
Secret That Lies In The Heart

There's a secret no one wants to hear. There's a secret no one knows. There's a secret that is kept in hidden inside of you. There's a secret that only you know. There's a secret that the world doesn't believe in. There's always a second chance,a second start, a second beginning.Bethany who was rumored to be dead was very much alive and well.Her family hated her for a crime she didn't commit.She swore she would avenge them. Given the opportunity to prove she had moved on from her past relationship she unexpectedly meet an stranger who she knew nothing about.And the worst part is,she's stuck with him,she didn't let him go. What do she do when he doesn't want to let her go?will she stay with him and fight till the end? Despite the warning signs,she failed to listen and now she's stuck with the devil. There's always something waiting at the other side of the wall.She knew this and yet she wouldn't give up she was determined.The devil stared at her longer than she expected, what did he want from her. He calls her different sweet names like sweet,butter, cherry.But he kept it away from her, there's always something that's waiting for you.A secret of the past, a pain of the past you left hidden. When you suddenly think everything is going well for you but suddenly it's gets revealed. Yet to come.Yet to fulfill.Yet to see. He was her devil.He was her lust.He was her desire. She hated him She wanted him She loved him ... Bound with him! Leave him! Destroy him! "How could you do this to your own brother?,"Bethany asked feeling all hopes crushed. "Because to get you of course...I mean why else do I have to do this," "No! I have no business with you...infact I hate you!!!"Bethany yelled. "Hehehe if I were you I'll shut my mouth," "Where is he? please take me and not him he has suffer enough,"She pleaded. "I see your blind with that brother of mine," "He helped you...so why doing all this to him?for payback?"She asked. "I like it when you get fierce," What did that mean? //////////// My first book here please support me and give it a try! And you won't regret it. Xoxo

Favi_gold · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Goodbye kiss

Bethany opened her eyes,as she tried to adjust to the brightness before her.She blink her eyes but what she saw was beyond her imagination.She was sleeping right but where was the place?How on earth did she get here?

She looked around,but there wasn't even a single sound heard,she tried to walk but she noticed her legs were tied.

She was been tied on a bed.Her legs,hands where tied very thight that she felt pains on her body.She was sleeping right?But how did she end up her?She was dreaming right?

No,she shook her head this wasn't a dream it was real.She had been kidnapped again,but who could do that to her when she just escaped death.She closed her eyes and opened it,tears swelled up on her eyes falling.

Why was her life like this?why can't it be normal for once?why was the world so unfateful to her?

Then someone entered inside without her knowing,she felt a gun pointed on her head,she turned her head when they shot.



"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!,"She saw a unknown face staring at her so intensely,as if staring into her soul.She was alive but...

"It seems you had a bad dream,"Liam noticed the beads of sweat on her head.and,she was panting"Here your safe okay,"

"I...I was..."

"Hey,calm down,"He said.

"What are you doing here...?"She asked.

"You mean...?"He looked at her confused.

"Fine,you wouldn't tell me why.So...?"She wanted to get up from the bed when,he pulled her over to his laps.She looked at him confused,but he cared less about that,she kept her down not wanting to meet that bewitching eyes of his.

"Why did you drag me,"She asked in a low tone not wanting to meet his gaze.

"I want to look at those eyes of yours,"He looked at her more intensely burning her soul."Your very beautiful,"



The next thing she knew was that,she felt his breath fanning her neck, sending shivers down her spine.She caught her breath when he sucked on her neck,she didn't want to look at him or she'll be spellbound.He continued sucking on her neck,her heartbeat faster.When he trailed kisses down her jaw to her face,then he looked at those lascivious lips of hers.He had the urge to kiss them,then she licked her lips.

"Don't do that,"He warned but she still did it again"Don't lick your lips,or else you want me to lose control,"

"I didn't do anything,"She looked at him innocently and he wanted to paint those,soul black with his.

"Your really deadly,"Then she cupped his chin, making him look at her,she looked at those gray eyes.She got lost in them whenever she looked at them,he was very handsome.

Liam looked at the woman staring at him,he looked somewhere else or else he might lose it.Does she knows what she was doing?he doubted so.

"Liam she's here"He heard Fred voice calling him and he hissed.What a wrong moment,he clenched his jaw wanting to kill Fred for this.

"I'll be back"He said before he walked out the room.

Bethany sighed this...this was wrong,very,very wrong.But what was he aiming for?But whatever it is she had to leave this place quickly.

By the time she had had her bath,she saw a new set of clothes,at least he knew how to gentleman a little.She put it on when,she got sight of a brown wallet.She picked it up,and saw fresh notes inside,it looks like luck was on her side.She took some of it and exited the room,she was leaving this morning.

"Thanks for...,"

"It's okay.Your leaving already...?"He asked.

"Yes I am,"she replied.

"I was thinking...,"

"I told that I would only stay for a night,"She said as she noticed his stiffness.

"I know but..."

"Don't tell your a man that goes back,on his words?"She asked with a frown'Why was he trying to stop her'

"I don't go back on my words...fine you can leave I won't stop you,"He spoke through his gritting teeth.

One thing was for sure he was going to miss,those eyes, lips, smile, everything about her he was going to miss.

"Thank you...I'll return the favor,"she said smiling with gratitude.

"How about you return the favor now,"He said as he looked intensively at her,a blush appearing on her cheeks."I don't mind receiving the favor now,"

"How"She asked her voice low hardly for someone to hear,but he still caught it.

"How about a goodbye kiss,"He proposed and a quick blush appeared on her cheeks,he smiled warmly at her leaning closer"Hmm?how about that?,"

"I..." 'Why was she anticipating for it?'

"Don't tell me you can't...Bethany?"His voice so hoarse and husky as he fingers drew lines oh her skin.

"Okay"Then she tiptoed and landed a kiss on his forehead,"I'll be going now,see you Liam,"

She walked towards the door and made her,exit out of the house,the cold breeze touched her skin.She walked faster towards the gate,the place was really beautiful with the flowers.

Okay the guards didn't stop her,she was glad they didn't try to stop her,she now left the house completely.So what now?do she go back to...'No way it's definitely not a best option'

She had to find her on time before,they caught her.And her phone wasn't here with her,she hadn't called Maya since.Maya must definitely be worried but oh well...she'll get in contact with her,but not now.