
Search For The Lost God

A boy named Hyuma who was separated from his sister, Yuna, due to the appearance of a mysterious magic circle and forcibly brought Hyuma to another world. To return to his world, Hyuma must find The God Eaft, but the possibility is very small because God Eaft has never shown his existence in the world, even after the world was colonized by Foreign Gods, God Eaft still doesn't appear to save his world. On the other hand, Hyuma also has to adapt to his new life in the world he currently lives in, starting from the Level System, Super Powers, Monsters and Life bound by Mana, but Hyuma's condition is unlucky because his level cannot rise up and he stuck at Beginner level.

maryam_aisyah · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 2 : Only One Way

Hyuma was stunned mixed with feelings of sadness and disappointment with the answer he couldn't deny. Hyuma looked down and bowed his head, forced to accept the reality.

"Forgive us Hyuma"<Neira> said with a feeling that was also carried away with sadness.

Hyuma bowed weakly while shook his head and said "No.. it's okay.. what can I do.. I can't do anything either.. my world is on the edge of collapse.. and also.. i'm.. as an older brother.. negligent in taking care of my sister"<Hyuma>

The world seemed to collapse and without him realizing it, his eyes filled with tears when he remembered his younger sibling, the only family who had always been a warm light for him, both hard and happy, even though he lived in a broken and harsh world.

Silva and Neira were also left speechless after hearing all the stories. They also want to cheer him up but are afraid that it will make his mood worse.

Then Hyuma wiped the tears on his face and said "I want to get out of here"<Hyuma> he said in a low voice.

But when Hyuma was about to walk towards the door, Silva immediately stretched out his right hand to stop Hyuma "If you leave this place with your Godsphere condition which has a very high atmospheric pressure spreading widely.. Your Godsphere will invite disaster for yourself.. so .. I suggest you stay here for a while"<Silva>

"It's okay.. after all.. I don't have anything anymore.. especially in this world that I don't know"<Hyuma>

Previously, Hyuma and his sister lived in an orphanage since Hyuma was 7 years old, and his sister, Yuna, was still 3 years old. Their parents died as a result of the explosion that was caused when the war broke out in various countries. Finally Hyuma and Yuna get treatment at an orphanage. But not long after that, one of the superpowers state launched a forbidden weapon, named Nuclear. The impact is tremendously devastating and damaging to the entire Earth's ecosystem. Not only that, the whole air becomes polluted and becomes toxic.

Japan, the country where Hyuma and Yuna lived were also affected, and many of its citizens died from inhaling poisoned air. Until finally the Japanese state collapsed and there was no government at all in it.

The Orphanage that Hyuma and Yuna live in is also neglected and abandoned. But they still survived and lived in the orphanage, but the building could not last long and left the two of them with no other choice but to get out of the orphanage building.

Finally, the two of them went to travel the whole area in Japan and live nomadic lives in this world that was already starting to break down. Eventually, they found an old and abandoned orphanage building in a city in Japan, but the building still looks sturdy even though there is a lot of moss and vines covering the building.

Starting from here, Hyuma found a suitable house for him and his sister to live in. But after one year, something strange happened and the sky turned into a terrible vortex like a creature that was about to devour the Earth, and then Hyuma separated from his sister during the strange incident.

Even now he couldn't stop thinking about his little sister that struggling alone without his brother in his old world.

When Hyuma shook off Silva's hand that was blocking his way towards the door, suddenly..


"Ehh?!" <Hyuma> Hyuma was confused because his body suddenly couldn't move, but he felt that his wrists and ankles were bound by very strong thin threads.

"Sorry Hyuma.. you can't leave this place in that condition"<Neira> that was the thread of Neira's Skill. She couldn't bear to see a desperate Hyuma who was even willing to end his own life at such an early age.

"Let me…"<Hyuma>

"There is one way"<Silva> Silva immediately interrupted Hyuma's words.

Silva's words made Hyuma's eyes widen because there was a glimmer of hope like a speck of light in the middle of the darkness. Neira released her Skill and the threads that bound Hyuma's wrists and legs fell apart when Hyuma stopped his attempts to go outside.

Hearing these words, Hyuma excitedly asked "really?? Is there a way to send me back to my world again?? Please.. please tell me.. please Mr. Silva"<Hyuma>

Neira who was curious also asked "S-Silva.. how??"<Neira>

Silva groaned and was a little reluctant to say it, but Silva still told them "by finding the God Eaft.. the true God of this world..<Silva>

Neira's eyes widened hearing the way Silva said and nervously and angrily jerked him in a low voice "Silva..!! don't just say the name of the god carelessly..!! or this place will become a burning and cursed wasteland..!!"<Neira>

"I know.. I know.. but that's the only way for Hyuma to return him to his old world"<Silva>

"Are you crazy.. we just finished a great war and suffered a crushing defeat.. and now you want to have more to do with those colonial Gods??!! You must be crazy"<Neira>

Hearing their conversation, Hyuma immediately knew the situation. According to his understanding, there was only one way he could return to his world, and that was by finding the God of this world, God Eaft. However, searching for him is difficult or even impossible path if Neira said so, even mentioning his name was strictly forbidden in this world. Hyuma didn't know the reason why mentioning God Eaft's name was strictly forbidden to that extent, but Hyuma didn't flinch in the slightest even though what he was fighting against the world itself, Hyuma would still be looking for that God Eaft.

Silva and Neira also want to help Hyuma, but because of the impossibility of this method, they are a little confused. Therefore, Hyuma made his own decision.




Silva and Neira immediately looked at Hyuma.

Hyuma raised his right hand and said "I'll do it myself.. I'll become a Hunter and find the god that Mr. Silva mentioned earlier.. even though it's impossible to do" <Hyuma> said Hyuma in a firm tone.

"No.. that's absolutely impossible.. don't do something ridiculous like finding God.. umm.. Threalm.. yes.. Threalm God"<Neira> Neira tried not to mention God Eaft's name lest something bad happen to them and changed his title to Threalm God, which was the name of this world.

Neira continue saying "after all, finding the Threalm God is impossible.. there is no history of a Hunter being able to found the Threalm God"<Neira>

"Then... I'll just have to be a Hunter and make history"<Hyuma> Said Hyuma lightly.

Hearing Hyuma's determination, Neira asked him "what is your Level?"<Neira>

"hmm?? Levels?? What do you mean??"<Hyuma>

"Neira.. this is his first time here.. he doesn't know the system in this world"<Silva>

Silva sighed then continued speaking "You can check your level by saying 'Self Stats' in your mind"<Silva>

Hyuma immediately followed Silva's instructions of 'Self Stats'<Hyuma>

As soon as Hyuma recited 'Self Stats' in his mind, suddenly a faint light appeared with several letters and numbers on the arm near the wrist of his right hand. The dim light reads..

{---Level = Beginner ---}

- Strenght (Strength) = 5

- Vitality (Vitality and Physical Endurance) = 5

- Agility (Speed) = 5

- Intelligence (Mana) = 0

- Dexterity (Accuracy and Stability) = 5

'wha.. what is this??!'<Hyuma> he muttered in surprise when he saw the shining writing from his right hand, Hyuma felt goosebumps running down his back.

'he.. is too weak.. and what's this.. why is his Intelligence 0?? Really??'<Neira> Neira frowned when she saw Hyuma's level and stats, because Hyuma's Stats were on par with the Stats of a 5 year old child.

Silva who was observing Hyuma's level and stats also frowned, but he had a slightly different assessment from Neira.

'His intelligence is non-existent.. now it makes sense that I don't feel any Mana in him.. but it's ridiculous considering he has a Godsphere.. even his Godsphere is huge and intimidating' <Silva>

Hyuma was curious about the gazes th e two of them had on his stats, he knew that they were assessing him. Then he asked "Do I deserve to be a Hunter??"<Hyuma>

Neira shook her head "sorry Hyuma... Your stats are far from decent"<Neira>

"No.. there must be something in him.. maybe Skill.. Talent.. or maybe this kid.. is an Abnormal??"<Silva>

"Abnormal you say?? I've met Abnormal Hunters several times.. and Hunters who show Abnormality don't have.. Such weak stats" <Neira> Neira lowered her words while saying 'Weak Stats' for not offending Hyuma.

"At least he can still train and raise his Stats and Level to be worthy" <Silva>

Neira turned to Hyuma and asked "Hyuma.. how old are you now?"<Neira> asked Neira.

Hyuma straightforwardly answered "12"<Hyuma>

A long sigh came from Neira's bowed mouth, then Silva continue to speak "You heard him.. he's still 12 years old.. there's still 3 years left to train him"<Silva>

"Silva.. Those stats of him doesn't match his current age"<Neira>

"That's because he just stepped foot in this world Neira.. therefore.. he can still training within the next 3 years before entering the Academy"<Silva>

"3 years is short time.. when compared to other kids who have been training at the age of 5 years or less.. Their stats are much higher.. and something bad might happen to Hyuma"<Neira>

The two of them continued to argue and talk about what's the best for Hyuma. Hyuma wanted to take part in stated his opinion, but he immediately discouraged him because their conversation was getting intense and there are lots of things he didn't understand and choose to remain silent.

After several minutes of heated debate between Silva and Neira, they finally reach a final decision.

"Okay.. but who will train him in the next 3 years??"<Neira> ask Neira while closing her eyes and leaning against the wall with a tired expression.

"What do you mean who?? The one who will train Hyuma to become strong and raise his level rapidly in 3 years.. of course us.. are there really more powerful people in this surrounding area than us??"<Silva>

Neira's eyes immediately opened wide when she heard Silva's answer "U-us?? B-but.."<Neira>

"Not much but.. we have to help this boy.. and we will do it as soon as possible" <Silva> Silva immediately interrupted Neira's words and Neira could not avoid it and obey.

"Then.. there's only one problem left unresolved.. we have to seal the Godsphere.. otherwise.. all our arguing just now will be in vain"<Silva> He said with a serious look.

"What seal are you going to use on his Godsphere??"<Neira>

"Just like this basement... which has kept Hyuma's Godsphere from seeping outside other than this room" <Silva> He said while looking up.

Exhausted from her argument with Silva, Neira could only nod and answer "I don't know any seal skills... so... well... it's all up to you Silva... you understand better"<Neira> She said resignedly.

"Okay.. I'll prepare some equipment in advance"<Silva> Silva immediately moved out of the door of this basement.

A few moments later, Silva had prepared several tools such as chalk, a can filled with water, and several long sheets of paper. While Hyuma stood in the middle of the room looking at Silva who was drawing a big circle around Hyuma with unique patterns like ornaments inside the circle. While Neira was standing beside the circle near the wall, she was told by Silva to be on guard if something happened beyond Silva's control.

"The preparations are finished.. Neira.."<Silva>

Neira nodded when Silva called her to confirm her readiness, then Silva walked to the center of the room where Hyuma was standing.

"Hyuma.. this might be hurt.. but this is the only way I know that allows you to seal your Godsphere" <Silva> Silva said while touching Hyuma's shoulder.

A smile appeared on Hyuma's face who nodded enthusiastically "It's okay.. I'll endure it as best as I can"<Hyuma>

Seeing Hyuma's spirit recovering, Silva also happy because a few hours earlier Hyuma had given up hope and was about to throw his life away for nothing.

After everything was ready, Silva walk and standing behind Hyuma's back, then he stretch his hands towards Hyuma's back and start the sealing ritual while saying "Seal Colossal.. Godsphere"<Silva>


A gust of wind spread across the room while Hyuma and Silva at the center.

A green circle of light like a neon lamp with an octagram ornament motif immediately appeared between Silva's hand and Hyuma's back. While Hyuma immediately became unconscious with his eyes closed while standing in the middle of the room.

Silva waited ten seconds to make sure nothing happened, but in fact nothing happened after Silva waited ten seconds. Then Silva was about to say the key word of the seal ritual "Legi..."<Silva>


Suddenly the whole room shook violently as if it could collapse at any moment and bury them.

Then Neira shouted from the side "Silva..!! the pressure is growing up..!!"<Neira>

"I know..!!"<Silva> On the other hand, Silva was having a hard time and was in pain while maintaining his seal ritual.

"Aaarrgghhh..!!!"<Silva> couldn't hold back the pain, finally Silva screamed.


Silva's green seal ritual circle also cracked and emitted a spark.

'this is more difficult than I imagined.. then..'<Silva>

"Summon.. Valor..!!" <Silva> Silva shouted and started to drip sweat from all over his body which was in pain.

Then a large knight creature with a magnificent and shiny silver armor appeared. Because it was so big, the knight bent down on one knee so as not to be hit by the roof of the room if something happened to him.

The knight is a Skill Summon from Silva's Skill, the shape is beautiful like an angel, it's just that it doesn't have wings.

Neira was surprised by what Silva was doing right now and muttered 'if Silva summons his summoned creatures.. then this ritual might fail.. and this vibration..'<Neira> neira observed the whole room which was shaking violently due to the Godsphere's pressure. will be sealed by Silva.

'The Godsphere is on rage and rebel?!'<Neira> muttered Neira while frowning.

While Silva was still struggling while gritting his teeth, Silva shouted at his Summons "Valor..!! help me with your support skills..!!"<Silva>


The big and beautiful knight named Valor immediately moved according to Silva's orders as his master. Valor immediately took a prayer pose with his hands clasped together.


Eight seal magic circles with the same pattern surrounded Hyuma and Silva in the center following the circle line that was drawn by Silva earlier.

"Keuughh... Arrgghhh"<Silva> Silva's moans of hurt grow louder as time gone by.

Not only the spark caused by the crack that appeared on the seal magic circle that Silva created hurt him, but both hands were slowly starting to burn.

Neira, who saw this seal ritual starting to go too far and beyond Silva's control, was nervous and afraid and immediately spread the 'Steel String' skill, namely the thread skill she used on Hyuma while holding him.

After all the threads had been neatly spread out to form a circle with an octagram shape inside, Neira immediately poured her Mana through the threads.

The entire space was filled with Mana pools and flashes of light that dazzled and coexisted with vibrations that tore through the room non-stop.

The sparks that originally shot out around the area of Silva's hand and Hyuma's back, now became a huge bolt of lightning that tore through the air up to the walls of the room. However, Silva and Neira persisted and continued their sealing ritual.


"Shit...!!! Haatttt...!!!"<Neira>

Their screams echoed, but could not match the sounds of Mana clashing, the ritual Seals and the Godspheres present in the room. Until finally the room couldn't hold back the collision of Mana, Seal, and Godsphere, a blinding light blinded their vision, then...


The super sonic explosion deafened the ears of all residents in the area and caused a great vibration like an earthquake. The entire population awoke from their sleep during their curfew of rest.

"What was that??!!"

"earthquake??!! Did an earthquake just happen??!!"

No one knows what really happened, all they know is an earthquake, even though the vibration only lasts for a moment, the vibration feels very big.

But it's different from what happened in the basement of Silva's house. The basement room was now pitch black due to the lamp-like lighting and several Mana lights, all destroyed after the Mana explosion just now.