
second marriage/ wan

Marrying your own sister's husband is an unthinkable and reasonable thing suggested by your own father, mother and older brother. Why is that ? Marry your sister's husband, and give your husband to your sister." Like falling over the ruins of Joy hearing Lina's mother's words, am I dreaming that mother told me to divorce my husband and marry my own brother-in-law .. "Mother.. are you aware of everything you said? Mother told Joya to give Joya's husband to her own sister Joya and take brother-in-law as Joya's husband? Asked Joy confused. Lina looked at Joya with a straight face. "Mother is aware, you and Windy will change partners. Tomorrow I will call the prince to marry you off. Leo will marry Windy and Irwan will marry you.”

Wan_Lung · Urban
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44 Chs

Happy and Happy

Along the way, Joya cried and didn't want to let go of her husband's embrace. Irwan and Joya were escorted home by Buce. Joya is afraid that people will attack her again if she is away from her husband. After she was tired of crying, Joya fell asleep in her husband's arms.

As if feeling Joya's fear, Irwan wrapped his arms around Joya's body. He hugged her without letting go for a second. When he felt Joya's breathing getting regular, Irwan lowered his head, looking closely at his wife's chubby face.

Irwan's face looked flat, but his dim eyes showed worry. Gently, Irwan brushed his thumb across Joya's face. He wiped away the remaining tears on his wife's face.

Buce glanced at Irwan from the mirror reflection in front of him. His lips smiled, seeing the attention Irwan gave to his wife. "Do you like it?"

Irwan averted his gaze, meeting Buce's gaze through the rearview mirror in front of him. Even though Irwan's mouth didn't speak, Buce could catch the question in Irwan's eyes.

"I mean, you seem attracted to that whiny woman," Buce explained.

Buck didn't answer. He turned his face to the side. Pay attention to the vehicles passing to the left of the car.

Buce glanced at Irwan again. "Oh yeah, how did you end up with him? Didn't you already marry his brother?" Buce asked again.

Buce turned his head, fixed his glare on Buce. "Just focus on driving! And don't ask too many questions!"

Hearing Irwan's words, Buce was silent. He covered his mouth until he got to his destination.

Buce stopped in front of Irwan's house. He stared at the old building with a bleary gaze. "Irwan...You live here? If you don't have a place to live. You can-,"

Without saying a word, Irwan got out of the car, carrying his wife's body in his arms.

"CK! He hasn't changed at all. Still impolite and cold as an iceberg," Buce grumbled.

Suddenly, Buce's smile widened when he saw the wide open door of Irwan's house.

"Maybe I'm wrong," he muttered, getting out of the car and carrying all of Joya's groceries.

With enthusiasm, Buce stepped into the house. Arriving at home, he looked sadly at the contents of the house that Irwan lived in.


Ivan came out of the room. He looked at Buce, who was standing, carrying his wife's groceries. "Haven't left yet? It's getting late and I want to rest," he said, then turned around to return to the room. Before closing the door, Irwan said. "Don't forget to close the front door."

Buce clenched his fists. He was annoyed with Irwan's words that indirectly kicked him out. Buce put down Joya's grocery bag roughly, then immediately stepped out of Irwan's house.

"You impolite!" he cursed, closing the door roughly.


In the morning, Joya woke up because her body felt sore. His body felt heavy, especially in the waist and legs. Her eyes opened wide as she felt his breath hit her face.

Joya covered her mouth that was almost screaming. His face flushed seeing the distance between him and Irwan that were so close. Joya's heart was beating wildly when Irwan removed the distance between them.

Irwan's hands tightly wrapped around Joya's waist and his legs tightly wrapped around Joya's legs. He treats Joya like a bolster. Joya's face heated up when she felt something hard touch her thigh.

Joya closed her eyes and bit her lip. She thought of a way to escape from her husband's embrace. Joya didn't want to disturb Irwan's sleep, but she also didn't want to sleep close to him.

Because according to the previous agreement, they still sleep in one room but in different places.

When he felt Irwan's hug loosen. Joya shifted Irwan's feet slowly and snuggled out of his confinement. He also removed Irwan's hand that was perched on his waist. Joya breathed a sigh of relief when she managed to get out of Irwan's arms completely.

Joya sat on the edge of the bed. He stared closely at Irwan's flat face who was still sleeping. A smile widens when Joya remembers last night's incident. Even though Irwan didn't say much to calm her down, Irwan's hug made Joya feel safe.

Unknowingly, Joya stretched out her hand to touch her husband's face. He traced the curve of her face. Joya touched Irwan's dipping eyebrows, his thick eyelashes, his sharp nose and red lips. Slowly, Joya touched Irwan's lips with her thumb. Joya's heart pounded even more when she felt the softness of her husband's lips.

"Your hands disturbed my sleep."


Joya withdrew her hand reflexively. He snuggled to the end of the bed, distancing himself from Irwan who was staring at him intently.

"Sorry! A-anu...b-earlier...there was a mosquito on your cheek," said Joya stammering.

Irwan frowned. "Cheek here, not here," he said, pointing to his cheek and then his lips.

"The mosquito moves from cheek to lip. Never mind! I'm going to take a shower," said Joya quickly.

Joya stood up and walked quickly to the bathroom. His face was red and his heart was pounding. Joya was embarrassed, Irwan caught himself touching her.

Before entering the bathroom, Joya turned to glance at her husband. "Shouldn't we sleep in separate places? Why are you sleeping next to me. You pervert!"

Joya immediately opened the door and disappeared behind it. Joya washed her face, hoping that the heat on her skin would disappear soon. "I have to take a shower to clear my head."

In the room. Irwan stared at the closed bathroom door. "Why is he angry? Wasn't he the one who asked me to sleep beside him."

Irwan scratched his head that didn't itch. Last night, when Irwan was going to sleep on the sofa, Joya cried and asked him to sleep beside her. Because not bear, Irwan also follow his wishes.

Irwan's gaze shifted to the bulging lower part of his body. "CK! No wonder I'm said to be a pervert," he said. "I'm not a pervert. He's just too sensitive every time you touch me," he complained.

Once you're done cleaning up. Joy came out of the bathroom. He frowned when he saw that Irwan was no longer in the room. Joya took a piece of paper that lay on the nightstand.

'I went to work out. Only a while. No need to cook, I'll buy breakfast.'

Joya smiled broadly. He's too lazy to cook. Joya threw herself onto the bed while stretching her arms and waist. After taking a shower, his body felt refreshed. Unintentionally, Joya's eyes caught a bunch of paper bags near the door.

As fast as lightning, Joya got up and ran over to where the paper bag was. Joy opened its contents. He squealed when he saw all the clothes that Irwan had chosen last night. Not only clothes, there are two pairs of pentopel shoes and a beautiful satchel bag in it too.

"I have to get ready for work," Joya said excitedly.

Joya was happy with all the items her husband gave her. Not because of the price, but because Irwan himself chose it for him. As long as he was married to Leo, he didn't stop Joya from using his money, though. But Leo never bought things for her, always Joya had to buy them herself.

Although the money used for shopping still comes from the husband. There is still a difference when buying things yourself or buying things for your husband. There is a certain happiness when you get the things that your husband buys. It's like getting a present on a birthday, fun and happy. That's how Joey feels now.