
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

This chapter is a brain hole, please do not enter the Eastern textual research

"Zi, what's the matter? It's not like you not to sleep in the gap now. Maybe you are watching the moon."

Pushing open the balcony door, Ling Xue saw that she was quietly sitting on the white tea table. Shi Yakumo was drinking black tea on the chair.

"Hey, Xiaoxue."

Yakumo Zi raised her hand to help Ling Xue pour a cup of black tea, then pushed it over, and said lightly, "Did you do something in another world?"

"What? You What do you mean?" Ling Xue asked doubtfully.

"It's a mission, sa mission or something." Yakumo Zi reminded slightly.

"Oh, you said this, yes. Speaking of which, I have done the sa mission twice. The first time was in the world of Sheng Tianzi and the others. The system rewarded a seed of what world, but I don't know the other Function. And this time in the world of Yui and the others, the reward issued by the system is the fusion of dimensional will, although I still don't know what it means. The above reward can still be seen and touched. If this is the case It's simply invisible."

"No wonder..." Yakumo Zi said thoughtfully.

"What's the matter?" Ling Xue asked suspiciously.

"It's actually those guys from the moon." Yakumo Zi pointed to the bright moon in the sky.

"You mean those guys from the Moon Capital?" Ling Xue was taken aback for a moment, then said uncertainly.

"As expected, you also know." Yakumo Zi took a sip of black tea and continued: "About a few days before you came back, there was a severe sense of disharmony in this world."

"The feeling of disharmony Sensation?" Ling Xue was taken aback, wondering.

"Well. But this sense of disharmony is not so much about things, it's more about the world. Maybe it's my illusion, I feel that a certain realm is changing." Yakumo Zi seemed to think of it again The situation of the previous few days.

"Later, I also asked Huiyin in the world, and she said that the history of the future has changed amidst this disharmony."

"The history of the future..."

Ling Xue also frowned slightly, but then asked in confusion: "That's not right. What does the change of history have to do with those guys on the moon?"

"It doesn't matter, but those guys on the moon It is said that the sinners they exiled on the ground have disappeared inexplicably. And in the past two days, those moon people in the moon capital on the moon have also begun to disappear mysteriously."

"They don't want to say that this You did it, right? You can make people disappear without anyone noticing. Only your power of the realm can do it." Ling Xue drank her black tea and joked.

"You guessed it right." Yakumo Zi gave Ling Xue a weird look, and then nodded slowly.


Lingxue sprayed the black tea in her mouth all over the floor, raised her head in a daze, Lingxue looked at Yakumozi in a daze, the sky can see, he just said it casually.

"Yeah, yeah, that's really true."

Ling Xue shook her head with a broken smile. Said: "I remember there was a wise man on the moon, called...Bayi Yonglin. She wouldn't think it was your fault, would she?"

But before Zi could say anything, Ling Xue slapped her head : "Look at my memory, it seems that Yayi Yonglin and Kaguya have been exiled. Zi, you continue to talk."

Yakumo Zi nodded and said: "The ones who appeared on the moon are Mitsuki Toyohime and Mitsuki Yi Ji, they said that if they don't hand over their moon people, they will use the power of the entire moon capital to kill me."

"Cut. This is really the so-called crime of wanting to add no excuse. It stands to reason that Yue The leaders of the capital are not really that stupid." Lingxue shrugged and said: "Then you should have a countermeasure. Our monster sage."

"Ah, of course." Yakumo Zi suddenly said: "Xiaoxue, do you still remember the plan I talked about a few years ago?"

"A few years ago?" Ling Xue thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Oh, you mean the monster expansion plan."

"En." Yakumo Zi nodded, and said: "As the number of human beings in the outside world continues to increase, their civilization is also becoming more and more developed. They are not so afraid of monsters. Many monsters rely on the fear of humans. However, if things go on like this for a long time, I worry that Gensokyo, the paradise of monsters, will collapse."

"Just tell me if you have any plans." Ling Xue smiled slightly, and said, "I will do my best to support you. Well , although I'm still weak."

"Hehe." Yakumo Zi also chuckled. Instead, he resumed his seriousness and said: "Actually, I have always wanted to build a real monster paradise. It is different from erecting an enchantment and living in a corner. I hope to have a real world, a real world where monsters and humans coexist. The world. But I also know that this is a distant dream, at least with my current ability, it is impossible to open up a world alone. But..."

Yakumo Zi stood up, walked behind Ling Xue, gently He leaned down, closed his eyes and said, "But Xiaoxue, you have this ability."

"Me?" Lingxue was slightly taken aback, then seemed to think of something, and said, "You mean the world rewarded by the system?" seeds?"

"Well, I have observed that thing in your inventory. The power of rules in it is even dazzling to me. One after another, it seems to be messy, but in fact there is something Regularity. Just keep it in an inactive state. And Xiaoxue, your task is to put aside everything for a while and study that seed with all your strength. I believe the system will not give something that cannot be used "

"Then my task is not very heavy." Ling Xue half-jokingly said.

"Of course." Yakumo Zi got up and said, "And I'm going to meet the leaders of those monsters, and discuss about the expansion plan of monsters.

" , to study the usage of the seed (world seed). accept. ]

Ignoring the system that suddenly ran out to brush the existence of anger, clicked accept, looked at Yakumo Zi worriedly: "Will those monsters agree? Some monsters are okay, but other monsters..."

After living in Gensokyo for so many years, Ling Xue also knew about it. Some monsters use words such as arrogance and arrogance, which are not enough to describe their stubborn temper. Because they have the idea that the eldest, the second, and my third are deeply ingrained, and all human beings are food.

"What I want is to pick out the thorns."

As if thinking of the arrogance of those monsters, Yakumo Zi's eyes flashed a hint of disdain, "If they are really so powerful, why do they live in a corner with us? After picking out these thorns, I will slightly change the words of the sisters Mitsuki and the others. They are not here to kill Gensokyo. Well, I will give them a big gift first. It happens to kill two birds with one stone. Once these thorns are gone, they can cause trouble for those people on the moon."

"The question is, will those monsters believe it? Although they are all that kind of arrogant monsters, it doesn't mean they have bad brains." Ling Xue puzzled.

"Xiaoxue, who do you think I am." Yakumo Zi smiled confidently, "I'm a sage of monsters. If I can't even deal with those monsters, I'm really ashamed of this title."

"And when?"

This is what Ling Xue is most concerned about. If you say that tomorrow will be a war on the moon, then Ling Xue said that she can only hehehe.

"Scatter..." This was Zi Yakumo's answer.

"Hi?" Ling Xue was slightly taken aback.

"I said I don't know." Yakumo Zi sat back in his seat extremely irresponsibly, and seemed to have returned to that extremely leisurely posture, and said: "For the longevity species, it can be a second in a year. Who knows when their last "wanted notice" will come. Now our main goal is to talk about the monster expansion plan and to study the usage of the world seed."

"Then they have not issued the "last wanted notice". "

Then start to act, the time is tentatively scheduled to be three years later, that is to say, Xiaoxue, you have three years, within three years you must research the usage of the world seed." Yakumo Zi said seriously.

[Mandatory task 1: Before the lunar war, research the usage of the seed (world seed). Countdown: 1095 days (calculated as 365 days per year)]

. . . . . .

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! How do these messy things activate?"

Looking at the egg-like World Seed in her hand, Ling Xue scratched her head frantically.

Forget it, don't think about it, calculate the time, now I should go and see how Sakuya is practicing.

Nearly a week had passed since that evening's conversation. Ling Xue also plunged into the usage of the seed (world seed).

However, although the study of the seeds of the world has not made the slightest progress, Ling Xue also knows the importance of combining work and rest, so her life has suddenly become regular. Before lunch, go to guide Sakuya's practice. In the afternoon, if you feel okay, continue to study the seeds of the world. If you feel a little bored, go fishing or wander around in Gensokyo.

He didn't have the slightest worry that the time would change, because the system's countdown would never fool people. Since it showed this time, it would definitely not be one more minute, nor one second less.

But when it comes to guiding Sakuya, Ling Xue has thought it through.

Although Sakuya's ability will derail his timeline, once he signs a contract with himself, there will be no problem at all. So, what Lingxue has to do now is to give the most correct guidance, such as instructing her to practice throwing darts or something. Cough cough, in short, Sakuya's ability has not been fully awakened yet, so Ling Xue will first teach Sakuya how to shoot darts and exercise quickly and accurately, and by the way~~ get some favorability and so on . It's really a mouthful by the way! !