
A beginning

Winter is my favorite season but it's also my name hi I'm winter I always wonder what my life would be like without me I can't really contain what I feel I can only let it out. I have 3 brother's there all older than me John is 18, Bryan is 20, and Caleb is 19 my mom is a single parent. I don't understand her boyfriend he's old enough to be my grandpa I had lived a normal life with 2 parents when did it all go wrong I'd hope atleast a life not wondering what if I did this or maybe... Who knows nothing could have prepared me to that day. My parents were having fights often at night when I was younger argued so much I couldn't sleep well at night my dad would also act strange running into walls with blood shot red eyes. I just moved him out of the way he said,"Thank you." walking into the kitchen like it was nothing. I was in the 4th grade just a normal day I was waiting for my car and no one showed so I had to call home my grandpa picked me up I thought my dad but I guess he was busy. I went to my grandmas house until mom or dad picked me up so I just watched TV most of the time. It was dark out so I got hungry I asked her"can I have Vienna sausage."She gladly gave me it so as I wad warming it up in the microwave when my dad opened the door he said,"come on let's go." he grabbed me before I could say anything. My grandma was saying "wait." I didn't know what to do but yell and out the door we went just walking we ended up passing the junior high he got on the phone to call mom he said,"Get your shit out of the house or I'll burn it!" we walked until we reached the gas station and got a ride from grandpa. He drove me and dad home we went inside he gave

me a lunchable and then cry the police showed up a few seconds later I don't know what was wrong after that they divorce. It was just the beginning of teenage years.