
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

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"Ah~~ Dad, good morning."

Because there is a long way to fly, Lingxue and Sistaya decided to set off early in the morning, and Yui was hugged in the haze road. When the sun rose high, Yui woke up "on time" and yawned big.

"Oh hi (good morning), Yui." Lingxue said softly, looking down at her own daughter who was dazed and rubbing her eyes in her arms.

"Good morning, Xiao Yui." Sistaya also leaned over and smiled.

"Good morning too, Aunt Sistaya, ah~~" Just after saying hello, Yui yawned again, turned to Ling Xue and muttered, "Dad, you can find a place where you can wash your face." I feel like I'm going to sleep if I don't wash my face."

"That's right, let's find out, we just stopped for breakfast too. No problem, Sistaya?" Ling Xue turned to look at Sith Taya.

"Well, it's okay, because we've already flown a lot, and we'll arrive in the afternoon at this speed." Sistaya straightened her hair that was blown by the wind, and nodded with a smile. And there is a sentence, she didn't ask, where is the breakfast?

While chatting, Ling Xue and his team quickly found a small lake, and they landed one after another. While Yuyi went to wash by the lake, seeing that the environment was quite beautiful, Ling Xue took a printed piece from the inventory. A large white oilcloth with a checkered pattern was spread on the ground, and then some pastries were taken out, and the black tea that he had brewed before he set off was taken out.

"Mmm, it's delicious." Sistaya looked at the exquisite pastry in front of her, and impatiently cut a small piece into her mouth, her eyes lit up, and she subconsciously praised.

"Eat more if it tastes good." Ling Xue chuckled and said, "I still have some here."

"You made all of these?" Sistaya ate a piece again, with a look of extreme enjoyment look.

"Forget it, come on, let's have a cup of black tea." Ling Xue poured out the black tea in the teapot and handed it to Sistaya.

"Thank you." Sistaya took the black tea, took a sip, looked at Ling Xue in surprise, and said strangely: "Ling Xue, if it weren't for the fact that witches would never mistake gender, I really doubt that you are a girl .It looks so beautiful, and the craftsmanship is omnipotent. To some extent, I am so unwilling."

"Ahaha." Ling Xue laughed dryly, and said, "If you call me handsome, I will accept it, beautiful or something. Let's just forget about it."

"Dad, I'm done washing, feed me." After washing, Yuyi ran over, threw herself into Ling Xue's arms, pointed to her mouth, and said expectantly .

"Okay, okay." Ling Xue straightened the wet hair that stuck to Yui's face, and smiled dotingly.

"Hey, Lingxue, is Yui really your biological daughter? Where's her mother?" Seeing the two of them looking extremely intimate, Sistaya took another sip of black tea and gossiped.

"You also said that you don't gossip, isn't this the start of gossip again?" Ling Xue said speechlessly, seeing that Sistaya seemed to want to say something, she hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Hi, hi. I see, This is called curiosity, right?"

"Huh, it's just curiosity. I don't want to say it's down, I'm not interested in hearing it." Sistaya took a bite of the cake as if venting, and turned her head to the side.

"Hehe. The appearance of Aunt Sistaya is really different from yesterday. Aunt Sistaya is like a child now." Yui took a bite of the cake that was fed to her mouth, and saw Xi With this look on her face, Staya covered her mouth and smiled.

"Hehe, that's exactly what you said." Ling Xue also had the expression of discovering the new continent, and then saw Sistaya's face was red to the ears, and she looked ashamed as if she was about to explode, and hurriedly said: "Okay, no Just kidding, to answer your question just now, Yui is not my biological daughter, but my adopted daughter. She doesn't have a mother. Um..." Ling Xue paused, stretched out two fingers, and said: "But it is There are Hua Ma and Zi Ma."

"Obviously I am my father's biological daughter, and I can feel the faint connection between me and my father." Yui pursed her mouth and pinched her lips lightly. Ling Xue said unwillingly.

"Okay, okay. It's my own, it's my father's fault, it's my father's fault." Ling Xue stroked Yui's head lightly, comfortingly. He knew that the vague connection Yui mentioned was actually the power of the contract after summoning Yui.

"Well, well, I'll forgive Dad this time." Yui narrowed her eyes after being touched, her face looked very comfortable after being touched.

"Hehe, your relationship is really good." Sistaya looked at the father and daughter with some envy.

After breakfast, which can be regarded as breakfast and lunch, the group of three went on the road again.

With the continuous flight, the sky gradually darkened, and the dwelling place of the demon was close in sight. After arriving near the place where the monster lived, the three of them stopped again. The time to find trouble was also set in the early morning of the next day. After all, at night, the sight and perception would be somewhat affected. After all, they were not nocturnal monsters. Well.

The next day, Yui and Sistaya woke up to the sound of the grass flute.

"That's... Dad?" Yui rubbed his eyes, looking at Ling Xue on the treetop in surprise.

The light of the morning spilled into the forest. Lingxue, who was dressed in sky blue trousers and a white shirt, closed her eyes, holding a green leaf and sliding it between her lips from time to time, and the melodious sound of the grass flute came from there. The birds and squirrels in the forest seemed to lose their fear of life in an instant. Some climbed onto Ling Xue's head, some stood lightly on Ling Xue's shoulders, and some frolicked beside Ling Xue. And they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all pricking up their ears, listening to the music of Ling Xue's grass flute. The breeze blew over Ling Xue's black hair, and the black waves brought up made Ling Xue look like a dream.

The two who woke up one after another did not make a sound, but closed their eyes again, quietly listening to the sound of the grass flute passing by their ears.

At the end of the song, Lingxue gently chased away the birds and squirrels that were parked on her body, and jumped off the treetops. Seeing the intoxicated faces of the two people in front of him, Ling Xiao laughed and said, "Hey, you're back to your senses."

The two woke up suddenly, and Yui threw herself into Ling Xue's arms, tugged at Ling Xue's sleeves, and said cheerfully: "Dad, Dad. The grass flute just now played really well."

"Yeah , I agree with Xiao Yuyi's words, the grass flute music just now is indeed very good." Sistaya also nodded, and then asked in doubt: "Does the grass flute music just now have a name?"

"It's called 'Oracion' 'Oh." Lingxue smiled slightly, and leisurely spit out the name of the grass flute song.

"Oracion? This name sounds nice." Sistaya exclaimed.

"Well, when translated, it means 'pray'." Ling Xue explained. In the previous life, among Ling Xue's favorite songs, there was such a grass flute version of Oracion. Although the bell version is also very pleasant, but Ling Xue feels that the grass flute version of "Oracion" is the closest to nature.

"Pray... pray...?" Sistaya murmured, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Okay, don't think so much. After the battle starts, you just need to take care of Yui for me, and let me do the rest." Ling Xue patted Sistaya's head lightly, comforting her. road.


" . . . . .

"Is that the dwelling place of demons?" On a dirt slope, Ling Xue looked at the wooden house not far away, and murmured.

At the foot of a low mountain is a wooden house, and there is a clear stream beside the wooden house. Surrounding the wooden house are sparse tree species similar to maple trees. The whole tree is full of fiery red leaves. Mountains and rivers, the scenery is unusually beautiful. If it weren't for the looming corpses under the trees and on the grass next to the wooden house, and the faint red blood stains on the stones by the stream, Ling Xue would definitely have an illusion that this place is like a paradise.

Ling Xue touched Yui's head and said with a smile, "Hide here well. If there is a situation, run away as soon as possible. Don't worry about me. I will find you after the battle is over."

"Come on, Dad. " Yui raised her clenched fist and said in solidarity.

"Well, Dad will definitely work hard. Be careful." Lingxue nodded first, and after exhorting Sistaya, she drove the "Fly" card and flew out.

Since the "Hua Ma's Parasol" at hand has already been given to You Xiang, the attack can only be changed.

During the movement, Lingxue raised her right hand, and the white mysterious characters were carved out, and the chanting of the dark step technique resounded between the heaven and the earth at the same time.

"The flames of purgatory in the underworld, the fire of prairie fire on the earth."

"Flame of equality, burn and purify all chaos of good and evil."

"Let everything return to ashes, and the ceremony of cremation begins now."

"Third Staircase dark technique, cremation!!"

After the completion of the drawing, the white mysterious characters converged into an orange-red magic circle, with a flame-shaped pattern engraved in the middle of the magic circle, and a circle of complicated mysterious characters on the edge. A thick blazing flame burst out from the magic circle and attacked the wooden house not far away.

But when it was about one meter away from the wooden house, the blazing flames from the magic circle seemed to be swallowed by something, and disappeared out of thin air.

"Boundary... huh..." Ling Xue frowned, that's right, after all, it's not some big and three thick monsters.

Varied. . . Hey, this is too exaggerated! ! You think this is a barrage game!

Not long after the "cremation" was devoured, dozens of purple-black magic circles appeared around the room. While breathing, purple-black light waves shot out continuously from the magic circle. It shot towards Ling Xue in the air.

Ling Xue complained, put away the "Flying" card, opened her own silver-white dragon wings, and relied on her excellent dynamic vision to avoid the purple-black energy attack with ease.

After the energy attack was over, the color of the magic circle changed again, from purple-black to pure black, and dozens of pitch-black chains gushed out from the magic circle, attacking Lingxue again.

Cut, after the energy attack, it is a physical attack. Ling Xue curled her lips, since you shrank your head and dared not show up, then I will force you out.

In the gap of the chains, he dodged freely. Ling Xue took out a small snow card from the card bag on the back. The card depicts a woman in a witch's attire, with "theearthy" written on the bottom of the card, and "theearthy" written on the middle of the top of the card. land". Yes, the Xiaoxue card that Ling Xue took out is one of the four elements, representing the "earth" card of the earth element.

"Go, "earthy", show your proper posture, and shatter the earth in front of you." Lingxue poured energy into the bottom card, and the small snow card, which is mainly sky blue, emitted seven colors of light, Then, the elf in the card turned into a stream of light and rushed to the ground.