
Chapter 5 the hunt

Jacob moved quickly through the busy streets of London tracking his prey like a shark hiding among the crowd waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

His unfortunate prey was a girl named Sydney she was next on his list to be checked though before moving in to test her he double checked that everything matched as it would be annoying if he had ended up tailing the wrong person wasting his precious time.

"Hmmm short brown hair, 5ft, blue eyes and age 14, from what I can tell she should be the right person guess it's time for me to make my move".

He seemed to disappear none of the people around him noticing his disappearance he reappeared in a group of people ahead of where he was originally but walking in the opposite direction.


"Oh my god are you alright I'm so sorry I was spacing out!"

Jacob bent down to help the girl up as she winced in pain "yeah it's alright don't worry about it" she quickly left but Jacob didn't pay much attention to this as he unclenched his palm revealing a strand of brown hair.

He swiftly hid the hair in his pocket and made his way to an alleyway so he wouldn't be disturbed bringing it out of his pocket he let it rest on his hand he brought his other hand to his mouth and he used his sharp fangs to pierce his pale skin a small drop of his Seemingly glowing blood fell from his wrist.

The glowing blood quickly collided with the strand of hair Jacob held his breath in anticipation though nothing happened.

The hair just became slightly bloodied but this didn't last long as any trace of the blood seemed to burn to ash.

Jacob let out a sigh "ahhhh" this was taking longer than he had originally thought he had already been searching for the last 3 days and he had found no traces of a werewolf.

Forget being promoted he might end up dead Jasper wasn't exactly known for being merciful to people who couldn't pull their weight especially when it came to hunting werewolves this was well known through the lower echelon of the clans.

Though it wasn't exactly his fault the list was so long he could only hope that Jasper got distracted by something else so that Jacob could have some extra time he was dreading the inevitable check up from jasper.

Sadly today was Jacob's was that day as his phone started to vibrate, vampires emotions were dampened especially fear though only a rock would be able to resist the mind numbing fear that came with what Jasper could do to Jacob.

Jasper sat on a black leather sofa with a glass of whiskey in one hand and a phone in the other his face blank betraying no emotion "hello Jacob I'm calling to see how what the situation is with the newly turned omega I have not received any updates from you ?"

Jacob felt as if he was going to puke from the anticipation of how Jasper would react, vampires rarely cared for anything craving only that which would stimulate there dampened emotions this was even more for older vampires like Jasper they craved the rush that came any emotion even sadness.

"Ahh yes I'm sorry sir I have been making my way through the list but its extremely long I have found nothing yet but I should soon" Jacob waited for the inevitable explosion of rage but it didn't come but that made it even more terrifying.

In a calm voice devoid of any emotion Jasper replied "Hm ok I understand though I feel as if you may need some extra motivation that may help you focus on your important task... oh yes that should sufficiently motivate you I will give you 72 hours to find either the name and location of the werewolf's home or it's current location if you don't I will have to have you punished via over consumption hmmm yeah sounds fair to me if I were you I'd get moving ~BEEP".

Jacob stood there silently his eyes wide open slightly shaking there were many ways vampires could die but it was agreed that over consumption of prana was the worst way to go your cells literally overloaded with energy making your whole body break down to ash though you felt every moment of it as your body desperately tried heal itself, though this would only extended your suffering.

Jacob racked his brain trying to find a solution on how to speed up his hunt recalling every fact he knew about werewolves then it finally hit him a full moon, now usually hunting a werewolf was dangerous but on a full moon you might as well have a death wish.

The only reason Jacob was considering this idea was because he was desperate and that the wolf he was hunting had only recently turned he would have no idea how to fight or how to use his abilities.

He pulled out his phone to see when the next full moon was the result put a smile on his face the next full moon was in 3 days lining up perfectly with the 72 hours Jasper had given him.

He merely had to wait it out.


"Hmmmm yeah that should work" I was currently in my room working on my plan for the next full moon I had told my mum I would be going to my mates for a sleepover I would actually be at a little Forrest just on the outside of London called heart wood Forrest I was nervous even though the status said I would have conscious control over my shifted form didn't mean I wasn't skeptical.

I had considered buying chains and locking myself up like they did in the movies or shows sadly I had nowhere safe to do it and I was broke so I couldn't even buy the chains the best I could do was grab some raw meat from the freezer so In case I did lose it I wouldn't end up tearing some poor guy apart.

It was only 3 days till the full moon I didn't know weather to be scared or maybe even a little excited i couldn't help but be curious about what it must feel like to have full control of your shifted form.

This whole situation still felt unbelievable almost as if I was dreaming and I'd wake up to find myself in my old boring life maybe that's why nothing about this had ever really affected me my mind had desensitised itself refusing to believe any of this was real viewing everything from a third person perspective like I was watching my life through a tv, protecting myself from the emotional turmoil that came with accepting that I had murdered someone, that I was now a monster.

I pushed these thoughts down not wanting to process the fact that I was no longer human that I was alone that I could never tell anyone the truth about what I was for fear of them hurting me or leaving me.


"I need some fresh air Im starting to feel claustrophobic" at least I've solved my most immediate problems.

"Might as well use my new gym membership should be a good way to burn all this extra energy" I had picked it up yesterday it was a month free trial so I thought I should at least make use of the time I had left.


"We have received reports that there may be a possible newly turned omega in London it seems the Renwick clan isn't paying much attention to it yet but that won't last long it will be your job to track the omega wolf down and bring them back to werewolf territory but in the case the omega proves to be too aggressive you have authorisation to kill, remember leave no trace of you being on vampire territory we want to avoid any many disputes with the vampires as possible especially with the opening of lock academy so close".

"I understand uncle don't worry you know subtly is my expertise" she said with a smirk her uncle couldn't help but sigh as he had never heard something so ridiculous, he wouldn't even be sending her if all the trackers weren't already on missions.

"Just be careful alright if you get caught in vampire territory we won't be able to help you" if there had been any other option Oliver would have taken it sadly he had to follow rules set by the the original werewolves these rules were enforced on every pack.

"Don't worry so much I'd like to see the vampires try to catch me" clara made her way out of the building, once out she found herself in the middle of a forest she quickly ran ahead disappearing into the dense trees.


I had finished getting changed back into my normal clothes my face was was a light red barely any sweat on my face I quickly made my way out of the locker room not wanting to spend more time there than necessary.

'This is useless my energy is endless it takes hours to barely work up a sweat, though it isn't all bad my muscles recover insanely quickly so after working out I don't have to hobble home like any normal person would have to'.

"Ahhhh" the satisfying feeling of cold wind cooling my body was a satisfying perk after working out.

Though this peaceful moment didn't last long as some idiot on his phone crashed into me after he ran around the corner of the road.


"Ahh what the fuck, watch where your walking" he shouted at me I couldn't believe my horrid luck these were the worst kind of guys to deal with.

He was wearing a black puffer jacket with grey joggers his face hidden beneath his giant hood "are you ignoring me mate, first you walk into me then you just stand there silent" his face red with anger.

Little did he know that he wasn't being ignored it was just that Jayden was trying to concentrate so he didn't attack the guy in front of him barely repressing his deepest urges.

Gritting his teeth Jayden knew that there was no point in arguing and it was best to get as far away from this guy as possible " I'm so sorry are you alright I should have paid more attention to where I was going".

'Hopefully this guy will let it go, I don't know how much longer I can restrain myself' the closer it got to the full moon the stronger Jayden got but it didn't just heighten His strength it also heightened his emotions especially his bloodlust.

"No shut up man you did it on purpose do I look like an idiot to you, are you really trying to piss me off right now" he quickly stepped forward shoving Jayden back but this would be the greatest mistake he would ever make possibly even his last.

Unable to restrain himself any longer Jayden's body stiffened as he recorrected his posture staring directly at the man opposite him Jayden's eyes once again started to change from a deep brown to an electric blue feeling a new strength rise up in his body.

An aura of unparalleled bloodlust leaked from him as he slowly stepped forward the man couldn't help but feel a cold sweat run down his body confused at the sudden terror he felt for the teenager in front of him.

Desperate to end this quickly and aided by a sudden burst of adrenaline the man threw a right hook towards Jayden face but from Jayden's perspective the punch moved in slow motion Jayden's body instinctually ducked a tsunami of power gushing over Jayden's body.

Moving forward under the punch Jayden's hand grew hairier as his nails started to change to black claws he quickly swiped up shredding the thick layers of clothes wrapped around the man's body slicing the soft skin underneath.

The man was frozen his body refusing to move at all, he had no idea what had happened he threw the punch then suddenly the kid was gone and he felt a sharp pain from his stomach to his chest he looked down to see his shredded clothes but what really drew his attention was the 5 slashes running up his torso red liquid gushing out.

But when his eyes moved from his wound to the person who had made them all he wanted to do was start crying and begging for mercy as he could feel the bloodlust emanating from him.

Jayden payed no attention to the man in front of him his eyes locked onto the sight of the crimson red blood that covered the mans body dripping to cold pavement below the immense hunger building up inside him begging to be satiated.

But once he saw the look of utter fear on the man's face all he could think to do was run and that's exactly what he did.

He span around and ran away as quickly as he could not because he was scared of the man but scared of what he might do to the man if this continued.

The guy collapsed into a sobbering mess incomparable to the man he was merely 20 seconds ago the image of those cold blue eyes forever engrained into his mind.

After running for atleats 15 minutes Jayden stopped resting again a brick wall he sat down trying to calm himself.

His hand had reformed to its human state but the blood didn't disappear it's sweet and intoxicating smell still wafted in the air Jayden's mouth salivating.

He quickly pulled out a towel from his gym bag cleaning the blood from his hand Jayden's eyes had also reverted to there natural deep brown.

Jayden's heart was beating so fast he thought he was going to have a heart attack, taking in as many deep breathes as possible he felt as if he was slowly being suffocated.

Though this was alleviated by the wave of exhaustion that washed over him if before Jayden had a seemingly endless amount of energy but now he could barely stand let alone walk.

Slowly making his way home craving his warm bed not wanting to pass out in the middle of the street in fear of being robbed or catching the attention of the police.

His mum had been coming down the stairs when he had gotten through the door she rushed downstairs thinking something was wrong with Jayden his usual healthy light brown skin now a sickly pale.

"Oh my god Jayden are you alright" she quickly felt his forehead to check his temperature he was burning up " go to your room now I'll be up there soon with a bottle of water and an ice pack" she quickly disappeared into the kitchen".

Jayden didn't really hear anything his mum had said his only thought was his bed he dragged his heavy body up the stairs then to his cold room where he fell unconscious as soon as his head touched his soft pillow.

The last image he saw was the status spell in his head.


Species: lycanthrope(basic)

Health: 100%(89 points)

Prana: 100%(89 points)

Strength: 4

Agility: 2

Stamina: 2

Body refinement: level 1

Core: level 1



***** **** (locked 99%)

****** ******** (locked 100%)



Sorry for the short chapter today guys the next one will definitely be longer though I hope you still enjoyed it 😄