

some incident led two kids into becoming friends till they grew up, everyone expect them to end up together but that didn't happen. One of the friend lover frame the other friend leading this accusation to breakup their friendship not only that but he also send her to prison and ceased all her assets after all this she was torture in the prison which almost cause her death He later found out that he had been in love with his friend for so long but because of his foolishness he send his childhood friend to prison without trusting her. what will happen between the Lina and Desmond friendship. will Desmond get a second chance to be with her? let's continue this journey to found out.

Jessy_blinks · Urban
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16 Chs



Today I had a meeting with pamela's clothe about the next batch of the materials, the supply us materials since my company work is about fashion I and the employees design it by ourselves, there are also some famous models who model for the clothes after it have been finished sewing.

Right after the meeting, I heard my phone ringing with Emond name on it, that's Desmond for short.


E: Hello kitten,🗣️ when I picked the call Emond vioce came through, it seems like something is bothering him, everyone know him as a ruthless, cold blooded guy but he is the cute loving guy.

Me: hey Emond🗣️

E: how are u? Kitten🗣️

Me: Doing good as always, what about u🗣️

E: Really, really bad 🗣️

Me: oh what happened? 🗣️

E: some stupid client 🗣️

Me: what did the client did?🗣️

E: kitten can we have dinner at our favorite restaurant? If you are not busy.🗣️

Me: I'm not busy, you know I'm always there for you ,same applied to u.🗣️

E: okay when we meet I will explain everything to you.Bye and take care.🗣️

I hang up the the call.

I always feel comfortable around him, we share everything together from our personal lives to business. Those who know us since kids call us childhood sweetheart.

Aww kitten you are always looking beautiful and sweet.Desmond said whiles hugging me. You are also not looking bad. I complement him hugging him back.

We are now in our favorite restaurant. we started coming here when we were in middle school .What will you both have? Madam and sir , a waitre came around our table and asked. As usual I answer the waiter. Some minutes later the food was served.

We dig into the food, It tastes delicious as always.

Do you care to tell me what happened? I asked Desmond.

He rubbed his temple before he start speaking.

There is this important client that we can lose but what she is doing is affecting the company schedule, she made appointment to design and sew a wedding gown decorate with diamonds and she will be taken it next week but just this morning she called demanding to take the dress tomorrow morning.

I take his hand in mine , after he was done talking. I trust in you, you can control the work load . I comfort him with a smile . I'm always there if I will be needed in any situation, I can also help .

That's why I love you kitten , and you will always be my little cutie, he pull my cheeks with a teasing smile on his lips.

After the dinner, Desmond told my driver to go with my car he will be sending me home.

Thanks for the ride Desmond,

It my pleasure, he wink at me .

Take care on the road

Okay mom , bye he tease me

When I enter the house I saw mom and dad sitting on the dinning hall as if waiting for someone.

Mom , Dad Good evening , I kiss them on their cheeks. How are you baby , they asked together. How was your day lina , mom asked with a concern lace in her voice . since I took over the company as the new ceo I haven't been getting time for myself even though dad sometimes help me with some paperwork .

So hectic day, mom I went out with Desmond for dinner and it somehow release my stress, I'm not hungry so I won't be joining you guys for lunch .

Oh I almost forget how is Desmond , dad asked from the side , they both bound together so well because they have the same hobby .

Dad I sometimes feel jealous of how close both of you are, like father and son I'm your daughter. I pout and putting on a sad face.

Oh baby lina come here you will always be my princess and no one else so you don't have to be jealous. Dad open his arms waiting for me to hug him across the dining table.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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