
Second Chance: Summon System

A man from modern day earth gets killed by Truck-sama and his soul transmigrates to another world. His soul merges with the second prince of the Fortis Kingdom. A summoning system appears to help him survive this dangerous new world. Summons can be anything from tvshows, movies, books, comics, manga, anime, novels, etc. feel free to give me summon ideas in the discord https://discord.gg/JhVeZn5 If you like my writing consider supporting on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Anime & Comics
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(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 1 chapter ahead at chapter 89. I'll probably be writing and posting some more chapters for patrons today.


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Thanks for the Power Stones. Here is a riddle as thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Mustard have six daughters and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the Mustard family? Enjoy the chapter!)

After summoning Schneizel, he helped exponentially in running the Duchy. We passed a bunch of new laws and fixed some old ones. I found out that there was a law called an eye for an eye. If someone committed a violent act against someone else, the victim could rn one this law and do the exact same thing to the perpetrator. I agree that the perpetrators of crimes should be punished, but a law like that is just barbaric.

Schneizel also helped me set up a court system. Before the court system was added to the Duchy, matters that would usually be decided by a judge in a courtroom were decided by the lord of that area. Now that the court system was made and scholarly judges were appointed, I don't have to be called to my throne room to decide over criminals and petty squabbles between civilians. There is a courthouse in every town, multiple in my two city's, but none in the small villages. People from villages have to travel to town to attend court. There are too many villages for it to be worth building courthouses and appoint judges too.

Schneizel also helped me set up a registry of every citizen in Ephia. I sent a ton of servants to every city, town, and village to get the names of every person in my Duchy. They would be categorized by the city/town/village in which they reside, the address they live, and the family name. If they don't have a family name they were to choose one or one would be chosen for them. Some areas didn't have named streets or numbered houses, so we took care of that as well. Now every city, town, and village streets, roads, etc. are named and houses are numbered. If a family moves then they have to go to the nearest town hall, city hall, or lords manor and re-register their residence.

Once we got all the information, I had a meeting with the Master of the Adventurers guild in Sena. During the meeting I asked how they make the guild IDs, and if I could buy the equipment from them. They agreed to sell me the equipment along with the method. I bought enough for each city and town to have one, and we started printing IDs for every civilian. We couldn't add pictures like back on earth, so we made the IDs glow slightly when the owner holds it. This way no one can use another persons ID and get away with it.

During these six months, I've also learned through a short investigation that the prisons in my Duchy are corrupt. Barbaric customs of torture and even r*pe were happening in these institutions. Prison is supposed to be a punishment, but that doesn't mean someone has the right to treat human beings like this. Another problem that was found in these prisons were unsanitary conditions. Many places had what I believed to be black mold everywhere. Feces and urine were left to sit in closed in areas where people lived and slept. The prisons were f*cking disgusting. After I found out the prisons were so bad, I had the prisoners relocated and built new prisons. The prison guards and those in charge were fired and replaced. New rules and regulations were put in place to keep the prisoner and guards in line.

Schneizel also helped me set up the different ministry positions. He said that splitting up my work would quicken my government and give me more free time. I have clones for that, but sometimes all the information I get back from the clones makes me mentally exhausted. With this new system, I would only need a couple of clones to go over paperwork. That would definitely cut down on my mental exhaustion. At first, I wanted to hire nobles to take these ministerial duty's, but Schneizel said that Nobles have political and personal agendas, so we went with hiring people that graduated from the Sena college.

Of course, we had to wait for them to graduate. While we were waiting, I had town halls built in every town, and city halls were built in every city. They were built next door to the courthouses and would house the governing body of each area. With everything built personnel was hired to fill positions in every area. It took a while for all positions to be filled, but when it was I could feel the weight leave my shoulders. These people would govern for me and I would overlook their work. I only handled high-level things now. I'm not a very trusting person, especially when it comes to people in high-level positions, so I have Souei clones keeping an eye on each of these city/town halls. The newly appointed ministers aren't immune to this treatment either. Better safe than sorry.

Another thing that Schneizel brought up was our barbaric police force. If you could even call it that. The guards of each city, town, and village are the police force of my Duchy. They have a lot of responsibilities, so much that they are slacking in the policing area of their jobs. They are in charge of their area's general safety whether that is from external or internal sources. They seem to be focusing too much on external safety and have been slacking in the internal policing.

Since they can't seem to do their jobs, I had them disbanded and made some changes. The guards were absorbed into the army and the army was put in charge of each area's external safety. They would protect against invasions and would screen anyone entering the city, as to keep out any criminals, spies, and general trouble makers. A police force was made formed and trained to keep the internal peace within their areas. Their job is the same as the police back on earth. They were all equipped with matching blue uniforms, batons, shackles, swords, and whistles. The whistles are for communication. If a police officer needs to contact another for backup or whatever, they would blow the whistle and any unoccupied officers would follow the sound.

The army was changed as well. High-level positions needed to be filled with experienced people. We couldn't find enough experienced officers and generals, so we put the ones we could find to work in Sena college. Schneizel created a military course where people were taught strategy, martial arts, politics, military formations, etc. while they were being taught, my army was going through hellish training. While the officers were teaching at the college, they came up with the perfect training to bring out any soldier's true potential. I will have an invincible army!


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