
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs


"Although I really want to say, she is really a great mother. But, can you put away your ridiculous spiritual magic?" At first Ling Xue actually felt sorry for the miserable girl in front of her, but soon he Realizing that something was wrong, he actually put down the sword in his hand to a guy who had only met for the first time and had not yet determined whether he was an enemy or a friend. The "Illusion" card also started to warn at the same time, wrapping himself and Yui with energy quietly, and continued to listen to the witch's story.

"What, you can actually feel my spiritual magic." Sistaya was really taken aback. Her spiritual magic has not yet failed. Many monsters who wanted to attack the village were used by her first. Confused by spiritual magic, and then beheaded. And if an onmyoji came here, they would first lure them out of the village as they did with Ling Xue just now, and then play by ear.

"Well, although I didn't notice it at first." Ling Xue shrugged her shoulders. In fact, if she hadn't kept her vigilance and added the warning of the "Phantom" card, she really wouldn't have noticed it. Ling Xue took out a scarlet long spear from the inventory, it was the "Death Thorn Piercing Spear" that Ling Xue had buried in dust. Ling Xue made a spear with her right hand, and said with a sneer, "Let's just ask, what do you want to do after you confuse me?"

"I will instruct you to kill the monster that attacked the village five years ago." Sistaya forced herself to calm down and answered Ling Xue's question.

"Then, you should know what I want to do now, right?" Ling Xue pointed the tip of the death thorn spear at Sistaya, expressionless.

"Kill me...?"

"Bingo, the answer is correct." Ling Xue said coldly, "Of course, you can also struggle. It would be impossible to be reborn."

"You are so sure about destroying my heart?" Sistaya also began to use magic power in her hands, planning to give it a try.

"Hehe." Ling Xue chuckled, bent slightly, took a lunge, and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you, the spear in my hand is called the Spear of Piercing Dead Thorns. It is a weapon that reverses cause and effect." Oh, the "cause" of wielding a long spear is based on the "effect" of the premise of hitting the heart. Of course, if you are fast enough, it is also possible to prevent me from using this magic gun. Then, you have Can confidence hold me back at full speed?"

"I'm not confident." Sistaya smiled wryly and released the magic power in her hand.

"Oh? Are you planning to give up struggling?" Ling Xue said with a blank face.

"Your Excellency Lingxue, shall we make a deal?" Sistaya opened her hands, signaling that she gave up resistance.

"Hehe." Ling Xue laughed suddenly, and said: "The premise of the transaction is to stand on the same stage to become attractive. But, well, I will listen to it with interest for the time being."

"Help I will take revenge, and I will give you my daughter." Sistaya said expressionlessly.

"Hi?" Rao Yilingxue's strong nerves couldn't help being a little dazed at this moment. Then, his eyes subconsciously drifted to Sistaya's lower abdomen, and he blurted out without thinking: "Hey, don't you recognize your daughter's father indiscriminately! I didn't do anything."

"You are talking nonsense What is it?" Sistaya said in embarrassment when Ling Xue spoke to Lei.

"Father, what nonsense are you talking about?" Yui was also stunned, and then said angrily.

"Uh-huh, cough cough. I'm sorry, what I just said doesn't count. Let me start again. Are you pregnant?" Ling Xue coughed, scratched her head and said.

call. . . . . .

A gust of cold wind blew past this suddenly quiet venue, which is commonly known as the cold venue.

"Idiot! Are you?" Sistaya cursed directly.

And Yui directly covered her face and lay on Ling Xue's shoulder, as if I didn't know him.

"Hmm, let's continue talking about your deal, witch Sistaya-Noreki." Ling Xue coughed dryly again, and changed the subject.

"You help me avenge, I will condense the essence of my whole body to give birth to a child, and then give it to you. You can accept her as your shikigami and let her be your combat power. I think a witch's shikigami should be worthy of you Take a shot?" Sistaya said lightly of her deal.

"But if that's the case, you will die afterwards, right?" Ling Xue said expressionlessly.

"It's just a life for another life. Exchange my life for that demon's life." Sistaya smiled miserably and said, "What else can I do. After all, time is running out."

"Time Not much? What do you mean?" Ling Xue frowned.

"When you came to this village today, you should have seen it. It is daytime, but the doors of every household in the village are closed." Sistaya said: "Actually, it is because of that monster. I don't know why recently, so The monsters suddenly rioted, causing the little monsters in the forest to panic, and began to leave their original residences one after another, wandering around. And many monsters will wander into this village, because there are already There is no Onmyouji, so as long as everyone hears the wind and grass, the door will be closed all day long. There may be nothing to do for a while, but after a long time, the food at home is gone, so what should we do? If this continues, everyone They will starve to death."

"Oh, you really love this village." Ling Xue sighed.

[Random task: kill demons. Accept/Do not accept]

[Random task: Untie the knot, so that Sistaya-Noreki can live well in the future. Accept/Do not accept]

clicked Accept with her mind, Ling Xue nodded after being silent for a while, and said: "I see, I will help you, but I don't want your daughter, I just hope you can be good in the future Let's live."

"What, what?" Sistaya seemed a little unbelievable.

"I said I just hope you can live a good life in the future." Ling Xue sighed and said, "How about it? Will you agree? If you don't agree, let's

break up."

"I see." Sistaya nodded nodded.

Ling Xue glanced at the unfinished random task of "untie the knot", and sighed for the undetectable, forget it, don't expect to untie her knot in one sentence or two, take your time .

"So, when are you leaving?" Lingxue put down Yui, put the spear that pierced the dead thorn into the inventory, and sealed it again. After all, when it's okay, it's better not to hold this thing in your hand.

"Tomorrow morning. I will trouble Your Excellency Lingxue to live with me tonight." Sistaya made a gesture of invitation.

late at night. . . . . .

On the black tile roof of an ordinary one-story rough house in the village, an elegant figure is sitting on it with knees hugged.

"Sigh." The black-haired figure sighed softly, knowing that this moon is the same moon as the one in Gensokyo, but why does it feel different. Speaking of which, it seems that there is still a moon capital on the moon. Moreover, I don't know how Zi and the others are doing. It seems that I haven't notified Zi and them when I left. I guess the next time I go back, Zi will come to complain, Youyouzi will come to eat, and Youxiang will beat me up again, and then she will call it, I am doing it for your own good. Recalling those unbearable sparring sessions in the past, Ling Xue shuddered, how did I get through this?

cluck, cluck. There was a sound of stepping on rubble from behind Ling Xue, and Ling Xue said without turning her head: "It's Sistaya, I guess you're still awake at this late hour.

" Aren't you the same?" Sistaya stroked her hair by her ear, tilted her head and smiled slightly.

"Are you so confident in me?" Ling Xue joked, "Maybe I'll be killed by him right away?

" Let alone me." Sistaya covered her mouth and smiled.

"Hehe." Ling Xue also chuckled, and then the two fell into silence again.

"Hey, Ling Xue, can you tell me your story? You are so young, why do you come out to wander?" After a moment of silence, Sistaya suddenly said.

"Small?" Ling Xue suddenly had black lines all over her head, and she said speechlessly, "I'm already in my twenties, how can I be so young?

" Already." Sistaya smiled proudly.

"Then may I ask eldest sister Fang's age?" Ling Xue said angrily.

"A girl's age is a secret." Sistaya smiled slyly.

"Cut, the tone of pretending to be tender is the same as that of someone, not to mention pulling down, I don't care to listen to it." Ling Xue curled her lips and said.

"Tell me, I'm quite curious about your past." Sistaya poked Ling Xue's arm, with curiosity (gossip) shining in his eyes.

"You're gossip, what's curiosity?" Ling Xue said angrily.

The two of them didn't have the tension during the day at all. Instead, they were chatting like friends for many years.

After clearing up her mood, Lingxue murmured: "Actually, there is nothing to talk about. My village is a beautiful village. Although it is not close to the mountains, it is near the water. One day, I rescued the village from a very powerful monster at that time. I killed two cute little monsters, but angered that powerful monster, and the result was that our village was slaughtered. Although I was very sad, very angry, and blamed myself, I didn't regret it at all. At the same time, I also believe that the uncles and aunts who have passed away will not blame me, because they have treated me the best, and they will forgive me for whatever mistakes I did." Speaking of this, Ling Xue's eyes twitched a little. Hong continued: "Later, of course I went to avenge myself. At that time, because I was worried that the two little guys would be hurt, I left them alone and wrote a very hurtful sentence. Fortunately, they didn't Not angry. Later, we reunited after being separated for many years. You don't know, those two little guys were very excited at that time." Recalling the scene at that time, Ling Xue's face was full of understanding smile.

For some reason, seeing Ling Xue's heartfelt smile, Sistaya, who hadn't been cared for for many years, suddenly felt a little envious of the two monsters Ling Xue was talking about. She must be very happy to have such a person caring about her.