
Second Life in Riddova

After a horrible life followed by death, the goddesses give a girl a second chance a life in a fantasy world.

KumaBear27101 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Day 3 arose and as I went to bed early I also woke up early, just before sunrise. I selected my two skills, item box and stealth and set off to hunt, steal is what It sounds like I was just stupid in not choosing it correctly the first time. Stealth immediately paid off as I found one of the fantasy mascot monsters… a slime, it was pale blue, the size of a volleyball and very blobby, I used fire ball and it died immediately, all that was left as a little slime core according to appraisal it can be used in alchemy and farming but neither apply to me yet so I threw it in the item box and proceeded onwards. Stealth really works wonders even at level 1 I was able to hunt a few slimes, one horned rabbit and some weird dog that was on two legs, according to appraisal it was a kobold. I was almost out of MP so I went back to my tree home, I thankfully leveled up today and was able to get a new skill [Perception] which allows me to sense living being in a certain range from me. I cooked up some rabbit, worked on my shelter a bit went to the river and took a bath killed a couple of slimes by the river and went home and bed. Day 4 I learned the skills [Earth Magic Level 1], [Creation Magic], and [Navigation], Earth Magic gave the spells: dig, and dirt bullet which I used for digging a toilet. Creation Magic allows me to create anything I want depending on MP available, I just it to make toilet paper which used up 5 MP and navigation gives me a compass on my status menu and I feel like I know how to get places I've been easier now without getting lost. Nothing excited happened, on day 5 I got the skills [Homunculus Creation], [Engineering Level 1], and [Strength] I've already said what the first one does, engineering lets me have a better understanding on building things which I'm using for my camp and walls/ crappy fencing which is now not crappy fencing, strength increases my physical abilities so I can run faster, hit harder and overall improve all physical abilities. By the time the 6th and 7th days rolled around I was pretty content with my life at my tree home ide wake up get new skills, hunt/ grind, eat, bath, hunt, eat sleep, repeat. Days 6 and 7 I got the skills [Spell Craft] which allows me to use compound magic (using two magics at once to create my own magic) not sure what ill do with that, [Translation] so I can talk and read in this world if I ever meet anyone, [alchemy] so I can use Homunculus Creation easier, [Light magic Level 1] which has create light and turn undead (single) I got it because why not, [Magic Perception] which is the magic version my other perception skill, when I got this I could see magic on my, and my tree as well as various places in the forest. [Summoning Magic] which allows for me to use MP to summon familiars, I have not tried this yet due to MP worries. [Time Space Magic Level 1] because if I level it up I might be able to use teleport but currently it just gives me a smaller version of my existing OP item box skill so I will use this just to level up ill put rock in it or something. [Architecture] which helps when designing building, I'm using this to assist my engineering skill. I'm not sure if your counting correctly but that is 7 skills, that's because on the 7th day when I woke up I found a Goblin trying to get through by fence, I immediately shit a dirt bullet at it and after a few bullets it died brining me up to level 4 . Here is my current status.

Name: None Race: &^@*-#&*!@ Age:15 Sex: Female

Level: 4

HP: 90

MP: 180

AGL: 20

DEF: 15

MDEF: 10

Skills: [Skill of Skills-(unique)], [Skill Tree View-(unique)], [Fire Magic Level 2], [Concealment Level 1], [Appraisal], [EXP Increase Level 1], [Water Magic Level 1], [Item Box], [Stealth Level 2], [Earth Magic Level 1], [Creation Magic], [Navigation], [Homunculus Creation], [Engineering Level 1], [Strength], [Spell Craft], [Translation], [Alchemy], [Light magic Level 1], [Magic Perception], [Summoning Magic], [Time Space Magic Level 1], [Architecture]

Compound Skills: House Building (Pending)

Titles: Reincarnator

Compared with my initial states I've gotten pretty good, still have no ideas where I land compared to a soldier though or a normal civilian. I recently got a new section called compound skills, when I appraised it said that when you have certain skills they can unlock new skills for this skill it needed, Architecture, Engineering, Earth Magic, Alchemy and Spell Craft. Its pending because I need to use once of my daily uses to get it but the skill itself is pretty good, I can use MP to take surrounding materials to creates various building depending on the MP and Materials present. Ill unlock it soon and build myself a cabin or house or maybe a castle here someday. Also it appears skills can raise certain states, I've gotten a lot of magic skills which doubled my MP. Due to the goblin incident my MP is below 100 so ill relax at home and tomorrow I'm going to get some skills and test my creation Magic if It works ill be able to not only use house building but ill be able to maybe use my Homunculus skill.

Day 8, today is the day for my experiment, if things go well a glorious day, what's my experiment to ask? Well a lot of the skills I want to use are MP or mana dependent so how do I increase my MP fast, it's to create something that increases states. I'll call my creation Apple of Eden, I've never had an apple but I've read about them and why Eden well because this tree is like my paradise, my Eden. I use 150 MP and focus on creating a fruit that increases all my stats. When I opened my eyes to see if it works I was presented with an apple like I've seen pictures of except half was red and half was blue just like my eyes. I appraised the apple and this is what I got.

[[Apple of Eden- Forbidden fruit created by the nameless girl in the forest, when consumed entirely all states increase.]]

It worked, it really worked, woo-hoo!!!! Finally I can do all the things I want to do; I immediately ate the entire apple and checked my status.

Name: None Race: &^@*-#&*!@ Age:15 Sex: Female

Level: 4

HP: 110/110

MP: 30/220

AGL: 20

DEF: 15

MDEF: 10

Skills: [Skill of Skills-(unique)], [Skill Tree View-(unique)], [Fire Magic Level 2], [Concealment Level 1], [Appraisal], [EXP Increase Level 1], [Water Magic Level 1], [Item Box], [Stealth Level 2], [Earth Magic Level 1], [Creation Magic], [Navigation], [Homunculus Creation], [Engineering Level 1], [Strength], [Spell Craft], [Translation], [Alchemy], [Light magic Level 1], [Magic Perception], [Summoning Magic], [Time Space Magic Level 1], [Architecture], [Acrobatics], [Intimidation], [Mining]

Compound Skills: House Building

Titles: Reincarnator, nameless girl of the forest, creator of the forbidden fruit

Along with some weird new titles I've gotten all my states have all increased, not by set amounts though so maybe its random? Mhm… not sure but if I made these each day them my dream of using all my skills will come to reality. Oh you may have noticed that some skills like fire magic and stealth have gone to level 2 that because I leveled them up over the week by constantly using them, fire magic when hunting and stealth I've had on 24/7 well I'm assuming there are 24 hours a day 7 days a week, I'm guessing though. With the upgrade I unlocked Fire Arrow and Sense heat which should help in my hunts/ grinding. Seems stealth level 2 just makes my stealth better. I'll spend the next week creating Apples of Eden and collecting skills and trying to level up. Today I'm low on MP so ill spend the rest of the day ill draw out on some paper I made the other day with creation magic a design for the place I want to build next to my tree home, its got to be big, I don't want to be In a small windowless room again, so lots of light and big rooms are a must. So small shacks and houses are a no-go that leave either a mansion or a castle. I spent the day drawing and eating and even killed two goblins that tried to attack my fence "What did my fence ever do to you". After deciding on a giant mansion with lots of fences, I went to bed.

When you use appraisal you get a brief description of what the skill it, when you own the skill and use appraisal you get a lot more detailed info on certain skills. For [Homunculus Creation] the extra info I got was the list of ingredients and mana you needed, for the compound skill [House Building] when you had the idea of what you wanted it would give you a vague idea of what material you were missing from your location. For my mansion I was missing… well… a lot, I had enough stone, wood and rocks what I needed was MP, magic stones and cloth. MP was would slowly increase due to the Apple of Eden I will make, and magic stones are apparently in the monsters I've been killing, I haven't done a good job at dismantling the corpses so I've never notices so for today's skill I got [Dismantle] which auto dismantles corpses into their individual parts, very convenient. I also got the skills (Martial Arts Level 1] in case I need hand to hand, [Auto-Mapping] so I can slowly create a map of where I've been in my status. [Enchanting] which enables me to enchant equipment with buffs and [cooking level 1] because I'm sick of the food I've been eating, the rabbits I've been eating don't taste very nice, even with the salt I make with creation magic, and I cant make other spices because of MP consumption (pepper would cost me 150 MP) not worth it right now, after my skill and eating my Apple of Eden I used my new dismantle skill on all the bodies I've hunted thus far, they range from size of my pinky to a golf ball size, I got a total of 19 cores from the various horned rabbit, slimes, and goblins I've killed. Still not enough I need a total of 25 for my mansion and another 20 for my Homunculus that ill create later. After mulling over my options I decided to create a familiar, using the knowledge from my summoning skill I drew a summoning circle in the dirt and poured all but 10 MP into the circle and imagined a flying bird that can scout.