
Secret Powers Within

My life is so incredibly boring. I have no friends because everyone thinks I'm weird and they find it fun to push me around, laughing at me. I have no siblings to be friends with either, thanks mom. There's nothing to do for fun in the town I live in and I'm just a nobody that everyone abuses for entertainment, with nothing special about me. Or... at least that's what I thought... Then I moved to California and it all changed on me, flipped completely upside down and thoroughly made my brain explode. Who knew werewolves, shapeshifters and magic powers were real?

LunaFire18 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 45: This Bitch is Goin Down


I spent several hours helping everyone else out, either making sure they had somewhere to sleep or getting them food or a drink, or helping sort out what to do with their fallen loved one. It was now 11:42pm and almost everyone else had gone to bed, I didn't want to but Kat and Jason made me.

"You can either sleep with me in my room or, if you want, you can obviously go sleep in... his room..." Kat offered and trailed off with a sorrowful, apologetic little smile, knowing no matter what it'll hurt me to be reminded yet again.

"I..... I'll sleep in his room... Might be nice being surrounded by his scent..." Kat nodded, knowing exactly how I felt, then she headed to her room to cuddle Jason. I dragged my feet to my mate's room, half not wanting to sleep there and half wanting to. I just didn't want to sleep alone and knowing he's probably chained up and being tortured because of me... easy to say I'm probably not sleeping much tonight.

I reached his door and stood in front of it for a few minutes, then taking a deep breath I opened it and slowly walked in. It's of course the exact same as the last time I was in here, nothing touched because no ones been in here. His scent was stale but it was here, which made tears well up all over again. I stood just looking around bawling my eyes out as if he were dead, thank god he's not because I don't think I could ever be able to handle that kind of pain... from the corner of my eye I saw some people walking past, they glanced in and gave me pained, knowing looks before continuing on their way, not disturbing me.

Once my tear ducts got practically bone dry I finally went and laid down in his bed, getting under the blankets after closing the door and turning off the light. I sobbed some more despite no more tears falling due to them being unable to form anymore. Eventually I fell asleep from exhaustion, wishing my mate's scent was fresh and he was here with me... mildly pissed off that living things have to rest...


I opened my eyes to see I was in the corner of a dark, gloomy room. After glancing around I saw Drake chained to the wall, head hanging down. I gasped and was about to go try and free him but immediately stopped once I heard that voice start speaking to him, "Oh Drake.. You dumb, pathetic little mutt... Do you honestly think you're stupid girl is going to find and save you? Or—hypothetically—if she does, do you really think she'll want you once I tell her all about those girls you dated and did in the past?" I was extremely puzzled as to what he was talking about. "How you used them for yourself then threw them away to be replaced by the next one? Wonder what she'll think of you once she knows the approximate number of times you've... how shall I say..... Done the deed? She won't want you, she will be disgusted and hurt and will refuse you instantly. And then, after letting you suffer for a day or so, I will end your pointless life and do her a favor, then keep her as my slave to do whatever I wish. After all, I can't very well let the powerful shapeshifter die before I use her to my advantage now can I?"

Drake lifted his head weakly, and rasped back, "As if you could do that. She'd kill you before you could do anything to her."

"Oh but I bet she won't be able too with all that pain she's going to feel from knowing the truth about you." He replied, amused. I didn't even know how to feel right now, but I did know I was still going to get him out of here no matter what. After having that thought my mate seemed to stare at me, pretending to be glaring into the darkness. Can he actually see me or is it just coincidence...? He nodded ever so slightly as if to answer my self question. My heart skipped, knowing he could see me. But then I felt dread, what if Z knows I'm here... Can he see me too...

Drake glared at the shit standing in front of him and growled, "You're wrong. She's not like that, she will at least here my side of the story before deciding if she hates me or not." I gave a tiny smile, glad that he knows that.

Z just laughed and walked to the exit, stopping at the door to say, "We will see who's right, stupid mutt," and he walked out. Sadly before I could run to my mate, my vision started glitching out and he was slowly disappearing.

"No..." I barely even whispered.

"You'll find me... dark forest.... small.. cabin.... I love you.." 


I jumped awake. Literally. I had immediately jumped out of bed, then realized I wasn't asleep anymore. I sighed and slowly sat back down, not forgetting a single thing from that dream. I tried thinking of what he could have meant by dark forest, small cabin, but nothing came to mind. I need to ask one of the others. I got up, not bothering to know what time it was and went to Kat's room. I knocked on the door, waiting for a reply before opening it since they could be doing things I don't need or want to see. I hear a, "come in!" and open the door. Kat and Jason are cuddling on top of the blankets, a little confused as to why I have come to bug them in the middle of the night. Meanwhile in the back of my mind I wondered why they're still on top of the blankets in the middle of the night.

"Drake talked to me in a dream just now. He told me I will find him then said 'dark forest, small cabin' I've racked my brain to see if I know anything at all bout that but I don't cause I haven't lived here for years, so I need to know if you guys do or not." I stated answering their unasked question. After the first sentence they had sat up and leaned forward, intent on the rest of what I had to say. Then they thought for a bit, while I hoped they would think of the place I couldn't since they know this area way better than I do. Kat seemed to have something in her brain click and she jumped out of bed after she gasped in excitement.

"What is it???!" Jason and I asked at the same time.

"Wonder if dad remembers that time..." she asked herself as she ran out the door, leaving Jason and I to stare at each other like '... wtf?'. We then chased after her to see what she was up to. We caught up to her just as she burst into her dad's room.

"Katie wh—" the king started asking but he got cut off by her answering, "You remember that one time when Drake and I were like eight and somewhat got lost in this weird forest but we found this spooky cabin and before we could go in you finally found us?"

He looked at her quizzically and responded, "Yesss....? Why?"

Kat squealed in excitement and jumped happily then exclaimed, "I know where he is!!!" My heart leaped out my chest and did some somersaults.

"Well?! Tell me so I can go save him!" I shouted getting anxious. She showed me the directions through mind link and I dashed off, only to be stopped by the king yelling, "Wait!" In a commanding, alpha tone. His tone didn't make me stop against my will, but I stopped since I respect him. However, I am annoyed he's making me wait with going to save his son's life.

I turned around fidgeting with my hands and asked, "Wait for what? He needs help, he's just hung on the wall and that fucking asshole said that when he killed us all he would hang us all on the wall like sadistic trophies. And he's first verbally abusing him but it won't be long at all until he changes to physically torturing Drake." I was mad now, I was battle ready again and I didn't want that to go away before I could kill that fuckin dick.

"You can't very well go alone Kelsey." The king stated getting off his bed, Kat and Jason nodded in agreement.

I sighed and said, "I don't want anymore lives lost because of me... I know no one will really straight up tell me to my face if they think all these deaths are my fault, but I also know that lots of people here now deep down at least slightly blame me since if I never came here, none of this would have happened." The three frowned at me but couldn't deny that what I just said was true.

"As many men as you think are needed may come and help fight the last of that army, but Zelroth is mine to deal with and mine alone." I stated, walking out of the room.

I waited for sunrise before actually leaving, I was also waiting for anyone that wanted to come along and fight some more. After the sun rose, I stood up from my place of sitting on the ground a little ways from the door. I heard it open and out came almost all the people that fought yesterday, some were the ones that had protected the house though. I smiled, surprised that so many people were still willing to fight.

The king, Kat and Jason walked up to me and said in unison, "We're all yours, princess." And they bowed a little. The king winked at me and smiled.

"Pffff.... I'm not a princess...." I said nervously, ignoring the fact I know that is a major lie.

"You're the prince's mate and future Luna, so you are a princess." Kat said smiling kindly at me.

I smiled back and then sighed and responded, "Okay fine. Let's just go save that prince." I then walked over to the group awaiting orders and yelled, "Alright guys, ready for me to yell at you some more?" I chuckled at the purposely dramatic sighs, then heard some fellow chuckles.

"Okay, let's go then!!" I yelled then turned and started in the direction Kat had shown me, everyone following me. Once we reached the dark forest, a forest almost attached to their territory, we soon found out why he called it the dark forest.

"Fuck sake. It's broad flippin daylight and you almost can't see worth a shit in here." I muttered, continuing on. We finally found the spooky cabin, god describing this stuff makes me sound like fricken Dora the Explorer. Go throoouuugh the dark forest, iiiinto the sPoOokY cabin..... and free your boyfriend from evil cluches!!! *eye roll of exasperation* jesus freakin christ.. Before we could go in we were stopped in our tracks by the rest of Z's army, which was a fair amount. Wouldn't be easy getting rid of all of them.

"Ah, so you've shown up at last I see, miss Kelsey. Well... I'm afraid you're too late. For in five minutes I will be personally killing your precious mutt, then I'll come finish all of you off. Of course, first you have to fight my little army here." Z said, laughing after. I growled in annoyance and without a word by anyone charged and killed six guys all immediately after each other.

"Well don't just stand there fools! Get her!" Z yelled to his men who sprang into action, their objective; capture me. My fighters started as soon as the other guys were ordered to attack me. As they all fought, the extra like fifteen guys came to dog pile me to try and catch me. Stupid of them really cause once they were all on top of each other, and me, I sent a powerful electricity shock wave through all of them. Killing every single one of them and the force blasted quite a few off in random directions. Once I wiggled and squeezed my way out from under all the bodies I yelled to more of them to come get me, and many were dumb enough to listen and follow then tackle me like their comrades. They too died of electrocution, glad they're all idiots and I have discovered this trick.

Now we had more people than they did, unfortunately Zelroth called to his men, "Leave her to me! You're all too incapable to take her down! Fight everyone else!" The scaredy cat finally showed himself.

I stiffled a laugh as I said, "Well no wonder you stayed hiding... Your fucking uglier than a diseased cow's shit of dead, rotting bodies thrown through a blender with some vomit and baby shit. Jesus." He glared daggers at me with his weird red iris eyes that were surrounded by what looked like a mix between black eyes from being punched and zombie eyes. The rest of his face had some lumps on it and random patches of I think acne. His shortish, dirty blonde hair looks like it hasn't been washed in months, so of course that was a stringy, greasy mess. His body however... Was like twenty times more ripped than Drake is, so that was extremely fricken gross to see cause his veins were popping out all over his arms, hairy ass chest and neck. Aside from all the hateful comments I could make about this guy, one thought overruled them all... 'This ugly ass bitch is goin the fuck down...'