
Secrets of Greensville Series: #1 After the Moon

Find out Jayden's greatest fear to the 1st issue of The Scerets of Greensville series. Here's sneak peak I couldn't dam my pants as I dragged myself towards the I tree. My worst nightmare had just materialized caused me to shrink against the trunk as my adamant preditor sauntered towards for the kill. None of this would have happend at I had not come to Greensville! None of this will be happening if we hadn't entered that dammed cave! A soft growl brought me back to reality. Even in final hours, I wouldn't supress a gaps as a large snow white wolf emerged from the shadows, its fur glowed in moonlight. I felt this eerie wave of de ja vu wash over me as I found myself getting lost in its deep blue eyes. "Ad-Adrian?" I gasped in realisation as answered with a growl. "Adrian, It's me Jayden! you're best-ah!" I shreiked was Adrian raised his razor sharp claws ready to rip me to shreds. Synopsis Night mares are scary... Nigh mares are to be dreaded... But what happens when your worst night...is you! Jayden Maicha White always thought he was a everyday 10 year old till his family decided they permanently relocated to Greensville, against his wish. He and his sister, Lily are immediately enrolled in Green Camp alongside his cousin, Max Samuel Lint, only for him get humiliated on his first day. And just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, he met...HIM! Who is he? Adriano Aaron Lupine, a rugged aspiring jock with the face of an angel but is enveloped with the darkest aura anyones ever seen. It's so thick even flies die if they hover around him for more than five seconds. Enbittered by the stigma of a crime he never commited, Adrian lived the life of a lone wolf till Jayden is chosen to be his roommate in the same log cabin. As the plot thickens, what happens when our unlikely trinity meet danger as they uncover the town's darkest secrets during a blood moon, unknown to them many strange occurrences traced to that faithfull night and it's up to them to prevent it from escalation. Join the gang to find all that happens...After The Moon!

Ful_Authoress · Fantasy
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3 Chs



8th April 2003,

Blue Cross Hospital,

Lagos, Nigeria.

(Omniscient POV)

Ahriman grinned as he entered the hospital. He was a little hungry but swallowed it. Picking up her scent it led them to the children's ward. He was a little dumbfounded by the sight they beheld. The priestess was sprawled on the floor. He then gestured to one of his men to check on her.

"She's dead sir!" he confirmed on checking her pulse.

"Check her basket for the pearl!" he ordered. He then caught a strange scent from amongst the babies. He was about to investigate when one of his men called out.

"S-s-s sir…?" he stuttered.


"It's empty. The pearl is gone!"

"What?" he exclaimed, snatching the basket to confirm it.

"Sir, we have to leave they are coming!" said one of his men keeping a lookout.


"Spirit Warriors!" he sneezed.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust as I tried to suppress a sneeze.



"What should we do about the priestess?"

"Take her body." he ordered half-heartedly "let's get outta here before they show up."


Day 44,

The Chaos Conference Room

Demon Realm,


(Corson's POV)

I sipped my wine as Abigor, Belial and I silently watched our fellow crowned princes bickering and hurling insults across the table. Sometimes I wonder whether we were truly fit to be the next heirs to the Seven Thrones of Hell when we still be behaved like preschoolers fighting over candy. Well…most of us.

Our fathers were quite busy on earth so they made us represent them at this meeting alongside their Gammas as part of our "training".

Amon, the chairman of the search committee, was currently being grilled by the rest.

"I told you it would be a wasteful venture!" roared Erebus. "I would have used the money instead to buy a new Mercedes Benz Maybank Excelo."

"Tsk, tsk tsk…" I thought, "What else do you expect from the crowned prince of greed?"

"Why? You have seventeen already?!" exclaimed Dakan.

"Classic envy!" muttered Abigor.

"There's nothing bad in looking good!" smirked Merihem, who was glued to his mirror.

"Classic vanity!" muttered Belial.

"Have patience, Erebus!" said Amon. "Our men are still searching…"

"And yet they've found nothing!" interrupted Ahriman.

"Like seriously, do you have to always dampen hopes!" he snapped.

"What else do you expect from the prince of despair?" muttered Dakan darkly, rolling his eyes. "Besides, we've been searched everywhere"

"Our fathers were this close to getting it if not for that b***h who covered her tracks."

"My fellow princes bear with me…" Amon began

"We've searched everywhere what more do we have to do?" complained Ahriman.

"Give us more time and support."

"Hell no!" roared Erebus, slamming his fist on the table causing it to crumble to bits.

"What the hell, man!" grumbled Belial who was being heled up. Due to boredom, he had propped his elbow on the table that was why he fell face first into the debris.

Rolling his eyes, Abigor muttered something under his breath and the table slowly reattached itself back.

"I can do better!" retorted Dakan.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" said Abigor, ignoring Dakan.

"How about we call off the search?" I said softly, turning to face the rest.

"What?!" snapped Amon, flabbergasted to the marrow.

"Like you said we've searched everywhere yet we can't find it so how about we devote our time and resources to our main essence in life – File X!"

I paused letting my words sink as several gasps erupted.

"We-we've never done that before!"

"There's no harm in trying."

"What about..? But we need it!" whined Amon

"Not necessarily – I say we forget about it." I said

"How can we just abandon something so priceless after decades of investment?"

"Is it just me or has anyone noticed that the Dragon Shifters have been inactive for decades?"

"That's true!" reaffirmed Merihem, looking up from his mirror for the first time since the meeting began. "Our men haven't clashed with them in years."

"Let me guess… you're out of dragon skin, again." said Dakan.


"If Long Mu's soul is as priceless as you claim Amon why haven't they been on our necks to prevent us from finding it? Has it occurred to any of us all that this might have been a wild goose chase to distract us from our main mission?"

I smirked in victory as I was replied by subdued silence. Amon only muttered something unintelligible and averted his gaze on me.

"Corson's right!" said Abigor, breaking the silence.


"Let's take a vote. All those in favor of executing File X, say Aye…"

"Aye!" chorused Ahriman, Merihem, Erebus and I.

"Those against say, Nay!"

"Nay!" chorused Dakan and Amon.

"The ayes have it!"

"Belial didn't even vote!" complained Dakan.

"You should know me by now, dude." he murmured lazily.

"Take heart, Amon." I said, patting his shoulders. "It's best we all forget about her. Maybe it's even a lost soul."

"Maybe…" he murmured stubbornly


"Yes, my prince." said a young man who apparated beside him with a bow.

"Get me File X!"

"As you wish my lord!" he said lowly, with a bow before dispparating.

I felt more at ease as we settled down to focus on more serious issues…

Our essence since creation…

Our way…

Destruction and Chaos…

The demon way!


The werewolf realm,

The Underworld.

(Carolina's POV)

I sighed as I sank my teeth into my buttered toast while dad and my brother roared at each other.

"Dad, why can't I just marry Liza?"

"You know too well why you can't marry her!"

"But I love her..."

"And the law states that you can never be king without your mate!"

This isn't the first time this argument has broken out over breakfast... And lunch... And dinner. Always on the same topic.

My older brother and Dad have been on each other's necks ever since my brother returned from his trip to the human world after graduating human college and claimed to be in love with a blonde bimbo he befriended on campus. He's been obsessed with a blonde bimbo he met on campus. I know... I don't like her but I feel sad for my big bro who's head over heels over Elizabeth MacKenzie. But as the next in line to the position of Supreme Alpha any hope of them being together is futile as he can only marry his mate.

"But mum?!" he whined

"You can't break our way of life..."

"Oh bleep the bond!" he spat, causing gasps to break out in the dining room.

"Every servant should leave the dining this instant!" ordered Dad as calmly as he could.

I chuckled a little as they all dashed out like harassed rabbits. Who would to dare disobey the king? Father faced him squarely immediately after they all left.

"How dare you!" Father roared after recovering from the shock.


"How dare you defy the great moon goddess?"


"I don't care if it's the new style of maturity but don't you ever in your existence defy the goddess!" with that he stormed off.

"Mom what did I say wrong?"

"How will I know when you just insulted the power behind your existence?"

It's just then he realized that he had insulted our parents' marriage.

"Mom I didn't mean..."

She wasn't listening as she dramatically flung out of the room.

"Are you happy now?" muttered one my baby twin brother.

"Shut it Bede." snapped Bane. "Bro are you okay?"

"Of course not!"

"C'mon Bro," I cooed taking him by the arm. "Let's go make things right."

We hurried to the garden where we met mother pruning some roses. She sensed our presence but didn't turn to acknowledge us."

"You know..." she started. "When I first met your dad we didn't have much in common, we used to argue every time. I was scared on our wedding day but during his vow he gave me a white rose. He told me that we were just like the rose, sweet and full of thorns but together, with a lot of patience, love and a little faith, we could make it blossom."

"I'm sorry I didn't..."

"It's okay darling!" she beamed, turning towards us.

"I know you've waited for your mate for so long but I want you to just exercise more patience." she said taking his face in her palms

"How long do I have to wait?" he grudgingly admitted with a sigh.

"Just trust me it would be sooner..."

Mom was then interrupted with a groan from my brother who clutched his chest.

"Son, son what's wrong?!" cried mother.

"My chest…it hurts!" he moaned, before passing out.

I sensed my mom mind-linking dad who rushed in a soon enough flagged with the Supreme Beta Lucius and Supreme Gamma Ivan as she shook my brother's lifeless body.


"I don't know… we were just talking suddenly he started clutching his chest and he passed out." sobbed Bede.

"He was fine not long ago." murmured father as he knelt down to inspect his body.

"He's still alive he announced, standing up. "Take him to his room and summon the doctor."

Are you sure he's okay."

"Don't worry puddin' he'll be fine." cooed Father as some servants carried him out to his room.


Still in my church,

By the lavatory,

10:17 AM.

(My POV)

"Thank goodness it's almost closing time. I grunted softly as I led the kids to pee. I've kind of fallen head over heels with two of the foreign kids, Ari and Benjiro Long, over the last couple of hours. We've bonded so well… Jiro even gave me a nickname.

"Big Aunty, what's wrong?' asked Jiro, taking my hand."

"Yeah, why are you sad?' said Ari, taking my other hand".

"Oh nothing… I'm really going to miss you guys when you go back to America."

"Me too!"

"Me three!"

The church has only three restrooms so I let the others enter so Ari and Ben could keep me company and tell me more about their family.

I was just about to ask them about their cold uncle when I heard a twig snap behind me. Alarmed, I turned back to find myself face to face with three well-built ninja assailants armed to the teeth with their guns pointed at me.

"Run kids! Get out of here!" I shrieked, blocking them from the attackers view. The others scurried away but Jiro and Ari refused to move.

"Ben, Ari why are you guys still here?" I whispered "Go, you guys can make it without me!"

"What about you, Angie?" asked Jiro, clutching me tightly.

"Forget me, go!"

"There's no need for drama, Miss!" said the blue masked ninja. "Step aside we're only here for the kids…"

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." said one coming forward, causing the kids to squeal as they hid behind me.

"Shut it, Ten!" hissed the other one, holding Ten back.

"You can have them…over my dead body!" I said, defiantly puffing my chest.

"Have it your way. I'll give you till the count of three to change your mind…" he warned.


"Ben, Ari please go!" I whispered "Your grandpa would never forgive me if something happens to you…"


"No, big aunty, we're not leaving you…" sobbed Ari.

"C'mon this is your last chance drawled ten we won't hurt you…"

"They're lying!" cried Ben.

'I know… they'll kill me either way that's why you guys should go…"

"Then let's go together!" cried Ari as they hugged my sides.

I felt so touched I couldn't dam the tears coursing down my cheeks as they cocked their guns at us


About a thousand tiny darts pierced my chest and neck as they opened fire on me. Sleeping darts I thought dizzily as I tried to steady myself but I fell to my knees. I tried to hang on to ben and Ari as my head began to spin and everywhere had started to turn dark.

"No! Don't! Leave them alone!" I wheezed as they pried the kids off me and kicked me away.

"Jiro, Ari…I'm sorry!" I croaked as I crawled towards them, my arms getting heavier by the second. They kept on screaming my name as I fought to keep my eyes open still everything was getting dim.

"Big aunty…"

My lids are getting heavier.

"Big aunty…"

I felt my body embrace Mother Earth.

"Big aunty…!"


Did the priestess complete her mission?

What's in file x?

Is the prince be okay?

Did I die?