
Chapter 4 benefits

Although brief for the first time in a while I had a normal night of sleep there was no horrific dream in which I woke up in an alley way or some mystical dream from a person who lived hundreds of years ago, it was just dark but not scary more peaceful.

So I hope you can understand my anger when the alarm on my phone went off, if I hadn't come to my senses so fast I would have thrown it out my window.

There were dark rings around my eyes, i had spent most of the night trying to squeeze out as much information as I could out of the status magic, in the end I only managed to get around 2 hours sleep.

I was knackered I had to practically roll out of bed as my body wouldn't move.

Once up, I moved to the bathroom sadly the day had gotten worse quicker than expected.

James was standing in front of the sink brushing his teeth staring at himself in the mirror, he had always been obsessed with his hair.

Once he was done brushing his teeth and he was satisfied with his hair he turned to the entrance of the bathroom he quickly moved back surprised as he had not realised I had been standing there.

Though it didn't last long as a smug smile quickly replaced his caught of guard demeanour.

"You looking forward to school Jayden" he practically chuckled the words out, I was not in the mood to deal with James today especially when I was so sleep deprived.

"Ughh seriously this early in the morning" I practically yawned it out usually I would have come up with some snarky comment back but I was simply too tired to care for anything he said.

"What, just hoping you have a nice day at school"

Once he was done testing his luck with my temper he quickly barged past me and rushed down the stairs.

Usually I would have given him a few hits he would tell mum then I would get in trouble but as I said earlier I was way too tired to go through our usual routine.

Once I was done brushing my teeth my brothers Dan and Lucas walked in they hadn't really said much about the story I had told mum and when James went harping on about it yesterday they actually sided with me saying they would like to see james try any different without him getting his ass beat, once he had realised he was outnumbered he had skilfully had changed the conversation.

Although it had been a small thing I owed them greatly as there was nothing greater than seeing the defeated look on James's face when he realised no one was on his side.

'Hmmm now that I think about it I haven't talked with Dan and Lucas in a while except In passing comments, guess I should leave my room every now and then'.

Leaving the bathroom I quickly said "later guys just a little longer after all it's the last day before half term".

Lucas had a dumbfounded look on his face and replied with a giant smile on his face "wait really!"

I was quite confused I had practically been marking the days off on my phones calendar to hear they weren't even keeping track of when half term would start surprised me "yeah didn't you guys know?"

They replied by shaking there heads as they both had there mouths filled with tooth paste Lucas's earlier outburst had caused tooth paste to leak from his mouth to the floor.

"Yup and even better since I'm in secondary school it's only a half day today" they didn't even really pay attention to what I had said they were still buzzing about it being the last day of school before half term.

Albeit a little annoyed after being ignored I walked out of the bathroom heading back to my room to get dressed.

I couldn't help but take another look at my body after all what 15 year old didn't want a six pack but now that I had one I didn't know exactly what to do.

'In the movies the guy would suddenly get super popular but im pretty sure that wasn't how it worked in the real world' I thought with a defeated smile.

Once I was done I quickly made my way downstairs, when the smell of eggs and beans caught my nose I had never felt so hungry before.

Moving to the kitchen at inhuman speeds I grabbed myself a plate quickly moving four eggs to my plate with a large serving of beans.

After practically inhaling my food I let out a satisfied yawn the previous sleep deprived and grumpy demeanour quickly washed away as a new vigour filled me.

I was quite caught of guard by my seemingly endless apatite as I was never hungry in the morning in fact I almost felt nauseous just thinking about eating just after waking up.

I summed up the new change to my newfound lycanthropy.

I pulled out my phone to check the time, it was 8:10

Meaning I had 30 minutes to get to school, usually I left at 8:20 but I felt my legs becoming jittery and the urge to do something or move about booming in my Brain.

After practically jumping out of my chair and grabbing my bag before exiting the door I turned around to shout " see you guys later I'm leaving for school early!"

I was met with a multiple of different replies but I had already left.

Once I was out on the street I realised the steam leaving my mouth.

It still made no sense how it was supposed to be that cold when I felt perfectly warm 'ahh I could get used to the perks of lycanthropy' I thought as small smirk appeared on my face.

While walking I tried to sus out any more changes I could feel in my body the only one I could find was that every movement I made was perfect no imbalance a perfect amount of strength exerted with each step like my body was a well oiled machine.

It felt as if a weight had been lifted off my body and I was experiencing the world for the first time the colours more vibrant the sounds which used to be one massive noice seemed to be individual I could purposely tune out all other sounds focusing on one, this strange phenomenon was the same with my smell though this wasn't all great, 'thank god I could tune out the smells of garbage'.

I had been so caught up in my thoughts I hadn't realised I was at school until a student bumped into me 'guess I had been to wrapped up in my thoughts '.

I was surrounded by students of varying years 'I was dreading the rumours that had probably spread around school'.

Like I had said before this school was extremely boring so that meant people were desperate for any form of gossip to distract them, no matter how mundane or boring they would find a way to spice up the rumours by adding a few details.

It was like playing a game of Chinese whispers let's just hope the rumours about me hadn't gotten to out of hand.

But after reaching tutor my hopes were smashed to pieces as I heard my name pop up constantly around the classroom.

I skilfully evaded all conversations making it to my desks at the 2nd to last on the left side of the class room.

I loved sitting at the back as I could check my phone without the teacher realising also Tim the guy I sat next to was pretty nice we shared greetings in the morning but that was about it.

Though what had once been the perfect spot in the class quickly turned into a nightmare as the whole class was practically staring at me averting there eyes only when I stared at them as well.

I wasn't exactly hidden from the teacher either since any person with atleast one brain cell would end up following there stares eventually landing on me.

Thankfully the teacher didn't really care about me and just wanted to get the tutor lesson over with.

"Ahem I understand that what happened to Mr wyllt is very interesting but sadly we are in a lesson right now so I would like for you to channel your focus from him to your work!".

'Ughhhhh even the teacher knows, how far did this stupid lie spread?'

I was dreading break since I knew everyone would be looking for me well at least it was a half day today that meant I only had to be worried about my first lesson and break after that I was home free.

The work our tutor had given us was some questionnaire on what to do if you think someone you know is involved In a gang I sped through the questionnaire ticking random boxes.

Tutor lessons were very short lasting about 15 minutes before we were off to class.

After the bell rang the teacher waited at the door collecting the papers once I handed him mine I rushed out the door as fast as I could hoping to avoid as many people as possible.

Unfortunately I found a hand on my shoulder when I turned round I found my classmate will.

We hadn't really interacted that much since he was more the popular type for why he was popular I didn't really know though I was pretty sure it was only because he sucked up to the popular people.

"Umm you need something will" he let go of my shoulder turning to look me in the eye his next comment made me realise how badly the story had been twisted.

" hey man I heard about how you got chased by a gang of guys with knives and how you managed to beat them all up" after hearing this I didn't know weather to be smug and confirm what he had said or correct him incase someone decided to put a name to the gang that chased me getting me in worse trouble.

"what the hell, who told you that I did get chased by a gang but they only had a bat and I didn't fight them I ran away and hid from them" I spoke with a condescending tone though this wasn't to be mean but rather reinforce the fact so that he couldn't change it in his mind.

I saw the disappointment on his face, as I said people were desperate for something to happen around here "ohhh sorry I heard some rumours should have known they were fake after all you are shit at fighting".

As he laughed at what he had said I felt rage bubble up inside me my eyes practically lit aflame turning from a deep brown into an electric blue energy seemed to spark behind my eyes a deadly aura poured out of my body.

This aura would have caused any regular human to be frozen in fear the aura of an apex predator staring at its prey the palpable bloodlust drained the colour from wills face as he took a step back.

But once he looked back at me I was back to normal my eyes a deep brown and the death filled aura had seemingly disappeared he looked at me with confusion and fear in his eyes.

I quickly walked away 'what the hell just happened, I just snapped and suddenly I felt an overwhelming urge to kill him no not just kill him to tear his body apart piece by piece watching as the life drained from his eyes'.


I took a deep breath in then out I needed to calm down, I could ask the status about it later I just needed to get to class before I got myself into anymore trouble.

I had IT today I quickly moved to my seat the teacher did the register my body replied in a monotone voice my body was running in autopilot I was still trying to figure out what had happened in the hallway.

I even risked using the status as I was desperate for answers but for the first time I got no response that either meant it was locked or not included in merlins knowledge.

The list of things I still didn't know seemed to be endless "ugh" I let out a groan why couldn't things be easier and merlin just tell me everything though I knew whining wouldn't answer any of my questions.

I decided to take my mind of it by doing some work we were focusing on the hardware of computers today to be fair I really did try to pay attention but after 30 minutes I couldn't do it any more my legs were practically vibrating a constant itch at the back of my head begging me to run or do something active or focus on something I was actually interested in.

I eventually gave in though I couldn't exactly leave class to go on a run so I decided to Google some old werewolf myths hoping to learn something that wasn't fake though I didn't have high hope though there was one story that stood out to me the first was the story of the beast of gevaudan the things I read were horrific 'hopefully other werewolves weren't like this'.

'Hmmm other werewolves I had never really thought about the idea until now, but would it be a good idea after all I know nothing about there rules or traditions' I eventually decided to put off the decision of trying to track down other werewolves until I knew more.


'Ahhh my saving grace' the bell had gone off meaning that it was break the lesson had gone by very quickly but I guess time flies by when your debating life changing decisions.

I wanted to test some off the things I had learned last night but there was no where I could go that I had enough privacy and I didn't have the patience to wait till after school.

'Hmmm maybe I should try and find an empty classroom mrs Powell does usually stand outside to supervise the students' it was worth the risk.

Once I got there I was happy to find the classroom empty I closed the door behind me putting my bag on a desk.

There were a few things I wanted to test I wasn't going to test anything that needed prana manipulation since I was still a little scared to attempt it as I still didn't understand how exactly you controlled your prana so I decided to test the natural abilities any werewolf had.

There were four abilities I had gained though two of them I had already tested this morning a perfect body and enhanced senses the other two were extremely high stamina and enhanced healing though the healing only worked to a certain degree since I couldn't boost it even more using prana.

The high stamina was the reason for my inability to sit down and do my school work I needed to be active and invested in my work or body would practically start bouncing off the walls with all the energy I had "hmm maybe I should join a gym might help to burn energy".

I was not not looking forward to testing my healing since to be honest I was quite scared of cutting myself I had managed to grab myself a sewing needle from my house this morning before leaving.

As I brought the needle closer to the palm of my hand the hand holding the needle started shaking more and more It took a while to calm myself enough to do it accurately.


I quickly cursed after I pushed the needle a little too far by accident, blood was steadily trickling from my hand in quick and repetitive drips the crimson liquid formed a tiny puddle on the floor.

Just as I was about to run to the teachers desk to get a tissue cursing myself for the dumb idea the blood stopped by itself then I watched as the wound seemed to scab then I watched as the tissue grew healing the wound in a matter of seconds.

My mouth was wide open in awe at what I had just seen it looked like someone had sped up the process of what would have happened over a week.

"Hmmm I feel like I'm forgetting something though oh yeah the silver, the status didn't contain any information about werewolves having an aversion to silver though it was worth testing using a tissue I pulled the silver ring out of my bag it was my mums ring I was using it as it was coated in silver".

I quickly grabbed it waiting for the searing pain to start, as that's how it usually worked in movies but surprisingly nothing happened " hmm I guess that myth was fake".

The other thing I didn't really need to test since I already knew about it because of merlins knowledge that thing was full moons.

It turns out that that the werewolf curse is linked to the moon and depending on how close it is to the full moon regulates the amount of power we can absorb that's why on full moons we are at our strongest we also shift since the moon seems to amplify the wolf prana that is merged with our human prana.

I was extremely happy with my results but just as I was inwardly celebrating the door to the classroom creaked open I jumped into the storage closet that held all the books and school supplies it was a square walk in closet it was very cramped but I didn't really care as my heart felt as if it was about to leap out of my chest.

With my enhanced hearing I could hear every step slowly moving closer to me from the smell I could tell it was mrs Powell but just as she was about to reach the closet I heard her walk-in talkie go off apparently a fight had broken out she quickly left slamming the door shut behind her I let out a relieved sigh as I left the closet.

"my god that was way too close it's probably best not to test my luck and leave now" I quickly packed my things and left the room.


"Ughhhh even though Jasper managed to narrow down the search this list will still take about a month to complete let's just hope I get lucky and the guy I'm after isn't at the bottom" Jacob sighed he hated extra work but if he wanted to move up in the renwick clan then he had to show the older vampires his worth.

As he scrolled through the list of numerous names near the bottom written in an old cursive handwriting was the name Jayden wyllt though Jacob didn't pay much attention to this name as he quickly moved onto the other names "ughhh this is going to take a while let's hope Jasper doesn't get impatient".

Jacob quickly disappeared from the roof of the apartment building he was standing on.



Hey guys I think todays chapter was a lot better than my previous ones again if you spot any inconstancies please comment on them for me so I can improve the experience for you

Bye ✌️