
Secrets hide

The story revolves around Anas, a protagonist from modern times, who is transported to a different world after attaching a jade to his bracelet. He finds himself in the body of Wu Jun, a young man in a world filled with magic and supernatural powers. Anas discovers that his mission in this world is to collect 10 artifacts that are scattered across different dimensions to rebuild the seal of the Earth's power source, which was broken by the Supernatural Power Justice (SPJ). However, due to changes in the timeline, the artifacts keep jumping from one dimension to another. Anas is aided by his master, Azazil, who is from the SPJ and trains him to be a skilled warrior. He is also pursued by the SPJ, who want to stop him from collecting the artifacts and sealing the Earth's power source. As Anas embarks on his journey, he encounters various challenges and battles, which he must overcome to reach his goal.

Abyss_of_Darkness0 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

So let's begin - Ch 9

Liang Yue's appearance was nothing short of breathtaking. She wore a flowing, silk gown in a deep shade of emerald green that complimented her porcelain-like complexion, making her look like a goddess descended from heaven. Her hair was styled in an intricate braided updo, adorned with delicate jewels that glittered in the sun like diamonds. Her makeup was minimal but elegant, accentuating her sharp features and full, luscious lips.

As she approached the training ground, her aura was palpable. Her confident strides and graceful movements were like those of a queen, used to the finest things in life. However, her eyes betrayed a shrewd intelligence that hinted at a darker, more complex personality lurking beneath her perfect exterior.

Despite her magnetic beauty and alluring charm, I could not shake off the feeling of wariness that crept over me in her presence. There was something cold and calculating about her that made me uneasy, and I knew that I could never let down my guard around her.

Lost in thought, I failed to notice Liang Yue standing in front of me until she spoke up, her voice laced with suspicion. "What's on your mind? You seem preoccupied," she said, her gaze piercing.

I quickly regained my composure and put on a front of shyness, pretending to be the unassuming Wu Jun. I tried to read her body language, and it became apparent to me that she was a master of manipulation and intrigue, skilled in the art of deception.

Trying to divert her attention, I stammered out, "You look very beautiful today."

Her smile was disarming, but her eyes narrowed as if she could see through my facade. "Thank you," she said, studying me carefully. "How is your cultivation coming along?"

I shook my head dejectedly. "It's not going well. I've been trying to repair my dantian, but nothing seems to be working. I fear that I may have to give up on cultivation altogether."

Liang Yue's expression softened, and she reached out to comfort me, but I could sense that there was an ulterior motive behind her kindness. "Let me take a look," she said, placing her delicate hands beneath my abdomen and closing her eyes in concentration.

As she probed my dantian, I could see her face contorting in shock and dismay. "Your dantian is shattered," she said, her voice filled with pity. "I'm afraid there's nothing that can be done to fix it."

Feigning sadness, she walked away, her maid trailing behind her, trying to comfort her. I called out to her, but she was too far away to hear me.

As I watched her go, I couldn't help but feel amused at her theatrics. "What a drama queen," I thought to myself. "She fell for my illusion aura hook, line, and sinker."

In reality, my dantian was still intact, thanks to the illusion aura that my master had taught me. It was a technique that allowed me to create a thin layer of aura and use it to create illusions, making it seem like my dantian was completely shattered that was fun and full with thrill the see what move you'll make my DEAR FIANCEE so now game begins from here.

[ On the other Scenario]

Liang Yue start weeping ran off and toward her room as she reached maids start to comfort her but she demand to be alone Liang Yue watched as the maids left her room, their footsteps fading into the distance. As soon as the door shut, she slumped onto the bed, her mind racing with thoughts of how she could salvage the situation without tarnishing her reputation.

She could not simply break off the engagement as it would ruin her image in the eyes of others. She had always pretended to be innocent and charming, even though she was cold-hearted and cruel, always thinking about her own benefit. No one could know about her true greediness.

As she lay on the bed, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. The sound of crickets outside her window filled the silence, and the cool night air provided a refreshing contrast to the warmth of her body.

But Liang Yue's frustration soon turned to determination as she sat up, her eyes darting to the window. The moon cast an eerie glow on the surrounding trees and rocks, illuminating the courtyard with a pale light. The view outside was stunning, even in the darkness of the night.

Her mind began to spin with plans and schemes, as she plotted out the details of the assassination. She could not let Wu Jun's weakness ruin her plans for power and influence.

Liang Yue stood up and began to pace back and forth in her room, her eyes flashing with a mix of determination and anger. She knew what she had to do. She would have to assassinate Wu Jun to save her own reputation.

As she settled on a plan, she couldn't help but let out a cold, sly smile. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and satisfaction. This was her chance to take control of her own destiny, and nothing could stop her.

With a laugh that sent chills down her own spine, Liang Yue knew that her fate was now in her own hands. She would do whatever it takes to secure her own power, no matter the cost.

She walked to the window, her fingers tracing the delicate patterns of frost that had formed on the glass. Outside, the moon cast long shadows across the courtyard, and Liang Yue knew that the night was hers to command.

With a deep breath, Liang Yue turned away from the window and walked towards her wardrobe, her mind already planning the details of the assassination. She knew that she had to act quickly and decisively if she wanted to succeed.

As she pulled out a dark silk gown, she couldn't help but smile to herself. Wu Jun had no idea what was coming for him.