
Second chance: Not alone? Huh.

I really was in the past… So, what now? Another lifetime of wrongs, living like an animal, only to satisfy my base instincts? Another burnout, with dull emptiness inside? Yeah, sure, sounds fun for a while. *** “Knowing you, I can’t really feel surprised. But keep in mind that your choices affect all of us. It’s no longer just you. You are not alone.” Her words were quiet, but they hit me like a bag of sand. Not alone? Huh.

NameIsLife · Urban
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138 Chs

As expected of me, I guess.

The workout itself went the same way as it did last time. Near the end, she asked if we could continue our date in the familiar coffee place.

Obviously, I agreed.

The traffic today was yellow, so our drive was noticeably longer. At least we were moving, albeit slowly. Feeling a bit tired from the gym visit, both of us were having a lazy talk about nothing in particular at the moment. And even that quickly ended, leaving behind a comfortable silence. I was focused on the road, while Claire was looking through the passenger side window, lost somewhere inside her pretty head.

After getting stuck at a traffic light, I felt slightly mischievous and put my palm on her knee. Not getting any reaction out of Counter Girl, I decided to slide it a bit up her thigh, dragging the hem of her dress in the process. Only to be stopped shortly after, as Claire put her hand on top of mine. Since she still hasn't said anything, I took my gaze away from the road for a moment.

My date was looking through the window, while holding my hand on her thigh. And still keeping her silence, as if nothing happened. Only her crimson ears indicated how far from the truth this statement was.

I took my hand from her thigh and took her hand into mine, intertwining our fingers. She squeezed my hand back.

The traffic light finally turned green, and our drive continued.


The café actually had a decent food menu as well. It mostly contained a variety of cakes, but they also had salads and sandwiches. Not exactly what I hoped for, but better than nothing. Maybe I should've invited her to that pub we went to on our first date instead? Something to think about next time.

As we kept talking about random things, I glanced at the time.

"Claire," I called out. "So, what did you and Olivia decide about that movie night?"

"Hm, nothing concrete yet," she replied. "Why do you ask?"

"I would like to continue our date, but I need to pick her up. So, how about today?" I went straight to the point.

I didn't need to do so per se, but it was the right choice, considering her acting up hormones and overall insecurities.

"Ah, um," Claire stumbled. "I don't want to be a nuisance."

So, she had time, and even wanted to do so, but was hesitating. I translated her words, ignoring the flimsy excuse.

"Claire." I caught her hand under the table. "It's a simple question. Yes or no?"

"Well, if Olivia isn't against it. Then, um, I would like to." The girl, whose fingers were currently playing with mine, voiced her decision. Then she closed her eyes, as if not believing what she just said, and blushed.

I took out my phone, and decided to ask my girlfriend about her opinion.

Me: [hey]

Olivia: [Honey!]

For someone who rarely texted me, my silly girl was quick to answer as ever.

Me: [it's a bit out of the blue]

Me: [but I asked Claire about that movie night you brought up on Saturday]

Me: [you still up for it?]

Olivia: [...]

Olivia: [???]

Olivia: [Guess that's just as expected of you, honey]

What did she mean by this phrase, anyway?

Olivia: [Sure]

Olivia: [I don't mind]

Olivia: [Should I ask Su to drive me home?]

Olivia: [Or will you pick me up?]

Only now did I remember the sad fact. The car I was currently driving around was a two-seater. Well, fuck. I guess I will just leave it there and call a taxi.

Me: [we are at that cozy café from Friday]

Me: [can you ask Yin to drive you here?]

Me: [it's not that I don't want to pick you up]

Me: [but leaving my date alone is a bit worse than that]

Olivia: [Fine]

Me: [I will make it up to you later]

Olivia: [You better…]

Olivia: [See you soon]

I put the phone down, and turned my attention back to Claire.

"It seems like she gave a green light." I shrugged.

"Oh…" It was the only thing she could respond with.

I paid the bill, not even humoring Claire's attempts to split it with a response. With the newfound black card in my wallet, my already weird perception of money management just went out the window. From this point forward, it was just a number. Ugh.

About ten minutes later, through the window, I saw the familiar unassuming sedan of Su's first young lady, and led Claire outside. People inside knew her on a personal level, so I decided to save her a bit of awkwardness from inviting other girls into our date here. Since Counter Girl was still on the fence against joining into the arrangement, it was not the time nor the place to push the issue.

As we left the café, my phone started ringing. A glance at the familiar number, and I picked up the call.

"Tian, the item my sister was talking about is ready." I heard the voice of Kouzuki Miya, lady-in-black. "She left it with me, so you can pick it up whenever you feel like."

"Thanks, grandmother." I vocalized my gratitude, my thoughts racing, as to when I should do so. "Would you mind if I do so right now?"

"I will be waiting for you." Instant response.

I gave the plan in my head another spin. Still looked fine.

"I'll be on my way. See you later," I said my farewell and ended the call.

Both Olivia and Yin stepped out of their car. My girlfriend then quickly approached me and threw herself into my embrace. I caught her and spun her around, much to her amusement.

"It's good to see you again," I said to her. Then I caught the gaze of black eyes and nodded. "Yin."

"Honey!" She nuzzled into my chest. A moment later, she extricated herself from my embrace and turned to Claire. Another instant later, and, with a mischievous smile on her war-paint-marred face, she hugged the Counter Girl as well. "Claire!"

"Um, hello again, Olivia," muttered my, a bit shell-shocked, date. "Sorry for intruding into your evening."

"Eh? Who said something about intruding? You are more than welcomed to join," deflected my silly girl.

"Um, thanks, I suppose," drawled Claire, a bit awkwardly hugging Olivia back.

Ignoring the bit of stiffness, which was quickly disappearing, in the yellow-clad girl's smile, the picture in front of me was straight out of the dream.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment, girls," I called out for their attention. "My grandmother just asked me to pick up something important from her place. It shouldn't take too long, but it's a bit urgent, so, if you don't mind, could the two of you wait for me at my place?"

"Sure/Of course, honey." They chorused.

"Yin." I turned to the third girl at the scene. "Tell your… relative, to send them to my apartments safely. You are coming with me."

A bit of hesitation in her eyes, quickly overtaken by determination.

"As you wish, young master." She responded in a resolute tone.

"See you later." I waved my hand to the still hugging duo, and went toward my car.

Yin quickly gave her instructions to her bodyguard and joined me.