
Secret Of The Nightmares

."Why I'm supposed to suffer like this?" He was drowning in the deep ocean struggling to breathe. But it seemed he was trapped in the time lap. Every day brought a new trial for him and he entered a never-ending misery when he shut his eyes at the night as his nightmares about his past dragged him into the darkness but he wasn't aware that his nightmares had a secret which he wasn't aware of. Park Jimin Fanfic

Rida_Kanwal · Horror
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

6. The Creepy Dolls

Once again Jimin found himself in the basement he remembered he was laying on the couch struggling to not fall asleep but as usual, his attempt had been failed. Fear ran through his veins his heart pounded faster and he became drenched in sweat when he heard a strange noise from the depth of the darkness.

He picked the lightened candle from the floor and proceeded to the voice. He was afraid that either he will see a girl or he will end up to phase Dong Hyun. He was following the voice but couldn't understand where it was coming from suddenly the same girl grabbed his attention but unlike the previous time, she was in a different condition.

Usually, whenever Jimin saw that girl she would be laid down on the floor and ask for help but today she was standing near the wall holding a sharp knife in her hand she was carving something on the wall.

"I was waiting for you Jiminie," The girl said, stopping carving on the wall.

"Jiminie," The nickname reminded him of his old friend Sunmi and all the flashback wandered in his mind. How long it had been since he even had thought about her. Lost in his thoughts he looked at the wall, His eyes were widened the words she was carving on the wall had astounded him.

"Lee Sunmi" Jimin murmured. "But why did she write her name?" The question was bothering him and Jimin wasn't able to find the answer as the girl was silently sobbing in pain while staring at the wall.

"Who are you?" Jimin finally asked when his curiosity reached its peak.

"You still don't recognize me?" She asked in return, turned back toward him and it was the first time she had exposed her face. Pale white skin her lips were dried her big round eyes were filled with enormous pain. Jimin's heart ached so much after seeing her eyes but he couldn't understand why he was sympathizing with her.

"No, I don't know who are you why you're appearing in my dreams I don't know anything about you," Jimin replied in an exhausted voice.

Jimin stepped back, he looked startled when the girl started walking towards him while limping on her feet. He walked backward until he collided with the wall behind his back. He gulped, his throat became dried his body was shivering in horror as the girl was now standing closer to him.

"I'm sorry Jiminie," The girl said and put a knife on his neck.

His heartbeat was shallow and fast, He was too frightened to make any move against her and ask her why she wanted to kill him. The girl slide his neck from his left side and a deep sharp cut appeared on his neck.

Now she extended her hand holding the two dolls. Jimin remembered these dolls very well. It was Sunmi's doll he would love to play with.

"Lee Sun-Sunmi, You're Sunmi" Jimin called her name carrying the dolls from her hand. Her sorrowful eyes shed tears and the corner of her lips moved in a smile carrying a pain as she was waiting for this moment.

"You finally recognized me Jiminie, Now you have to help me," She said, in a shivering voice but filled with hope.

"But Why you're doing this to me?" Jimin asked groaning in pain as his neck started to bleed.

"Because you're the only one who can help me," Sunmi said caressing her hand on his face. Suddenly Jimin felt as his vision is getting blurry and his body has to get weaker. He made himself sit on the floor saw her walking back towards the darkness and then he closed his eyes.


Jimin woke up after sleeping for the entire day. He got up on the bed looked at the clock tells 8 pm felt a sharp pain in his neck., He realized that he had a bandage on his neck but he couldn't remember when he got injured as his last memory was his nightmare.

Jimin was still trying to figure out the situation suddenly his eyes stuck on the dolls beside him. He remembered Sunmi had given the dolls in his dream, "Then how he could bring these dolls in the real world," Jimin thought. Fear ran through his veins and he rashly came out of the room.

Taehyung got worried when he saw Jimin drenched in sweat, getting afraid of something. Namjoon Seokjin and Chaerin seemed concerned about him as well. "Jiminah what happened?" Taehyung asked walking towards him.

"T-that dolls," Jimin said pointing his finger towards his bed.

"Jimin calm down we are all here for you, okay, You don't need to be afraid," Chaerin said, She walked towards him caressed his shoulder to calm him down but Jimin was too scared.

"Chaerin-ah bring the water for him," Taehyung said made Jimin sit on the couch. Jimin was constantly staring at the room as he had seen a ghost of someone

Namjoon and Seokjin walked towards the room found the two dolls on his bed.

"I had come to check him just a few minutes ago but these dolls weren't there," Seokjin said taking the dolls in his hand.

"Jin hyung throw these dolls out right now," Namjoon said.

Seokjin came out of the room looked at Jimin shivering in fear Taehyung and Chaerin were astonishingly gazing at the dolls as well Seokjin threw the dolls in trash cans outside of the apartment and now they all were sitting in the living room.

"Jimin tells us to please what happened with you?" Namjoon asked Seokjin and Taehyung were gazing at him as well as Chaerin she was crying as the things were happening with Jimin had frightened her.

"The girl who always appears in my dream is Sunmi," Jimin started to speak gazing at the floor. "Usually I would see her laying on the floor drenched in blood but today she told her name to attack me with the knife and handed me these dolls" Jimin resumed.

They all were shocked after hearing about Sunmi and because of the incidents that had happened today. But they had no clue why she was doing this with Jimin why she was hurting him everything seemed strangled to them.

"Jimin we will figure out this okay, " Namjoon said patting on his shoulder.

"Yes, You don't need to worry about we all are with you" Seokjin added.

"Jimin we will find the solution okay," Chaerin said.

"I think you should go home now uncle and aunty would have been waiting for you," Jimin replied getting up from the couch.

"But I can't leave you as this" Chaerin said.

"You don't need to stay here I have them to take care of me," Jimin said walking towards the restroom. "And don't tell anything to them," He said before shutting the door.

"I think he's right you should go home, Mom already called me ten times to drop you at home," Namjoon said.

"But don't you think we should tell about him to them," Chaerin said.

"As they will run here to help him" Taehyung replied scoffed.

"What do you mean Tae,?" Chaerin asked furrowed her brows.

"Nothing you should go now, I'll drop you at home," Namjoon said.

"Guys what you're hiding from me," Chaerin asked crossing her arms around her chest.

"We're not hiding anything from you, You know Taehyung gets angry on little things," Seokjin said glaring at Taehyung.

"Dad emerged both the company and kicked Jimin out of the business, Is that a little thing for you?" Taehyung roared and then there were a few minutes of silence in the living room.

Jimin who was hearing their conversation from the restroom was feeling guilty as Taehyung had revealed his secret which he wanted to hide from Chaerin.

but Jimin preferred not to interrupt them as he was too exhausted because of the incident that had happened today.

Taehyung left the living room, Chaerin followed him to ask the rest of the story. She knew that Taehyung was boiling with anger as he was too sensitive about Jimin. She came to the balcony where Taehyung was standing alone. Put her hand on his shoulder. "Why dad take his company,?" She asked.

"Because of the profit ratio," Taehyung replied he clenched his jaw in rage, "but the worst thing is, He didn't even give him the shares he deserved, He just told him that he's not mentally stable to take care of the business, so he should concentrate on his treatment, He even showed the certificate to all the shareholders and Jimin that foolish guy accepts all the allegations in front of everyone," Taehyung took a deep breath and became silent.

Chaerin was heartbroken after knowing the injustice her dad had done with Jimin just for the sake of money but her concern was to find the solution to the strange problem that happened with Jimin. She could see Taehyung's drenched eyes.

"Tae, I agree dad have done wrong with him but I don't think we should focus on these stupid things when his life is in danger," Chaerin said, "Honestly whatever I saw today have frightened me, I'm worried that what if she tries to kill him again," She resumed.

"You're right we have to find someone who could solve this problem," Taehyung said.