After a horrible life followed by death, the goddesses give a girl a second chance a life in a fantasy world.
The world of Riddova is a relatively new world compared to my old one, a few of the celestial gods got bored of the worlds that have been around forever and decided to make their own with the use of interesting myths and fantasy ideas from other various worlds, including mine. How do I know all of this? Well before I get to that I little back story please.
My name is... well I'm not sure anymore my memories are kind of selective due to what I'm about to tell you but I've decided to go with Alice, I'm currently 15 years old but before I got sent to this new world I had no name, I had no freedom, I had no future, I was born from two 'parents' that were well… mad scientists, they were trying to see if they could create medicine from the cells in a body that had never been subject to outside contaminates, such as dirt, germs, medicine, etc. That entailed me staying in an enclosed room (cleanroom) with a bed, a tablet where I could learn preprogramed learning matter as well as the books that were on the tablet. My 'parents' only interacted with me when it was time to medical checkups and to remove a safe amount of blood, hair, bone marrow, and on occasion a took a nail. It was very painful because for their experiment I could not have any drugs. When I reached the age 15 my 'parents' stopped showing up, no more food came, and eventually the lights shut down and before you know it, I died.
The next thing I saw was 6 women standing around me, these were the first people I have ever seen except for my 'parents' so I kind of blurted out something unacceptable. "wwhhaaaattttt, who are you? why are you all so pretty!? where am I? wait who am I", I'm so confused." Even with my outburst of questions and screaming. The tall one directly Infront of me flicked my forehead, which hurt, a lot, and I know what you are saying 'you should be used to pain' but to that I say pain is pain regardless. After the flick I calmed down and the woman started talking "welcome my name Kifule I am one of the goddesses of this world". Her elegant voice calmed me down and snapped me back to reality, I stared at her for a moment to take in her beauty, from what I could see she was taller than me perhaps around 5'11" maybe her early 20s, long blonde hair, beautiful face, slim but well-proportioned body and the most important thing I noticed her ears, they were long like those I had seen in some of my books... elf ears. I hastily asked, "Are you an elf?" Not missing a beat Kifule replied to my question "not an elf although I did base the elves of myself when I made them or rather it's a combination of myself and various sources from other worlds". That was when I found out that I was in the realm of the gods currently just outside a new world they created around a 3000 years ago call Riddova, they told me they based it on things from my world and several others fantasy worlds, when I asked why they said "because it's fun to do stuff that is in the imagination" They said I can ask any questions so I found out that I was brought here after I died because they felt bad for me about the way I lived and how I didn't get to experience life except in my tiny room. They also informed me that I would be sent to this new world to have the life I never got to have. I was super excited because in all the books I had read on my tablet the fantasy and mythology books were always my favorite and I had my 'parents' get more, when I behaved like a good girl. I also found out that I died because my 'parents got arrested when police caught then trying to inject the medicine into patients at a hospital that was made from my cells and since apparently my room was very well hidden, I slowly starved to death. I was not particularly sad about anything I did not have anything holding my there but now I get a whole new life which I am very much excited about, knowing that I was brimming with excitement.
After my Q&A was finished, I felt bad because I forgot to ask about the other people in the room with us. Perhaps knowing somehow (god powers) what I was worried about the other 5 women started introducing themselves. "I am Skattase the goddess that mainly rules over death" "WHAT!!?" I blurted out, that made her very mad probably because I could imagine this girl with black hair, black doll like eyes and a very loli-like body saying she was the goddess of death. "That right I'm the goddess of death so show me some respect.... please" Kifule started apologizing saying that while Skattase is normally quiet and a little impatient the one thing she gets huffy about is when she isn't taken seriously due to hear appearance. "Wait, she is a goddess, can't she change her appearance?" Kifule stared explaining that the God of creation who created the rest of the gods and goddess can only do that, so we just must live with it, apparently Kifule is the goddess of peace hence her apologizing, the next to introduce herself was the goddess of life Des she looks like a child short green hair blue eyes, incredibly happy and cheerful, carrying flowers, next was Danner the Goddess of the Harvest, brunette with long hair, green eyes, looks like a teenager with height around 5'5" freckles very hardworking. Spas Goddess of the hunt looks like a teenager green hair, red eyes, always has a jackalope on her shoulder always very sneaky. Vamp the Goddess of war also a child, very rowdy and angry, always picking fights, red hair, black eyes, always fully armored carrying a sword, I asked her if she was a vampire and she that the name was just similar. Apparently, there is another goddess, but she is in timeout due to accidentally whipping out an island full of jackalopes that Spas was raising.
Des started explaining what was going to happen now, they would give me one cheat power and any alterations done to race that I wanted and if I had a preference in the type of country I wanted to be sent to. After much consideration I decided that for race if I were not an evil race, that I could live for a long time and looked at least human from appearance for the most part then I will leave it up to the goddesses, ide prefer to stay female and I am happy with my body if it is healthy. For country one that is peaceful with all races or most races would be great. For the skill, mhm... how about a skill to make skills. Des had been writing everything down on what looked like a big leaf with a wooden pencil but abruptly stopped at the mention of the skill I wanted, "What kind of skill is that, can you explain?" I explained that the skill would essentially allow me to make skill orbs of any skill I wanted and obtain those skills from those orbs. """WHHAAATTT!?!""" All the goddess said in unison or rather panicked in unison screamed it which caused me to almost jump out of my skin. After the outburst Vamp started explaining that that is to OP even for a cheat skill and that if they were to give it to me it would have to have a few rules to it. Those rules being.
1. Can only make the number of skills per day based on level (i.e., level 1 is 1 skill per day, etc.)
2. You can only create Level 1 skills, no skipping the line of growth too much.
3. You cannot give your skills to other people.
After those rules were dished out and all goddesses seemed to agree I also agreed to that once Kifule smiled at me and said a farewell my vision was encompassed in bright light.