
Secret That Lies In The Heart

There's a secret no one wants to hear. There's a secret no one knows. There's a secret that is kept in hidden inside of you. There's a secret that only you know. There's a secret that the world doesn't believe in. There's always a second chance,a second start, a second beginning.Bethany who was rumored to be dead was very much alive and well.Her family hated her for a crime she didn't commit.She swore she would avenge them. Given the opportunity to prove she had moved on from her past relationship she unexpectedly meet an stranger who she knew nothing about.And the worst part is,she's stuck with him,she didn't let him go. What do she do when he doesn't want to let her go?will she stay with him and fight till the end? Despite the warning signs,she failed to listen and now she's stuck with the devil. There's always something waiting at the other side of the wall.She knew this and yet she wouldn't give up she was determined.The devil stared at her longer than she expected, what did he want from her. He calls her different sweet names like sweet,butter, cherry.But he kept it away from her, there's always something that's waiting for you.A secret of the past, a pain of the past you left hidden. When you suddenly think everything is going well for you but suddenly it's gets revealed. Yet to come.Yet to fulfill.Yet to see. He was her devil.He was her lust.He was her desire. She hated him She wanted him She loved him ... Bound with him! Leave him! Destroy him! "How could you do this to your own brother?,"Bethany asked feeling all hopes crushed. "Because to get you of course...I mean why else do I have to do this," "No! I have no business with you...infact I hate you!!!"Bethany yelled. "Hehehe if I were you I'll shut my mouth," "Where is he? please take me and not him he has suffer enough,"She pleaded. "I see your blind with that brother of mine," "He helped you...so why doing all this to him?for payback?"She asked. "I like it when you get fierce," What did that mean? //////////// My first book here please support me and give it a try! And you won't regret it. Xoxo

Favi_gold · Fantasy
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68 Chs


The morning was wasn't what they expected at all to hear the news of Bethany body not found shocked everyone.The very bad part of it was that her body left no trace at all. 

Margret was in the room when she received a call from an unknown number saying her daughter bethany was missing in the mortuary.But who would have taken her when there knew she was dead as a corpse.

"Mom what do we do?"This time Natasha was the one that spoke after a long moment of silence.

"I don't know I'm also shocked as you are"Margret said with a baffled expression. "But who took her out of there"Natasha asked as she saw her mom spacing around in the room.

"I don't know I paid those men to do the job well"Margret head was a mess inside.How could they?

"Did they deliver?"

"I have no idea"

"Oh my"

The night Bethany died they rushed her to the the mortuary without anyone noticing them at all.But how didn't they find her body in there again or did she survive? but there was a chance of her surviving death that night because Margret strangled the life out of her. If she survived then where was she then? if she was dead which she was who took her body? was it no the men that Margret sent? "Was it not them?"Natasha asked. "I doubt so this was the call I got from them 6hours ago,"margret showed her but that didn't leave the mask off Natasha's face.


"When the men I hired to come take Bethany's body out of there.They discovered her body was gone with no trace!"Margret explained to her but it couldn't be...?

"Then who took her body? done tell me when she was alive she had people after her life"Natasha said but her mind kept saying 'It had to be them' "I don't know but the deal..."her voice trailed off when they heard a commotion outside they averted their gazes from where it was.

"The deal?what do we do about the deal?"Natasha asked with shaken voice.

"We have to keep searching for her body"


Outside two bodyguards were preventing Maya form entering the house.She tried speaking to them kindly but they still insisted she shouldn't come in,when they knew who she was to Bethany? She tired pushing them away but they were strong but that didn't mean she was dumb she kicked them on the balls and ran inside.

"Bethany"she called out but got no response.She hastened her steps to Bethany's room but discovered it was locked 'Damnit' she started knocking on the door but got to response.

"Bethany it's me Maya"still no response she banged the door harder but no single sound came.She had a bad feeling about this,where was Bethany?

"Bethany where are you"Then she heard some noise coming from one of the rooms she had the urge to eves drop and hear what they heard.

 "Mom I know she's dead but the deal, Bethany was used for the deal"Natasha said.

"But Bethany is dead we have to cancel it"Margret said but that didn't suit well for Natasha.

"But we don't even know if she's dead or she survived,I hope she..."Natasha voice trailed off when they saw who entered the room with anger.They both gulped when they saw the look on maya's face she looked scary.

"What did I just hear"Maya said with her voice full of anger. "How did you--"

"That doesn't answer my question! where is Bethany?"Maya asked while looking at the both them who trembled in fear of saying something. "What happened?!!!"anger in her voice.

"Okay,fine you wanna know right?"Natasha spoke after taking of mouthful breath.

"Don't tell what I heard was true? is Bethany dead?"Maya asked but when they both turned their head and looked away,she already confirmed her answer. "So...?"Maya didn't want to believe her best friend was dead! "She's dead...Maya I'm so--"Natasha shut her mouth when Maya looked at her with daggers in her eyes.

"When did she die? what killed?how did you find out?where you with her before she died?"Maya bombarded them with questions not giving them no breathing space.

"W...we don't know,I swear we don't,"Natasha looked at Maya with what they called fear.


"Her body is missing,but I can assure you..."

"Just hold it,what you're going to say right now,it's going to anger me more,"Maya held back her tears and left staying there wasn't helping matters.


"Like seriously.Your telling me that,"

"What am I supposed to tell you,"Liam looked at his cousin Fred"I thought you knew better,"

"Like you thought I knew better,"Fred looked at liam surprised"You know this Liam,so stop the play,"

"You just think that.But it seems that brain of yours is made of wood,"Liam looked at Fred who just scoff.

"How wish mike was just here,"Fred saw Liam body stiff a little"He would have talked some senses into you,"Fred knew Liam was playing quite stubborn.

"Do you really have to mention the name?"Liam said as he glared at Fred.

"Fine,but you have to consider this,Liam it's not like the one we've encountered"Fred looked at liam telling him to stop.

"You know me well so...just have a little faith in me okay,"Liam said.