
Secrets of THE KING

I am POWER. I am destruction. Chaos Reigns. But I was not always like this.. MY Humanity is slipping away with each Town, with each Village, with each City that I burn - that I CLAIM. Fire consumes ME in MY thirst for more. I will not stop until OUR WHOLE WORLD sets ablaze.

Tory_Nichols · Fantasy
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14 Chs


"My KING." Peysley's Voice muffles through the door.

"You may enter." I call out.

The door opens, and Peysley bows.

"Get on with it." I Demand.

"Yes, My KING." He Answers. "YOU have received a letter from Our Scouts."

"Read it aloud." I gesture hurriedly with MY hand.

"My KING," He Begins. "I am writing to Confirm.."

"Fuck.." I hiss as the Beautiful blonde drags her warm tongue up the length of MY shaft before swallowing ME whole. "Did I Ask you to stop?" I growl.

"My Apologies, My KING." He stutters before continuing. "I am writing to Confirm YOUR Suspicions. The QUEEN Rules the South. We await YOUR Command."

"Perfect." A sly, wicked Smile spreads across MY face. "I look Forward to Meeting with this.. QUEEN." I Say aloud, pushing the widow's head further down. I thrust Deeper, Causing her to gag. "Send for Avery."

"Yes, My KING." He bows and exits MY cabins.

Unable to Breathe, I release her head. She gasps for air before I force her head back down. I groan in Ecstasy. "You may just make it through the Night." I Tell her. "If you are as Good as MY Brother Says."


Back on deck, Avery Approaches.

"KING Brother." He bows His head.

"Avery." I nod. "Let Us Speak Candidly."

"Yes." He Agrees.

"The QUEEN has Been Identified as I Presumed." I grin.

"How Intriguing." His eyes blaze. "Let the Game Begin."

"I can hardly Contain MY SELF." I lick MY fangs. "We Will Send Selene."

"She is the Best." Avery Agrees.

"She is." I Acknowledge.

"Anyone else?" He Questions.

"Let Us await what she says." Avery nods.

"And what of the relics?" He asks of ME.

"We Will Infiltrate the North. If the King has plans, it is Best We Know them." I Answer.

"Understood." He replies before shooting ME a sly smile. "How was the widow?"

"Still alive." I Tell Him. "I am Considering Keeping her until Morning."

Avery lets out a low whistle.

"Do not read too much into it, Brother. I had six Women last Night." I casually shrug.

"Ah. Of course, My KING." He grins. "When Do We Arrive?"

"Tomorrow Night."

Avery's eyes Light up. "Then I Bid YOU Adieu, KING Brother. Tonight I Will Be Enjoying two."

I laugh a wicked laugh. "Take two of MINE, MY Brother."

Avery raises His brow in questioning surprise.

"Consider this MY Generous Gift to Feast Your Appetite upon." I Explain. "And, Your cock."

He bows His head in Gratitude. "And what have I Done to Earn such Pleasure, My KING?"

"Fishing for Compliments are We?" I jab Him.

"I Accept YOUR Gift, Xavier, and I Will Enjoy it immensely." Avery licks His fangs.

"Good." I reply. "Your Willingness to Serve ME without argument is Enough of a Reason to Grant You this Indulgement. But Giving up the widow and Selene all in one Evening.." I pause, turning to fix Him with MY darkening gaze. "..You Honor ME."

He bows again. "YOU are My KING and My Brother."

I nod in Approval. "Return to Your ship, Avery." I grin. "Fuck them well."

He laughs. "Gladly."

Avery spreads His large, black wings and disappears into the Night."

I walk across the length of the deck to Return to MY cabins below, MY manhood bulging and twitching in Desire. The door to MY bedroom flies open as I Approach. Stepping in, MY gaze falls upon the Gorgeous blonde. Her naked breasts immediately Begin to rise and fall in lustrous expectation. The door slams behind ME, and she wets her lips.

"Hello, MY sweet. Have you missed this?" I loosen MY belt and free MY throbbing shaft. She lets out a soft whimper. "Turn around." I Command.

She does as told, bending Forward and spreading her legs. Circling her entrance, I wet MY aching cock with her juices. Slowly, I slide MY Self into her pulsing cunt and back out. A moan escapes her throat.

"Good girl." I Commend her, positioning MY Member to fill her arse. Her body tenses. "Relax." I coaxe, brushing MY fingers against her tender bud. She quivers as I slide them between her folds. A soft gasp fills the room, and her hips pump gently into MY skillful hands.

"Mmmm.." She groans in Appreciation.

"Yes, MY sweet." I Whisper into the shell of her ear, leaning Forward. MY cock presses against her opening rear as I drive MY fingers Deeper into her. "Such a wanton cunt you have." I tease, her moans Growing louder as she reaches her peak.

"Come for ME." I growl, brushing MY thumb across her sensitive bundle of nerves.

Her body stills and jerks into orgasm as I thrust MY Self into her tight rear end. She lets out a cry of both pain and Pleasure. I fuck her hard and relentlessly, her juices spilling down her legs.

"Fuck.." I hiss, wrapping MY hand into her golden locks and pulling her head back. She whimpers as her legs Give out beneath her. I continue to drive into her clenching buttocks, Feeling MY Release build. "Should I fill your sweet arse?" I Question, gritting MY jaw. "Or should I cover you the way you deserve?" I dig MY fingers into her hips, MY inner beast taking the reigns.

"Ahhh.." She cries. "..fuuuuck!!"

My body clenches, and I snarl before Releasing MY hot thick load into her crevice. MY fangs Lengthen as I Explode. I drag MY aching teeth along her neck and sink them into her supple flesh. Her sweet moans fill the room as I drink from her fragrant blood spilling upon MY lips. I groan in Delight, wanting - Needing more.

Desiring to have her one last Time, I struggle within MY Self, urging the beast to pull back. "No." I growl forcedly. MY eyes pitch black, and I Feel MY Self losing Control. I Hear her breathing shallow, her Life slipping out of MY grasp. MY breath hitches, MY fangs refusing to retract. Her blood trickles from the corners of MY mouth. Finally, her body Goes slack.

"Fuck!" I roar, detaching MY Self. "Peysley!"

"My KING?" Peysley enters the room.

"Have this cleaned up." I Demand, securing MY belt and storming back out up to the deck. I fist MY hands upon the ship's rails, the wood splintering in MY grip.

"Fuck!" I snarl again. Steadying MY Breath, I gaze out into the Ocean. Memories flood MY Mind.


"Be Better than YOUR Father, Xavier." MY Mother was always a Good-Hearted Woman. "YOU Can Be The KING YOU Desire to Be."

"The KING You Desire ME to Be, Mother." I pridefully correct Her.

Hurt Fills Her eyes. "Xavier.." She whispers. "Son.." She reaches out Her hands. I turn MY face away.

"No, Mother." I respond. "I am not WHO YOU Want ME to Be. I am MY Father's Son."

"YOU ARE My Son." She firmly Reminds ME.

"Yes." I Acknowledge. "But You have never Held the Throne."

"At least Try, Darling." She begs of ME.

MY eyes darken. "Enough." I Command Her. "YOU Know nothing of what I TRULY am."

"I Know what YOU are. I Birthed YOU." She stares Deep into MY eyes. "I LIVED it. I was it." She paused. "YOU Can Control it."

And with that She left, slamming the door behind Her.


I Sigh. "You Have Always Been the Best of US." I Mutter aloud. "We Did not Deserve YOU." The railing breaks beneath the weight of MY hands. I throw the splintered wood overboard.

"My KING." Peysley Approaches.

I turn to face him, MY face darkening. "Speak."

"The maiden has Been disposed of." He bows his head. "Shall I Bring another, My KING?"

"Not Tonight, Peysley." I Answer. "Not Tonight."

He bows again. "Yes, My KING."

"YOU are dismissed."

Peysley bows his head and leaves the deck, leaving ME alone with MY Thoughts once again.

"Fuck.." I Whisper. "..just fuck."