

some incident led two kids into becoming friends till they grew up, everyone expect them to end up together but that didn't happen. One of the friend lover frame the other friend leading this accusation to breakup their friendship not only that but he also send her to prison and ceased all her assets after all this she was torture in the prison which almost cause her death He later found out that he had been in love with his friend for so long but because of his foolishness he send his childhood friend to prison without trusting her. what will happen between the Lina and Desmond friendship. will Desmond get a second chance to be with her? let's continue this journey to found out.

Jessy_blinks · Urban
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16 Chs


Are you okay? The cold voice guy asked me , yes I'm good thanks for saving me but I could have save myself if you haven't appear out of nowhere,I told him feigning angry face and I really know right inside me that I was trembling before he came.

He raised his eyebrow as if not believing me , okay I'm really sorry, he chuckled after what he said ,by the way my name is Desmond Hall , you? he introduced himself waiting patiently for me to do the same.

Lina smith, is my name.

Why are you outside this late and most of all why are you walking in this dark alley knowing well that is dangerous,he asked me he seems really angry like he my parent .

I rolled my eyes not answering his question , suddenly he stretch his hand infront of me clearly wanting me to do the same.

From now on I will be your friend and at the same time your bodyguard to protect you from any danger since you are weak to fight for yourself.

Hmph who told you that I can't fight myself .

No one, he replied .

Show me the way to your house so I can accompany you.

No! I protest right after he finished talking ,

Miss , I'm not taking no for an answer I'm taking you home this instance.

From then on we became friends, we do everything together. Just like Desmond said he always protect.



Miss what makes you smile like that ?

My assistant Ruth asked,I'm now twenty -two years and also a C.E.O. of L cooperation and Desmond my best friend is also now twenty five and also C.E.O. of H company, same business clothing company.

I'm Just remembering how I first met Desmond , everybody knows that we are BESTFRIEND .

I answer Ruth ,

Okay madam you will be having meeting in the next 30 minutes.

Okay .