
Search For The Lost God

A boy named Hyuma who was separated from his sister, Yuna, due to the appearance of a mysterious magic circle and forcibly brought Hyuma to another world. To return to his world, Hyuma must find The God Eaft, but the possibility is very small because God Eaft has never shown his existence in the world, even after the world was colonized by Foreign Gods, God Eaft still doesn't appear to save his world. On the other hand, Hyuma also has to adapt to his new life in the world he currently lives in, starting from the Level System, Super Powers, Monsters and Life bound by Mana, but Hyuma's condition is unlucky because his level cannot rise up and he stuck at Beginner level.

maryam_aisyah · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 : Sealing Godsphere

The atmosphere in the basement room is very messy and chaotic. The wall that was originally intact and filled with damping seal paper, was now all burnt and the wall cracked by the shockwave and the lightning strike.

Inside the room were three fallen people surrounded by paper ashes without any light, especially Silva who had struggled during Hyuma's Godsphere sealing ritual. He groaned in pain due to the injuries he received when the sparks of electricity caused a large bolt of electricity to crash through the walls of the room, even both of his palms were burned with blisters. while Silva's summoned creature named Valor immediately disappeared after the shock wave explosion just now.

While Neira, who acted as an assistant in supporting Silva's strength with her Mana, only fainted and did not get serious injuries from the shockwave explosion just now.

Silva who is the first to open his eyes try to get up from where he was while snapping his fingers to shed some light on Mana.


As the slightly dim light illuminated the room surveying the surroundings, he was surprised that his current position was near the wall.

'looks like I was sent flying into this wall during the explosion earlier'<Silva>

Then he continue surveying the area around the basement room and saw his friend, Neira, who had fainted near the wall too, but Silva ignored her and quickly look for Hyuma.

"!!!... Hyuma"<Silva> Silva immediately approaching Hyuma who fell on the floor.

In a flash of thought, Silva was also slightly surprised by Hyuma who was still in the middle of the room where he stood during the previous Godsphere sealing ritual despite being in a stupor state.

Remembering that Silva and Neira were knocked off their feet and hit the wall in the room, Hyuma's unchanged position made Silva astonished. But Silva pushed aside those thoughts and rested Hyuma's body in his arms while observing his whole body.

'looks like the sealing ritual is failed'<Silva> Silva muttered regretfully.

Because the pressure of Hyuma's Godsphere was still faintly felt, Silva felt goosebumps all over his body when he touched Hyuma's body. But Silva didn't panic even though the seals stuck to all the walls of the room were scorched, because Hyuma's Godsphere pressure was no longer as intense and heavy as before. So Silva judged that his Godsphere's condition had improved even though the sealing ritual failed.

Not long after that, Neira also woke up and saw Silva who was leaning Hyuma's body in his arms.

"Ughh... looks like the ritual failed"<Neira> She also felt a faint Godsphere pressure around the room.

Silva shook his head a little disappointed, then Hyuma opened his eyes "Mr. Silva.. did it work??"<Hyuma> he asked in a weak voice and try to stand up.

"Sorry Hyuma.. you've been through all of this and we've also tried our best.. but.. we failed"<Silva>

Hyuma tried to get up from Silva's hands and stood up while looking at Silva's hands whose skin was wrinkled from the burn. He immediately held his hand and ask with a grim expression. "Was this caused by the Sealing Ritual??"<Hyuma>

"Don't mind my hands.. I'm fine.. this wound can be healed by my friend from the next village.. so don't worry.. the most important thing is your Godsphere" <Silva> He said while patting Hyuma's shoulder.

Hyuma tilted his head with a wondering expression "hmm??? My godsphere??"<Hyuma>

"Yes.. Your Godsphere still radiates out.. even though it's faint.. but still.."<Silva>

"But I feel better than before.. even I never felt this great before" <Hyuma> Hyuma cut off Silva's words while stretching.

"What do you mean by that??"<Silva> asked Silva.

"My body feels lighter and full of adrenaline.. and also... I can feel everything in this house" <Hyuma> Hyuma looked around the room strangely.

Then Hyuma continued to speak again "I can see and feel something from inside your body.. like a lump of energy in your chest spreading into a fine and faint white energy line"<Hyuma>

Neira and Silva were surprised and amazed at Hyuma's statement which could describe what he saw, because Hyuma who had just set foot in this world could see the Mana circuits in their bodies. Intrigued by what Hyuma saw, Silva immediately used his 'Eye Insight' skill.

'I.. don't see any Mana usage in him.. but.. how can he see my Mana circuits and Mana Core??'<Silva>

The Mana Core is the core of power as well as the second heart of all creatures in this world. The Mana Core sustains the strength in the body and spreads it through the Mana circuit that spreads to various important points in the body in the form of a line that flows endlessly like blood.

What amazed Silva was that Hyuma didn't use Mana at all but could see all the Mana structure in the body starting from the Mana Core to the Mana circuits circulating in the body, because the vision he said was a vision that was more complicated and very detailed than the vision based on skill The Epic-grade 'eye insight' that Silva was currently using. Neira also understands Hyuma's innocent explanation very well even though she has the 'Eye Insight' skill one level below Silva.

Curiosity creeping up his head made him ask Hyuma directly "Hyuma.. can you show me your Stats and Level one more time?"<Silva>

Hyuma nodded and held out his left hand to Silva and followed by Neira who came closer because she is curious too.

'this..'<Silva> Silva's eyebrows tightened and frowned.

'Isn't this the same.. but..'<Neira> muttered Neira.

What they saw on Hyuma's level and stats, there was no change at all, which meant that Hyuma's level was still Beginner and his Stats were still the same as before, except Hyuma's 'Intelligence' that had increased by one.

{---Level = Beginner ---}

- Strength = 5

- Vitality (Vitality and Physical Endurance) = 5

- Agility (Speed) = 5

- Intelligence (Mana) = 1

- Dexterity (Accuracy and Stability) = 5

"Your intelligence has increased by 1 after the sealing ritual earlier... but I don't feel any Mana in your body even though I've used my 'Eye insight' Skill"<Silva> Silva's face still shows a big question mark.

"That's because his Intelligence is still 1 Silva.. it's natural that his Mana is still not visible"<Neira> Neira immediately answered him.

"Neira.. My 'Eye Insight' Skill is one level above your 'Eye Insight' Skill.. and I also know the difference between one point increase in Stats Intelligence"<Silva>

"Yups.. i knew that... I know you really understand the details like that"<Neira> answered Neira in an annoyed tone. Neira already knew that Silva was stronger than herself both in terms of intelligence and strength.

Silva continue speak "but what's even more strange... Hyuma can see the Mana Core in our bodies.. it seems like there is something hidden inside you Hyuma"<Silva> said Silva while looking at Hyuma curiously.

"ah.. one more thing.. I can also feel a strong beat in my heart.. and.. a faint vibration in this room.. I don't know.. but it feels amazing.. is this the effect of Ecstasy??<Hyuma>

"Th-that's the Godsphere you're emitting.. do you feel it too??"<Silva> asked Silva.

Hyuma nodded and Silva's sigh while heard afterwards as he bowed his head in guilt. Seeing Silva who was gloomy, Hyuma spoke "Mr. Silva didn't completely fail.. but may I ask for help one more time.. I know this might be too much because I see your hands are blistered as a result"<Hyuma>

"It's okay.. just say it.. we are here to help you"<Silva>

"Can you perform the Sealing Ritual one more time?? but this time there is no need for Miss Neira and Valor's help anymore.. because I will be the one helping in the ritual of sealing my own Godsphere"<Hyuma>

"Eh?? Is that possible?? How can you help seal your Godsphere... while you don't know how to use Mana??"<Neira> asked Neira.

"Okay.. but maybe this sealing ritual isn't as strong as the previous one.. because half of my mana energy has already been consumed"<Silva>

"No problem.. that's more than enough"<Hyuma> answered Hyuma with a smile.

Neira was a little annoyed because Silva immediately said yes before Hyuma answered her question. But on the one hand, Neira also wants to help him because she is the only person in this place who can help Silva in Hyuma's Godsphere sealing ritual. But after hearing Silva's answer, Neira gave up on it because she really believed in Silva who would seal the Godsphere on the second try.

"Stand back.. then close your eyes"<Silva>

Hyuma followed Silva's direction and closed his eyes while inhaling and exhaling gradually.

"Colossal Seal 'Godsphere'"<Silva>

A green circle of light with an octagram ornament motif appeared again behind Hyuma's back.

The moment his eyes closed, he felt a center of pressure and vibration that sent shivers down his body.

'So this is the Godsphere core within my body… then…'<Hyuma>

After a few minutes had passed, the vibrations and faint pressure that Silva and Neira felt slowly disappeared and the air in the basement began to return to normal.

Silva and Neira couldn't help but be shocked and what Hyuma said was true. The intimidating pressure and vibrations in the surrounding area instantly vanished.

Then Silva asked "what have you done?? How did you help with the sealing just now??"<Silva>

"Hehe.. I just opened and gave way to the energy seal that Mr. Silva used to enter through the circuits in my body"<Hyuma>

"You did it that easily??!"<Silva> asked Silva who still couldn't believe it.

But Hyuma only answered with a nod.

Silva grinned happily at Hyuma's progress in such a short time, even though they had gone through the horrific feat of the first Godsphere sealing ritual just now.

"Then... let's rest for today... and tomorrow we will train and increase your level as well as your stats"<Silva>

"Yes..!!" <Hyuma> answered Hyuma excitedly.


Silva gave Hyuma a place to live in the form of a room in his house, more precisely a room in the attic of his house because that was the only free space left. Neira, who is a friend, also stays at Silva's house, because she says she is 'bored from traveling for a while', she said.

Arriving at the attic room, Hyuma immediately lay down on the mattress that Silva had provided while turning his gaze towards the wall clock which showed 9 o'clock.

After experiencing various incomprehensible incidents, he was still worried and thought about his little sister in his old world, earth.

'What is Yuna doing right now?? Is she okay?? is she safe there..'<Hyuma>

While Hyuma was thinking about his sister, Hyuma's eyes slowly began to close due to drowsiness, and finally fell into a deep sleep.


Suddenly there was the sound of a gong being hit with such force that it made a deafening loud roar. Immediately Hyuma opened his eyes and what he see at this time was not the same as the last time he slept in his room. What Hyuma see right now was outer space decorated with stars around it and several comets moving between them. The sound of the emptiness coming from space itself continued to fill Hyuma's ears after the loud sound from the gong earlier.

Hyuma's position is in a floating state while checking his whole body. In his mind full of question 'where is this?? Shouldn't I be in the room??'<Hyuma>

He can't speak, but can move his whole body except his mouth.

'this is.. very beautiful.. is this what is called outer space?? The space in the sky??'<Hyuma> He muttered in awe.

Hyuma looked around him with a look of amazement and admiration. What he saw at this time was a very beautiful sight and it was really the first time in his life, because when Hyuma was still at Earth, he had never seen a sky full of stars. The world at that time was in a state of great war which affected other countries causing the entire earth to be filled with fog and the sky to be covered with dark clouds for a full 20 years. However, he once read a description of the sky and outer space through a book he read when he was living at the orphanage.


"Keuughh..!!"<Hyuma> Hyuma immediately covered his ears when the sound of the second gong sounded louder than the first one.

When he opened his eyes again, it was the same outer space scene, but what was different from before was that it seemed to have stopped like a video playback was being 'paused'. Everything, including the flashes of light and comets flying around across the stars, also stopped, as did the humming sound from outer space itself.

Hyuma get silent, gawking at all this strangeness and inwardly wondering 'what's really going on?? And what is this place??'<Hyuma>


Suddenly a great vibration beyond an earthquake rocked the entire sky, even tearing apart the empty space in the area. Hyuma, who couldn't stand the vibration and ripping sound in space, covered his ears with both hands and closed his eyes tightly while cowering in fear. Not long after that, the sound and violent vibrations just now faded away, and Hyuma fearfully opened both his eyes and ears.

'I.. came back.. was that a dream??! But..'<Hyuma> He muttered to himself with halting breaths.

The beautiful view of space being torn apart by violent vibrations changed to the view of the attic room in the Silva house. Then he turned his gaze to the wall clock again.

"Eh??!! still 9 o'clock??!"<Hyuma>

Hyuma was surprised to see the clock arrow that didn't change at all, but the seconds were still moving. He had thought that the clock was broken, but after Hyuma checked the clock there was nothing broken at all, even Hyuma's observation had increased after experiencing the Godsphere sealing ritual earlier.

Hyuma paused for a moment to calm down and took a deep breath "I'd better sleep again.. I have to get enough rest.. tomorrow I have to practice"<Hyuma> he said in a low voice mixed with relief.

'in order to quickly return to Earth and save my little sister'<Hyuma> he muttered to herself slowly sleepily.

Then Hyuma fall asleep again without having a strange dream like just now.


After Hyuma fell asleep in his new room, Silva sat pensively at one of the tables in his cafe room, while Neira was sipping a glass of wine at the same table as Silva.

Only the sound of the ticking of the wall clock and the gulp of Neira's throat could be heard, but not long after that a sigh could be heard coming from Neira's mouth.

"Silva.. are you sure about your decision?"<Neira>

"About what?"<Silva>

"Of course about Hyuma.. you previously declared your retirement.. and now... you opened a new path and made a new decision"<Neira>

"It's been 5 years since I retired.. and now.. I haven't made a decision"<Silva>

"Hmm.. you haven't said yet.. does that mean you've been released from your trauma?"<Neira>

Silva shook his head while looking down and remembering the incident 5 years ago "I still can't forget all those incidents.. friends.. all of them... not yet"<Silva>

"Then.. what made you change your decision and come back if you still can't let go of that trauma?"<Neira>

"It's because of Hyuma.. I feel he has something different"<Silva>

"I told you.. he's far from Abnormal.. let alone seeing..."<Neira>

"My 'Aftertime' talent said that Hyuma would make great changes to this world… he is beyond the Abnormal"<Silva> He said with a sharp and serious look.


The wine glass that Neira brought cracked and her eyes widened in surprise at Silva's words. Even though Silva often said jokes to Neira, Neira couldn't let go of her ears when Silva mentioned her Talent.

Talent is one of the latent talents that is present from birth and has a very cheating or scam advantage for Hunters who have it, and Talent is one of the characteristics of Abnormal Hunters. Talent Silva is 'Aftertime', which is a passive Talent that can see the future at a glance, both conditions and objects.

"your Talent really say that??"<Neira> asked Neira in a low voice.

Silva nodded as a definite answer to Neira, then Neira stood up "Okay then.. if you come back to the battlefield.. then me too"<Neira>

A corner of Silva's mouth lifted and said "we'll see"<Silva>

Neira immediately went to her room carrying a bottle of wine and left Silva alone at the cafe table with Neira's old cracked glass.