
Second Time Adventurer - I Will Get Stronger So I Can Kill Everything

[ON INDEFINITE HOLD] Madison finds herself in an unknown land by equally unknown means after perishing in a dungeon; furthermore she is no longer human. She will have to adapt to her new environment and overcome the challenges that lay ahead of her to succeed and become as strong as possible.

CarsonODST · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The Horde Part 1

Jeremiah (helmet off) - "Today, we take a stand. A horde of monsters is on their way here as they speak, and while I know some of you may be worried, you mustn't falter. We fight for the safety of every resident of our great city, and while I can't guarantee wealth or your safety, I can guarantee that everyone here today is a hero. Someone who fights for a noble cause without expecting much in return, if that isn't the definition of a hero, then I don't know what is."

A few moments after Jerimiah had finished his speech, a scout who had been sent towards the horde to gather information suddenly emerged from the forest and ran towards the troops near the wall.

Male Scout - "The Horde will be here any minute!"

Jerimiah - "You heard him! Everyone finish your preparations and make sure you are in formation."

After everyone had double-checked their equipment and the mages specializing in enhancement magic prepared themselves, many monsters exited the forest and headed towards the town. The monsters seemed to consist of primarily low-level monsters such as wolves, slimes, goblins, and giant insects, along with a few medium-level monsters sprinkled in now and again.

Jerimiah - "ARCHERS! FIRE!"

The archers on the castle walls drew their bows and fired a constant volley of arrows toward the horde. The distance between them and the monsters was only about eighty yards, so even archers who weren't highly experienced could still participate. They were instructed to fire at the forest entrance where the monsters were exiting rather than at any of the other beasts to not accidentally hit their own people.

Jerimiah - "ENHANCERS! BEGIN!"

The enhancers began doing their part and boosting the frontline's stats and abilities.

[Darkness] - [Attack+]

[Haste] - [Agility+]

[Iron hide] - [Endurance+]

[Courage] - [Reduces Natural Fear/Nullifies All Fear Abilities at the Same or Lower Level]

The enhancers cast these three spells on as many people as possible, starting with those who seemed to need it and finishing with those who seemed strong.

Once the enhancers were done, the monsters were getting closer, and it was time for the main force to begin fighting.

Jerimiah - "WARRIORS!"

Everyone on the frontline was waiting for his next word. Once it was finally said, the battle would truly begin.

Jerimiah - "CHARGE!"

At the sound of this word, this one word, everyone who was prepared to fight in close combat rushed towards the approaching monsters. Jerimiah, on the other hand, stayed back for a second and gave two more commands.


Jerimiah - "HEALERS! STANDBY!"

After giving his final command, Jerimiah put on his helmet and headed towards the battle with the other troops.


Madison was assigned to the mage section. She was up on the walls along with the archers, but since she was on attack duty, she had to wait for the monsters to get closer due to the current range of her magic. She would have fired a few arrows, but since there weren't any leftover bows, she couldn't do much else besides wait.


About ten minutes later, the bodies of both the troops and monsters were piling up and were practically forming a hill at this point. Due to that, the monsters were running around it and now forming two separate groups, which caused the remaining force of fighters to split, and due to the constant fighting, the remaining troops were becoming exhausted, and most of their enhancements had worn off. Luckily this had been accounted for, a horn could be heard in the distance, and the second wave of forces which had still been inside the walls rushed out towards the monsters while the first group retreated.

At this time, some of the mages, besides the enhancers which were currently healing the first group, were running out of MP, and most of the archers were out of arrows.


After about another ten minutes, the number of monsters appearing decreased significantly, and the first group of people recuperated and joined the second group to fight the remaining monsters. Due to these factors, the front line was pushing closer to the forest, but there weren't any more archers with arrows, and nearly all of the mages were out of MP. The front line was entirely on their own now. It seemed like the fight was nearly over, at least that was until an unforeseen factor showed up.

A prominent and dark figure emerged from the woods. The figure became more apparent the closer it came. It rushed through part of the frontline with little ease. It looked as if it was decaying, and you could see its skull clearly on the left side of its head; it was also missing its left eye, and the other was dilated.


Madison used [Inspect] on it as it came closer, and when she saw what it was, she was taken aback.

Species: Wolf

Subspecies: Murder Death Wolf

Level: 8

HP: 717/717

MP: 202/202


Strength: 10

Vitality: 11

Intelligence: 2

Agility: 13

Endurance: 3

Madison - "It's him."