back and do the same thing, Dee, that I assure you. Take it easy and let's talk when you are okay."

Claire was trying her best to stop her. Dee on the other hand was near Claire breathing on her face like a wildfire. 

I could for once, see Claire's face, fear written all over it. 

Going for her hands, she missed them and threw Claire towards me, it's as if she had sensed me behind her and quickly responded by that. 

With Claire out of the way, she rushed downstairs and arrived at the bottom of the stairs. 

"Fuck, she is going outside, we can't let her go," I said to Claire.

"Don't worry, Dominic closed all the doors automatically, there is nowhere she is going to."

"I am just tired. Seeing her all this wild, hurt on her face, and I am here, doing fucking nothing." I said. 

She stood at the bottom of the stairs and looked at us, I don't know what she wanted to say, but she didn't. She wiped her tears that were covered with blood and dashed to the main door but it was locked.

"Jake, I need you to open the door," she said while shouting from the bottom of the stairs.

I couldn't even talk, her voice alone was hurting.

"Claire, can you order your brother to walk down here and open the fucking door!" 

Claire descended the stairs, looking at her. 

"Dee, you don't need to do this, please. Just look at you, all hurt and you don't care about it after all, please don't go anywhere," said Claire.

"The last time I checked, you were not my mother, you know that, so maybe you can as well shit your fucking mouth and command your brother to open the fucking door!"

Did she just tell that to Claire? What's wrong with her? Is she that furious at the world? 

She doesn't need to be that abusive towards people. 

"I understand you are angry Dee, don't let your anger make you say things you shouldn't say, we are all angry at the world at some point but that doesn't mean that you can throw words anyhow at anyone for something that they didn't do, I was not even responsible for this, I didn't ask for any of it but here you are, throwing words as if I am the one who did that. Just grow up for once."

Fuck! Claire just messed it up. 

Dee's fist was clenched as she looked at Clare with hooded eyes, this is not going well, before I knew it, she had already pounced on Claire, I don't know how my legs lifted me off the stairs but the next thing I found my self picking Dee off Claire's body. 

Was she trying to pick a fight with a pro right now, because Claire's temper is on another level. They will fight without caring who is who. I am not going to sit down and watch that.

I quickly took Dee upstairs amidst her protests. 

She scratched me while trying to do that. Luckily her fingers were not that long enough to give me some permanent marks on my face. 

I closed the door and decided to remain with her. I was not going to let her jump out and cause another tumble with the guards.

"Dee, can you please cool it down, we are all hurting, but you need to keep it down please, you have already caused havoc in here, why don't you try and calm it."

I was now being irritated and I didn't like being irritated. Not now. 

"You fucking care about your wealth that much? Why don't you throw me outside because I didn't beg to be confined in this small space like a prisoner!"

This looks like it has nothing to do with her being angry. Why is she all of a sudden throwing tantrums at me like that?

"It's not about wealth Dee, you have just called Claire names and tried to fight with her, you don't see that as going overboard?" 

"You think I am going overboard with this Jake? Do you think every minute I think of how my parents were killed in cold blood it doesn't hurt me even a bit? It fucking hurts, it's like I have seen it right now even though I didn't see shit!" She roared.

This is ugly.

I don't know what to do, maybe someone can help with a solution.

I sat next to her, I don't know what I was going to say to her since she was all furious at everything. The bed we spent a night in looked like a shit hole right now. The way she managed to tear the pillows with her hands and threw the blanket over still shocked me. She has thrown the lamp on the floor and it was shattered into small pieces. 

I wanted to hold her hands and assure her that everything is okay, but I decided against it. 

I walked into the bathroom and came back with a first-aid Kit.  Placing it on the torn mattress I wanted I help clean her wounds. 

The moment I placed my hands on her cheeks, she threw them away forcefully making the cotton fall and the first aid kit was kicked to the ground. 

"I don't want your help right now, I just want to be left like this," she said while choking on her tears.

 How can she be left like this with all these marks all over her body and blood drying up like she is some vampire? 

Maybe that's what's best for her. 

I didn't argue with her, I climbed the bed and sat a meter from her. She pulled her knees to her chin and folded her hands on her knees to support her chin.

"I just thought I could get an opportunity to see my parents again. I was not sure about my mother, but I just wanted I see them again. Right now, being told that all of them are dead and worst yet, they were not given a proper burial, just thrown into some grave. What I couldn't believe is that someone just decided to kill a pregnant mother! A fucking pregnant mother! I don't know what my brother could have looked like. Maybe she would have blond curly hair like mine, or maybe he would have had curly hair and it's just black. I don't know if he would have been quite the way I am quite? Maybe I am forming a bullshit picture in my mind of wanting something from him but it can't be!" 

The frustration was kicking in, everyone wants to know how it would have felt like. 

                 I do too.

I sometimes ask myself what would my mother look like now?

Would she have been happy about who we have become or she would be scolding me because I failed to wash the utensils and they are still stuck in the kitchen sink because I hate catching cold water? 

Would I have walked out of my shell and worked my ass off to have this type of life?

                I always want to know. 

She too wants to know what it felt like, so I understand her. 

"You are not doing a stupid thing, you are allowed to build this castle, Dee. Imagine what they could have looked like. I bet your dad was fun and loved a lot of things. Maybe you confined yourself and did what everyone wanted of you. That's why you are doubting who you are. If your parents confined themselves like that maybe we wouldn't have known anything. Maybe they didn't even live here in the first place, because my PI is telling me that there is no evidence of their presence around this place, so don't beat yourself up, design these guys how you want them to be, don't be afraid to do that because you didn't meet them."

I was just trying to help her out. It's not like I wanted her to be sadder. Sometimes you gotta take the sad part and convert it into something fantastic and more fun.

"Can I see their files, in case you have some like your mother's?" She asked.

"Are you sure Dee?" 

I don't think it was a good idea, but maybe it will be good to end all this drama right now, that her start it in the future.

The documents were slipped through the bottom of the door. 

"I don't know their names, I only know Mary, that was your mother's name," I said.

"Mary? Wow, that was simple and so unlike to be Mary don't you think?" She asked while picking up the first file I handed her. 

"Promise you won't shout all over the place," 

"I will try not to, but I don't know," I didn't know if I should take that like a normal or be cautious with it. The way she just moved from insane to normal scares the shot out of me. 

I sat next to her, I wanted to hold her in case of an outburst. I am okay to have her cry and shout on my chest because I will take it than have her sprawling all over the place and hurt herself further.

She voluntarily found her way into my chest and nestled there like a bird handing me the folder, "would you mind opening and explaining everything, step by step?"

I picked it from her, running my hands through her hair to make sure that things are okay before I open the folder. 


She nodded and focused on the folder. 

The first word that came out of his mouth was a loud gasp as she looked at the bones in the folder., followed by sniffing and tears that wanted to soak the folder. 

"I just can't believe all they went through, this is so humiliating, so inhuman to be done!" She said through gritted teeth.

"It is hun. Everyone deserves a chance to live and see the world. No one has to be denied that," I told her.

She asked to see the folders again and all she could do was pass her tiny fingers through them. 

She kissed all the folders passionately as she let the tears flow freely on them. Maybe I should ask for a copy of the analysis because the pathologist remained with the photocopy.

"Do you think it will be okay to ask for a private prayer for the new bodies?" She asked with her head nestled in my chest.

"I was thinking of doing the same to my mother's body. We buy them nice coffins, later we have their bodies cremated then I will do as my mother wanted, to throw her ashes in The Red sea I don't know about yours?"

"What's the story behind The Red sea?" She asked her hands intertwined in mine.

"It symbolises the end of suffering."

"Good, my family deserve that. They deserve to be relived from all this drama, maybe by releasing them and discarding their ashes in the same, place to give them freedom, something that is essential to them and me."

I didn't know whether to be relieved that she is okay now or to kiss her thousand times to say how much she means to me.

"I am sorry about your room, I know it cost you a lot and I just ruined it, I am sorry," all this time burying her head so that I won't see her face.

"Come on, just look at me, you don't need to hide your face, come here" I dragged her to the bathroom, sat her on the edge of the tub and used the same first aid kit that she had thrown away to help her wipe all the dry blood on her face.

"Ouch, that is painful," she winced.

"Because you kicked it some hours ago with your leg and I won't want to see your face this weird with dry blood all over your face," I said.

"Come on, it will heal and I will be okay, it was just scratched but now my anger is over. Through I might feel like crying, hope you don't mind," she is so sweet when she is back to her normal self.

"Next time warn me, you almost fought Claire and even called her names," I told her.

"Hell no, I didn't, why are you giving me the eyes wait, did I? Ooh no fuck!"

It's like she was realizing what she had done and couldn't believe herself at all. 

I hope Claire doesn't have to kick the shit out of her!