
Secret Of The Nightmares

."Why I'm supposed to suffer like this?" He was drowning in the deep ocean struggling to breathe. But it seemed he was trapped in the time lap. Every day brought a new trial for him and he entered a never-ending misery when he shut his eyes at the night as his nightmares about his past dragged him into the darkness but he wasn't aware that his nightmares had a secret which he wasn't aware of. Park Jimin Fanfic

Rida_Kanwal · Horror
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20 Chs

5. The Mysterious Wounds.

"Jiminah, What's wrong with you? You seem exhausted are you not sleeping well?" Chaerin showed her concern for him.

"Nothing is wrong I'm perfectly fine," Jimin replied putting a smile on his face but Chaerin wasn't going to trust him as she was very well aware of his habit of hiding his pain behind his smile.

"You can't lie to me and you know it very well," Chaerin said rolling her eyes she sat on the passenger seat. While Jimin stuffed her luggage in the car trunk and sat on the driver seat, "Wanna eat something?" Jimin asked.

Chaerin looked at him with her complaining eyes, "No, I'm not going to eat anything until you tell me what's going on with you," She replied crossing her hands around her chest Chaerin shrugged her shoulder.

"Are you still gonna use these childish methods on me?" Jimin said gazing at her, He chuckled at her Cuteness.

Chaerin nodded without looking at him. Jimin now decided to give up as he knew Chaerin was a stubborn girl she wouldn't stop asking until she finds out the truth, "Okay I'll tell you everything but first let's eat something cause I skipped the morning meal for you," Jimin replied starting the engine.

"That's like a good boy," Chaerin teased patting his head.

Giving her a deadly glare Jimin shook her hand away, In return, Chaerin busted out in a laugh. The restaurant was thirty minutes away from the airport but during all the time Chaerin was talking about her life in the USA. Jimin felt jealous when she talked about the boys trying to approach her. The ride had been filled with his giggles and Chaerin's nonstop stories about her college and now they were sitting in the restaurant having thier favorite Bibim Naengmyeon.

"You don't know how much I've missed Korean food, I mean they do sell Korean food, Of course, but the taste was so different," Chaerin said slurping the noodles.

"Then eat well," Jimin Shortly replied. He seemed lost gazing at his bowl he was thinking about the dream he had last night. Chaerin could observe his anxiousness. "Jimin you're making me worried, tell me please what's going on?" Chaerin asked she put her chopsticks back on the table concentrating on Jimin hoping that she will get an answer. Jimin couldn't hide any further he wanted to talk about it with Chaerin only then he could feel relaxed.

"My, Nightmares have returned," Jimin finally replied clenched his jaw his eyes getting teary, He continued to stare at his bowl. Chaerin's heart ached so much, She had been witnessing his struggle to battle with the painful memories, She was happy when his nightmares were disappeared after being treated. "Don't worry everything will be fine," Said Chaerin, Put her hand on his she tried to comfort him.

"But something is weird this time," looking at her Jimin continued to speak. Chaerin observed fear in his eyes, which she saw before. "What is it?" She asked.

"I often see a girl in the basement asking for help whenever I try to see her face Dong Hyun appears and try to kill me and I wake up, But I don't know why I feel as I know her, As someone needs my help," Jimin told took a deep breath he then became silence.

"Are you taking someone's help?" Chaerin asked, Concern was visible on her face, She was afraid that he might well try to kill himself as he had done before.

Jimin was only seventeen when he had tried to jump from the rooftop of his school but thankfully Taehyung had been succeeded to save him but he didn't stop there he tried to kill himself again and again and then he had to spend three years in a mental asylum.

"Yes, I thought nobody could treat me better than hobi hyung, last time his treatment had worked on me," Jimin replied, His attempt to hold back his tears became failed, He looked down his feet, "I know I sound crazy but I...(gasp)...I just can't understand why I feel like this, But it seems she's someone closer to me," Jimin said.

For a second Chaerin felt jealous of her, Although it seemed an illusion of his mind but she just couldn't accept the fact that Jimin was thinking about a girl, But she controlled her feelings "that girl does not even exist Chaerin," She told herself.

"Jimin promises me you won't hurt yourself," Chaerin said, tightening her grip on his hand. Her eyes begged, Just the thought of losing him was freighting her.

"No, I won't do anything stupid I was just a kid at that time," Jimin replied. He saw the fears in her eyes. Guilt trickled down him as he thought about his silly mistakes.

"And stopped calling yourself crazy," Chaerin said picking her chopsticks she slurped the noodles. Jimin chuckled softly gazing at her he found her cute.


Taehyung opened the door as Chaerin rang the bell exchanged a warm hug with her. It was the first time when he had been lived without her for two years long distance if it would have been possible Taehyung stopped her and never let her go.

After two hours of ride, Jimin was exhausted as he wasn't able to sleep at the nights his muscles were sore and he was feeling drowsy all he wanted to do was throw himself on the bed and let him fall into the dreamland. But he was afraid he might enter in the never-ending misery once again. "Jiminah you should take some sleep," Seokjin said, Celebrating the victory in his favorite game. He didn't even prefer to look at Chaerin who had now joined them in the living room along with Namjoon who was busy reading but throwing his book back on the table he got up to hug her.

"No, hyung I'm perfectly fine," Jimin replied making himself laying on the couch.

"Jimin needs some pain killers, I'm sure she would have been barking like a puppy during all the ride," Taehyung teased her, flashing his boxy smile. sitting on the floor he was busy clicking his selfies.

Chaerin threw the cushion on him, While the others burst out in a laugh as well as Jimin. "Don't call me a puppy okay," Chaerin replied. Taehyung continued to laugh, as a result, Chaerin couldn't stop herself to laugh with them, that's all she was missing in her life. Her fight with Taehyung got pampered by her elder brothers and the time she spend with Jimin, Sitting in the living room she was having a conversation with them while Jimin fell asleep.

"Hey guys shhhhh, Jimin is sleeping," Chaerin said looking at him she walked toward the switchboard turned off the TV and now she headed to one of the rooms grabbed a blanket from the bed, and covered him softly. While the others quietly left the living room so that he could peacefully sleep.

Jimin held her hand as it had become his habit, pulled her closer and the comfort took a place on his face. Chaerin made herself sit on the floor next to him glaring at him she heard her heartbeat echoing in her ears. She grew the desire to kiss his soft plumpy lips and why wouldn't she? Since her school days, she was the only girl who was allowed to get closer to him. But she was told that as like her other brothers Jimin was his cousin's brother as well, but Chaerin never saw him in that way.

Chaerin was aware that Jimin had feelings for her, She could estimate whenever he gazed at her with so much passion and love in her eyes but Jimin never tried to cross the limit Kim's family had created for him. And then their love was much more than just a mere physical attraction.

Glaring at him she beamed, her eyes twinkled like the stars in the night sky, Suddenly she saw a strange fear on his face, "Is he having the nightmares again,?" Chaerin thought, "Jimin, Jiminah," She called his name but Jimin was gasping he broke out in a sweat tightened his grip on her hand but Chaerin's curiosity transferred into an enormous fear when a deep wound appeared on his neck and started to bleed as some invisible power slide a sharp knife on his neck, "Tae-Taehyung," Chaerin yelled her lungs out and they all came out in the living room.

"What happened?" Namjoon asked walking towards her with his eyes widely opened he bent down beside her, "How did it happen?" He asked.

"I-I was sitting here suddenly the wound appeared in his neck," Chaerin replied in a trembled voice.

Taehyung brought the towel for him Seokjin tried to awaken Jimin but got no response from him. The blood was flowing from his neck soaking his collar, but Jimin was still asleep they all were staring at him in bewilderment.

"Hyung something is not right with him," Taehyung said.