
Second chance: Not alone? Huh.

I really was in the past… So, what now? Another lifetime of wrongs, living like an animal, only to satisfy my base instincts? Another burnout, with dull emptiness inside? Yeah, sure, sounds fun for a while. *** “Knowing you, I can’t really feel surprised. But keep in mind that your choices affect all of us. It’s no longer just you. You are not alone.” Her words were quiet, but they hit me like a bag of sand. Not alone? Huh.

NameIsLife · Urban
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138 Chs

Should I buy a helicopter?

The car, carrying Su's first young lady and me, was slogging through the evening traffic, while I was thinking about the best way to explain the situation to Claire.

"Young master." I heard a stiff voice. "May this little one ask you a question?"

"Go ahead." I fought back the urge for a bad joke. The girl already looked overly stressed.

"For what reason did you require this little one's presence?" She asked, her black eyes staring at me with apprehension.

"Yin." I fought back the sigh. "I forbid you from speaking in this way. You make my head hurt, while also undermining your new official status."

She looked at me with a weird expression, as if not quite understanding my words.

"Do I really need to tell you in plain words?" I shook my head. "Since yesterday, your official status changed to the 'mistress of Kouzuki Shinji'. This is the only status that makes it possible for Kouzuki Maya to interfere in your Su clan's business freely, as long as it concerns you, that is. So, get used to playing your role, Yin."

"This little one heeds your words, young master." I looked at her with disapproval, and she tried to correct herself. "I'll do as you say, young master."

"Well, that's a bit better." I shook my head again. "As for your question. It's actually a part of exactly that. I'm sending the message."

I calmed myself down. She wasn't a bitch from the future yet. For now, she was just a young girl who, while having potential, wasn't quite there yet.

"Do you think that no one knows about Kouzuki Miya's bar?" I asked a leading question.

A moment of contemplation later, she shook her head.

"Good. Naturally, only the people at the very top are allowed to keep their surveillance, and only at the very basic level. So, by arriving there together with you, I am, as Kouzuki Shinji, sending a confirmation about your new status. Or, which is also a possibility, it's Long Tian who sends the news that you are a friend of his girlfriend."

A moment of silence, a nod of understanding.

"As for the people on the lower level, who potentially keep their eyes on you, you just left with Michael Roah, who has connections with Isabella Alvarez and Nicole Roah, a known womanizer." I continued my explanation. "This is a bit degrading for myself, since with your petite stature, you are far from my strike zone. At least your face is beautiful enough, so you can be considered as somewhat cute."

A weak protest, which she held back. A light blush she couldn't completely fight back in time. Yes, this definitely was not the Su's head bitch I was used to dealing with.

"After we finish with this visit, I will drive you to your home. Same reasoning." I finished my explanation, but failing to fight back the urge to tease, or maybe provoke, this surprisingly demure version of my nemesis, I decided to add. "To put it all in simpler words, I'm staking my claim, Yin."

Another bout of silence. The diminutive girl kept staring at me, as if trying to bore a hole in my face.

"Young master, why are you doing this?" Another complex question from my passenger.

"For a multitude of reasons, Yin." I decided to humor her with an explanation. "Because my grandma needed an excuse to finally be able to help her protégé. Because I see potential in you and decided to take a gamble on it instead of letting it go to waste."

An almost fought back exclamation of surprise. Pleased look in her eyes.

"But, honestly, the main reason is simple. You are Olivia's friend, so, even though you seem to dislike me a lot, as well as your problematic attitude overall, I can't just close my eyes at your plight." I finally voiced the truth.

Another moment of silence as Su's first young lady was thinking over my words.

"Then, why did you put a time limit?" Oh, she finally caught on to a discrepancy.

"Maybe it's because I think that you needed a stimulus?" I smiled, and, with a wink, continued my words. "Or is it because I think that in two years you have a chance to become beautiful enough, so, even if all else will be a dud, at least I will get myself a beautiful mistress?"

I looked at how she started trembling again, fierce blush covering her face. Ah, right, how could I forget? No matter what, Su Yin was a sheltered young lady with zero experience in dealing with advances of the opposite sex. At least from the people she couldn't ignore outright.

Ah, this will be fun. I fought back, not letting my smile turn into an animal grin.


The visit to the bar went by very fast, considering that I was able to excuse myself after just one cup of tea.

If not for the circumstances, I would've loved to stay longer, so I promised to visit my grandmother again soon. I obviously had ulterior motives in endearing myself to this powerful woman, but the genuine smile on her face as she listened to me recount my day to her made it easy to forget about those.


After that, I dropped off Yin at the address she gave me. The whole way there, Su's first young lady kept glancing at me occasionally, not even trying to be covert about that. Since she didn't say anything, I just let her be.

A bit before we arrived, I instructed her about my plan. Nothing extraordinary, I will leave the car first and open the door for her. A simple show of… affection from Kouzuki Shinji to his alleged mistress. Su's first young lady agreed, albeit reluctantly.

To spice things up, and to tease this future nemesis of mine a bit more, after doing as enacting our small scene, I gave Yin a light hug. After noticing how flustered the girl became, my self-control kicked in, halting the notion to give her a peck on the cheek.

Having my 'mistress' faint from something so miniscule, would've been detrimental on the wider scale of things.


I checked the traffic map once more, and decided against adding another trip to my route.

Me: [I am free]

Olivia: [Honey!]

Olivia: [Took you long enough!]

Me: [my bad]

Me: [do you want me to buy some snacks?]

Olivia: [Yes]

After a bit, she sent me a list. Soda, chips, popcorn, ice cream. Some groceries as well. The usual stuff.

Me: [sure]

Me: [traffic is still an ass]

Me: [on my way]

Olivia: [Hurry up]

Olivia: [We are waiting]

To the last message, she attached a selfie. Olivia and Claire, both wearing my oversized t-shirts. Except, they used their hands to make, gathering the excess of fabric behind their back, turning shirts into fitted ones. My girlfriend had a brilliant smile on her face. Counter Girl's smile was a shy one, while sporting the slight blush on her cheeks.

Ugh, I looked at the car in front of me that was moving ever so slowly. Maybe I should buy a helicopter?