
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Xiao Wei Recognizes Her Mother

Boom! Boom!

Two dagger-like weapons cut through the air quickly, and nailed to a human-shaped stake not far away.

"Huha.. Huha.. This way... This is not okay."

A little girl with silver hair and a blue-and-white maid outfit ran over all the way, looking at the two nails nailed to the wooden man in front of her. Submerged into Qianqian's flying knife, she shook her head lightly.

What should I do to be like Master Xiaoxue?

Recalling the scene at that time, the girl's silver-black eyes unconsciously fell on the two deep cuts on the chest and forehead of the wooden figure.

"What's wrong? Sakuya. Look at your confused look."

Not far away, a voice came from far to near, and the silver-haired girl called Sakuya also came back to her senses, and turned her head to look at the voice. source.

"Master Xiaoxue." Sakuya bowed slightly.


Although Ling Xue corrected this title several times, Sakuya still didn't change it, so Ling Xue just let it go. In fact, Ling Xue really wanted Sakuya to call him O'Neill Sauce~~ or something like that.

Well, ahem. well. . .

In short, Ling Xue came over like this, gently stroked Sakuya's silver thread and said, "Did you encounter any difficulties in practice? Tell me."


Sakuya nodded , said: "No matter how hard I try, after a week, the flying knife has been nailed to the wood, but the depth has not increased at all. It is clear that Master Xiaoxue said that he also used the power of ordinary people, but why. ..."

"So that's how it is."

Ling Xue smiled slightly, and then took out all the wooden figures that Sakiya had practiced this week from the inventory. Then I picked up one of them, "This is the wooden man you used for practicing on the first day when you just came into contact with flying knives..."

Then he put it down and took one from it again. "This second day..."

"Third day..."

"Fourth day..."

. . .

"This is from today." Ling Xue pointed to the wooden man standing on the side and said, "Observe the knife edge carefully, did you find anything?"

Let's talk about the results of the observations.

"En." Ling Xue nodded, then squatted down, raised her eyes slightly, looked at Sakuya's silver-black eyes and smiled, "Sakuya, you are actually very good. It took a week to complete I have practiced the flying knife that I have never touched to this level. Have you noticed that not only the knife edge is getting less and less, but also getting closer to the deadly point on the human body."


Sakuya raised At the beginning, after looking carefully at the wooden figures again, I was pleasantly surprised.

"There are fewer and fewer knife edges, which means that the accuracy of your flying knife is getting higher and higher. And getting closer to the deadly point on the human body is because you have gradually begun to have the self-consciousness that a flying knife hand should have. Besides ..."

"Besides what? Mrs. Xiaoxue..."

Seeing Lingxue say what's more, she stopped, Sakuya wondered.

"No. It's nothing." Ling Xue shook her head lightly. "In short, keep going. Don't worry about strength. It's all because of your physical fitness and the lack of full development of your muscles, Sakuya. What you have to do now is not just follow the method of exerting force I said. To exercise your muscles, you need to develop a set of force-generating methods that suit you."

"Hey, I will work hard, Mr. Yuki." Sakuya nodded excitedly.

"Yo Xi. Then let's go eat."

Ling Xue stood up, took Sakuya's hand, and walked towards the house. At this time, Antlers was already standing at the door waiting for the two of them.

After eating, Lingxue planned to take a trip to the Sun Flower Field. On the one hand, I was dizzy from studying in the morning and wanted to relax. On the other hand, I heard from Sheng Tianzi that Yui and Xiao Weiyi mysteriously used 'the fly' to go to the sun flower field early in the morning. I don't know what to do.

Wait, why do I feel like I seem to have forgotten something. . .

Maybe it's my illusion.

Ling Xue shook her head, and pushed this thought out of thin air out of her mind.

At the sun flower field, a colorful gap appeared out of thin air, and Ling Xue walked out of it.

Walking on the dirt path full of flower fragrance, looking at the golden sunflowers all around. Ling Xue felt that her whole body was relaxed, and her head, which had become dizzy because of studying the seeds of the world, was refreshed now.

Following Sunflower's guidance, Lingxue soon came to Youxiang's Dream Pavilion.

"Ah, Zi, are you there too?"

He walked to the Dream Hall. A few familiar figures are happily eating the food on the table. . .

"I said Zi, did you use the gap to grab a few dishes from my house again?"

Looking at the familiar plate, Ling Xue sighed. He just said, just when the antlers came out of the kitchen when they were preparing to eat, why did their face suddenly become so weird, that's why.

"Hmph~ It's your honor to eat something from you."

Being caught on the spot, Zi didn't feel the slightest embarrassment, but rather proud.

I said what are you so proud of.

Ling Xue slandered secretly, walked up to Yui and Xiao Wei, patted the heads of the two little guys lightly, and said, "Hey, what's the matter with you two little guys coming here so early in the morning?" Son, you still look mysterious."

"Hey hey hey~~" Yui smiled triumphantly, and then said to Xiao Wei: "Xiao Wei, call Dad."

"What are you shouting for?"

Ling Xue was stunned for a moment, then her eyes drifted to Xiao Wei, who was a little shy.

At this time, Zi, who was eating lunch, and Youxiang, who had finished eating and was drinking black tea, also stopped their movements, turned their eyes over, and there was a kind smile in their eyes.


Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on her, Xiao Wei lowered her head, twisting her two little fingers in front of her chest, and then she seemed to have decided to wake up, her eyes shyly looked at After meeting Youxiang and Zi, she whispered: "Zi...Zi Mama...Hua Mama."

"En." Youxiang nodded. He continued to drink the black tea in his hand, but there was infinite tenderness in his eyes.

"En~~ You're so good, Mama Zi will get you some sweets later." Zi Yakumo nodded with a smile, and then continued to eat.

It is good not to steal.

Ling Xue complained secretly, but she was quite pleasantly surprised in her heart. Speaking of which, he had been worrying about this matter a few days ago. Unexpectedly, Yui took the initiative to solve it for herself. After all, she is her own good daughter who understands the pain in her father's heart. Ling Xue was secretly proud in her heart.

"I also heard about Yui about Xiaowei. Xiaoxue, you did a good job this time. It's just that the guy named Kayaba Akihiko was cheaper. How dare you treat Yui and Xiaowei like this. If it falls into my hands Here, hmph..." Having said this, You Xiang showed a trembling smile on her face.

hiss. . .

Seeing this iconic flower mother smile, Ling Xue shuddered suddenly. Kayaba Akihiko, fortunately you died early. I believe you who are far away on the other side must think so too.

After three seconds of mourning for Jing Yanqing (silently) for Kayaba, Ling Xue sighed secretly, why did you die so early? What will the face look like, will there be any changes?

"Speaking of which, Xiaoxue, do you still remember what I told you?"

Facing Kayaba Akihiko who is far away on the other side, gloating. But what is extreme joy begets sorrow, Ling Xue immediately confirmed this sentence.

"Hi?" Ling Xue was taken aback. A subconscious sense of ominousness surged all over his body in an instant.

"I should have told you to let you quickly break through the S-level?"

"It seems to be the case, hehe, hehe." Lingxue laughed a few times.

"Speaking of which, including the time you originally entered the AAA level and the time you entered the dungeon, it should be less than ten years. You haven't entered the S level for such a long time. Are you... lazy?" A monster that ignores time. What Yuka Kazama said.


Stared at by the scarlet eyes, Ling Xue shuddered subconsciously, You Xiang, aren't you a longevity species, you can remember the time so clearly. And it's really as long as ten years, don't you remember wrongly? It is said that this kind of stage leap between heaven and earth is not very easy to cross, okay? !

"No.. I really don't have this one..."

Seeing that You Xiang had already picked up the red plaid parasol that was once in her hand, Ling Xue felt that she seemed to be able to save it.

"No... Well, Youxiang, put down the parasol, okay? If we have something to say, we can talk about it, why bother, it's not good to hurt your peace, yes... Woohoo!!!"

Ling Xuezheng Persuading You Xiang to be a civilized person, but before she finished speaking, an emerald green magic cannon blasted straight at Ling Xue with a whistling sound.

Boom! !

Where Ling Xue was originally standing, a mushroom cloud rose slowly with a violent explosion.


Xiao Wei looked at the explosion point and murmured worriedly.

"calm down."

After straightening the messy hair caused by the wind brought by Youxiang's movement, Zi lightly touched Xiaowei's head, and said with a smile: "Before you came to Gensokyo, these were normal, and you will get used to it in the future." Just remember, this is a sign of the good relationship between your flower mom and dad. Look, isn't Yuyi enjoying watching it?"

Xiaowei turned her head when she heard the sound, and sure enough, Yuyi was not only enjoying watching, They are still helping both sides. As if this is a competition.

"It's too much, Youxiang. The magic cannon came over without a sound. If I hadn't flashed so fast, I would have died."

In the sky, Lingxue's distraught voice came from the same person who had just ascended. In the ears of the faint fragrance.

"You are from Penglai, you can't die."

Seeing Ling Xue like this, You Xiang seemed slightly happy. Raising the red plaid parasol held in her right hand, Feng Jianyouxiang said lightly: "Come on, Xiaoxue, let's have a long-lost battle. The rules are still the same as before. I will not switch to the second type until I am not hurt." attack mode."

After speaking, Youxiang turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Lingxue who was not far away.

You think you are playing a game! !

Find the shadow area in Ling Xue's heart at this time