
Secrets of Greensville Series: #1 After the Moon

Find out Jayden's greatest fear to the 1st issue of The Scerets of Greensville series. Here's sneak peak I couldn't dam my pants as I dragged myself towards the I tree. My worst nightmare had just materialized caused me to shrink against the trunk as my adamant preditor sauntered towards for the kill. None of this would have happend at I had not come to Greensville! None of this will be happening if we hadn't entered that dammed cave! A soft growl brought me back to reality. Even in final hours, I wouldn't supress a gaps as a large snow white wolf emerged from the shadows, its fur glowed in moonlight. I felt this eerie wave of de ja vu wash over me as I found myself getting lost in its deep blue eyes. "Ad-Adrian?" I gasped in realisation as answered with a growl. "Adrian, It's me Jayden! you're best-ah!" I shreiked was Adrian raised his razor sharp claws ready to rip me to shreds. Synopsis Night mares are scary... Nigh mares are to be dreaded... But what happens when your worst night...is you! Jayden Maicha White always thought he was a everyday 10 year old till his family decided they permanently relocated to Greensville, against his wish. He and his sister, Lily are immediately enrolled in Green Camp alongside his cousin, Max Samuel Lint, only for him get humiliated on his first day. And just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, he met...HIM! Who is he? Adriano Aaron Lupine, a rugged aspiring jock with the face of an angel but is enveloped with the darkest aura anyones ever seen. It's so thick even flies die if they hover around him for more than five seconds. Enbittered by the stigma of a crime he never commited, Adrian lived the life of a lone wolf till Jayden is chosen to be his roommate in the same log cabin. As the plot thickens, what happens when our unlikely trinity meet danger as they uncover the town's darkest secrets during a blood moon, unknown to them many strange occurrences traced to that faithfull night and it's up to them to prevent it from escalation. Join the gang to find all that happens...After The Moon!

Ful_Authoress · Fantasy
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3 Chs



Ancient China.

Time: 1000 years ago

(Omniscient POV)

A young woman in priestess robes could be seen panting heavily as she ran for her life. Would kill me if I lose this she thought, glancing at the bundle under her arm. She had no time to reminiscence over her masters as dodged in time to prevent an arrow from pinning her to the tree.

"Demons!" She mentally screamed, increasing her speed as she meandered through the forest.

"I thought master said there was a portal around here!"

She felt are her heart cut as she skidded to a halt by the edge of a high cliff. She was literally between the Devil and the deep blue sea.

"Give it up dearie…" hissed an ugly demon inching towards her you have nowhere to go.

She said nothing as she just noticed a whirlwind in the water. Defiantly she continued inching towards the edge as more demons came.

"What are you doing?" screamed their commander on seeing her "Get them!"

She took a determined deep breath a she jumped into the water.



Sunday, February 13

My church,



Time: 7:15 AM

(My POV)

"Angel, Angel… Angel?!"

I quickly came down from my creative plane, stuffing my sketch pad in my bible as I sprang to my feet. I knew I was in for it as I came towards Mrs. Gideon who was standing akimbo with a glare to match.


"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with your mates outside getting instructions from Mrs. Jones?" she asked, eyeing me like I was something vile.

She doesn't look too bad for a large dark lady and, to be honest, I don't look too bad with my bright dark brown eyes smooth milk chocolate skin and shoulder length hair tied in my head tie. Mrs. Gideon is the Assistant Children's Church Coordinator, hot tempered, strict as they come and tough as nails. I needed to handle this with care before this dormant volcano becomes active.

"Yes ma… my mother sent me earlier but after I delivered the message she said I should stick around, just in case she has more errands for me to run.'' I said, half-truthfully.

The church was chaotic today because we were setting up for first of three fundraisers of the year. Mum's an event decorator so obviously they made her in charge of the decorations I and my siblings have been running up and down nonstop I just ditched my mum and sat down in the pew to take a little break when Mrs. Gideon caught me.

"Oh… in that case, just go. I'll tell her where you've gone."

"Thank you, ma!" I said, relieved I got away with it. Curtsying a little, I scurried away clutching my bible to my chest.

My church is divided into two sections Adult Church and Children or Junior Church. The adults congressed in the Main Hall while the Children Church comprised of the two smaller buildings behind.

Junior Church is further sub divided into four classes: Teenagers' class for teens or kids aged 12-18; Intermediate class for kids aged 11-7; Self-Control class for kids 7-4 and Toddlers' class for tots or kids aged 4-1.

I graduated to the Adult Church last month but since we were to expect a large amount of visitors, mum signed me up to help out in the Junior Church

"Oh great, there goes my break!" I thought, as I stepped aside to allow some elders pass through the main entrance. I focused on my legs as I came down the stairs. It's not my first time wearing heels but it won't be the last time I've tripped because of them.

I soon found my mates, gathered around a young short and plump fair lady who was calling names. "Were all African women cursed to get fat immediately after child birth?" I wondered as I joined them. Beaming beatifically, I greeted the ones nearby and nudged a cute tall brown boy in a white caftan with black embroidery.

"Hey, bestie! Happy Sunday!"

"Morning, Angie! Happy Sunday!" he giggled, nudging me back. "I was looking for you last week…"

"Why? Did you want to take me out?"

Anibe and I go way back. He's one of the first friends I made when my family newly moved to Lokoja eight years ago and we've been inseparable ever since. Though I mostly hang out with his sister Uyo whose two years younger than I am we've got no hard feelings between us. What's more we graduated from Teens' class together.

"Nope, Uyo wanted to see you."

"Oh, I was I church… Hey do you think ASUU will go on strike?" I asked, a little worried.

"Forget that thing… they've already made up their minds."

We were referring to the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) who were in charge of the lecturers' and academic professors' welfare. Over the years, due to the inadequate teaching conditions and their incessant demands, they've constantly been on strike.

"Bummer… but on the bright side we now have more time to hang out. So, when are you taking me out?"

"I'll set the date if you answer one question…"

"Which is?"

"Will you sponsor it?" He asked coyly as we giggled again.

Just then, I heard my name. "Angie… Angie... where is she?" said Mrs. Jones, in her high voice as she looked around

"Present ma'am!" I said, carefully weaving forward.

''Oh good, you're here!'' she beamed in relief. ''You Uyo and Sam are in charge of Self-Control Class. She said handed one Teachers' manual to me. They are in week 8… Oh before I forget, you also too wait behind for our visitors to arrive so that you can usher their children to their respective classes.'' With that she handed me a Guest list.

I silently studied the list as she continued dishing out responsibilities. I was excited to see a lot of foreign names. Going down the list, a name stood out from the rest. It was like… calling out to me.

''Long Arthur Baidi…'' I read aloud.

''Oh, him? He's a good man!'' said Mrs. Jones "he's one of our church's most consistent donors in America and a very religious man. Even though, he's filthy rich, he's a very generous philanthropist."

I didn't know why but the name rang a bell. It stirred something within me, something powerful, something I had to hide but I couldn't lay my finger on it. I was lost in my thoughts when Mrs. Jones dismissed us, I pushed back my thoughts as I looked for my partners.

I then looked in time to see three dark gleaming news vans parking outside the gate. It had red strangely familiar characters on it. I got a headache trying to decipher it but I think it meant.

''DAWN…What a name to give a news station'' I thought .I just shrugged and started catching up on the excitement I had missed during yesterday's Youth Night as Sam, Uyo and I went to where we had been posted.


Somewhere else,

(Ari's POV)

"Grandpa I don't wanna go to church!" whined cousin Kai

"You should have known that when you miss used my money." he said, not looking up from the newspaper he was reading.

"I said I was sorry... Dal back me up here..."

"No!" said Dal softly, when looked up briefly from his project on his tablet.

Kai frowned as Jiro and I laughed turning to Grandpa hoping we would be scolded but he just smiled as folded his papers. "Dal..."he began, clearing his throat a little."...after what your father said yesterday..."

"I'm still thinking about it and I don't want to talk about it."

"Established... I just want add that I agree with him..."

"Oh great!" he groaned.

"It's high time you get married."

"I agree with grandpa…"

"Shut up, Kai!"

"Yeah, it's high time you get a Queen." Jiro chipped in.

"I don't need to get married to be Lord of Leer land, Great father.

"True, but unfortunately the kings men insisted and their decision is final. There's no crime in not marrying someone you don't love."

"I don't believe in love. I can't love and I don't need to marry to be King. If they feel so upset about it they can…"

"You're the only heir to throne as long as that mark is on your chest!" he roared.

A gravely hush washed over us as Grandpa and Brother Dal were locked in a glaring contest.

"Yes, Great father!" he said, subdued as he broke his gaze.

"I know it's been hard..." sighed grandpa."...but you've got to move and not let yourself be chained by the fears of the past."

Dal said nothing as he turned to look out the window. I suppressed a sigh as I turned to Jiro. He only does that to hide his tears but he forgets that I could feel his pain. The drive during the rest of the journey was silent as the drivers rolled into the blue gates of a cute yellow church.

"What a beautiful church!" murmured Great father as the cars drove into the large compound.


Back in church,

(My POV)

I stayed behind to usher the kids to their classes as I had noticed two names remaining on the list. Just then three gleaming black SUVs drove in. I was awestruck by the details of the dragon emblems on the doors. I stretched out my hand to touch it when it was swatted away by a mean burly bodyguard. I swallowed my anger as he opened the door to reveal two adorable little angels in our church uniform who amiably waved at me.

"Hi darlings!" I sang, turning on my sweetest non toothy smile. "I'm Angeline. Welcome to our church. I'm here to show you to your class. What's your name love?"

"Benjiro…" he said as I helped him unfasten his seat belt and carried him out of the car.

"And I'm Cleo Ari Young!" said the other dimpled darling.

The pleasure's mine to make your acquaintance Lady Ari.' I said in a British accent, curtsying as I gave her my hand.

When she gleefully hopped out, I felt frozen as my eyes met the cold gaze of the third person in the backseat. He looked like he stepped out of a vampire fairytale with his dark stylish hair, paler skin and lips…and even darker eyes.

"I see you fancy my car!" crooned an old Chinese man stepping out of the other SUV.

"Oh y-yes Mr. Long. Am I right?"

"Yes, indeed, child." He smiled kindly.

"The dragons… they are so beautiful!" I blurted as I mentally kicked myself.

"Oh really?" he chuckled glancing at the vampire prince. Are you sure it's not something else…?"

"S-Sir?" I stammered my blushed deepened as the handsome man's icy gaze was now on me

"Nothing child!" he laughed, noticing my discomfort. "I was just joking. Do you know the difference between these three dragons?"

''Yes sir!'' I beamed, enthusiastically, ''the first one…"

"Sir, is this necessary?" asked a handsome middle aged man, coming to his side.

''I want to hear her out!'' he said, stubbornly.

''But, sir, the service is about to start and...''

"Let me hear what the young lady has to say!" he snapped, his eyes glinted icily…colder than that of the vampire prince.

"Continue dear!" he bided me turning back to his amiable self

''Oh well…this is an Azure dragon.'' I said, pointing to the first car "…commonly found in drawings of the Qing dynasty; the second car has a Celestial dragon on it and your last car has the jade dragon on it."

''What do you know about the Jade dragon?''

"Not much, except that it's the emblem of emperors and what first seen on artifacts dating back to the Zhou dynasty."

''Hmm! This is interesting!'' he pondered, oblivious of our curious stares.

''Sir, is everything alright?''

''Nothing, child!'' he said, snapping back to reality ''I'm just impressed by your knowledge of my culture.''

''I'm just fascinated by dragons…''

''I wish I could stay and know more about you child but I have to enter. Can I entrust my grandchildren's safety into your hands?'' asked me, suddenly solemn.

''Yes sir!''

''Promise me you'll protect them with your life!"

''Yes sir, I promise!'' I said as Ari and Ben started dragging me towards the main hall before I guided them towards their class.


Opposite the church,

Inside the surveillance van,

Time: 9:20 AM

(Dr. Lu's POV)

I struggled against the chains as my captors, unperturbed, continued to plan their attack on the church. There were about six in each van but I couldn't recognize them due to their red face masks on their complete ninja-yoroi. Only their silent leader wore a blue mask. He had been writing for over an hour, till now.

"What's the area report?" he said, turning to the one using the periscope.

"Main targets have just arrived sir!'' he replied smartly "three SUVs…the tigers have been separated from the preys with a civilian leading them away."

''No need for rhymes rookie.'' muttered another agent as he assembled his gun while their boss was busy whispering on the phone.

''Alright men, listen up!' he barked, joining them on the table. ''There's been a slight change of plans; we're dealing with a situation 4, so operation storm has been swapped with graveyard."

''Bummer!'' murmured another agent.

''We'll be spanning the perimeter. Total stealth, rookies!'' he warned. Don't get caught; whatever you do don't shoot without a silencer or till I say so. Any questions…let's roll!"

He ignored the few hands that were up as he led the way. The others quickly picked their weapons and ammo from a big green box. The rookie tried to keep up but on getting there he found it emptied clean. Cursing, he scanned the bus for another till his eyes fell on a small purple box. Satisfied with the darts in it he pocketed it and left while I continued struggling to free myself.


What was the priestess carrying?

Will Dal find love?

Who's Dr. Lu?