
Sealed With Blood

First thing I have to say is that this is a mix between Contemporary Romance and Fantasy Romance, I just picked Fantasy Romance because it seemed to fit the story more. This is not my cover, all rights go to the creator. •~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~• This is a story about Emily, a girl who lives on a rather small island with a rather small population where everybody knows everybody and most secrets don't last long as a secret. She is a highschool student that is practically perfect, if someone could be perfect. She is Athletic, Smart, Social, and has a crazy tight group of friends, but an important part about her is she has never ever dated someone. She is straight and finds all the boys in her school idiotic, repulsive, not worth it, unmature, jerks, or just not right for her. So she doesn't bother with dating and she focuses on everything else in her life. But what happens when a mysterious new boy suddenly turn Emily's world around? Will she change and accept it? Will she let her guard down? And most importantly what will she learn about him? When new boy Zach comes into her life things change, that's for sure. But is it for better, or worse? •~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~• "The most amazing part about him was his mesmerizing eyes.  They were dark, so dark that they could almost be considered black, and they had so much wisdom in them.  You could see emotion in them, though it was almost behind a wall..." "I found it hilarious how every girl was affected by his glance, I mean come on even my friends turned to mush and were memorized by him!" "I feel a strong gaze is on me.  I turn my head and am looking into the eyes of the new boy.  It was mesmerizing, I could feel his eyes practically staring into my very soul and I felt deeply drawn to him and those eyes....." "To my surprise, he gave a little smirk then, as if having found what he was looking for, he walked over to the bleachers and sat down surrounded by his *followers*.

aimlessly_inspired · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 20 - The Update!

There are 2 parts to this update:

First I want to mention something interesting I learned about San Nicolas Island. This is the place that Emily, Zach, Lizzie, Zane, Monica, Mady, Ty and everyone live on. I want to make it clear that I don't live on San Nicolas Island and I just choose this place because it seemed to be the perfect spot to start the novel's setting in. So I don't know everything about the Island because I don't need to know many things about it for the novel. I only know it's location and a few other things I looked up and found on Google.

The interesting thing I just learned, I read about in a book. The book is called "Island of the Blue Dolphins" by Scott O'Dell. This is a book I've read a few times but I read the full Author's Note for the first time today. The Author says that a Spanish Explorer had found the "Island of the Blue Dolphins" and named it "La Isla de San Nicolas. Which, if you can't figure it out, it means the Isle (or Island) of San Nicolas. The Author also mentions that this was originally an Island that Indians lived on and there was an indian girl who lived their alone from 1835 to 1853. That girl was what the book was based about. So I learned an interesting fact about the Island's history today.

The second thing I want to say today is that I'm thinking of changing the way the novel is set up, like the format. Right now chapters are in different Point Of Views, but I'm thinking that it might be easier for me, and might be easier and better for you guys to understand what's happening, if I change it so the story is being told in third person POV. This way during a chapter you can read about both main characters POV.

For an Example, I wouldn't say a POV at the beginning of a chapter and I wouldn't use words; I, me, we, or us in the novel. But I might still do a chapter in a POV every once in a while because it fits the story better.

I want to know what you guys think. Comment at on this chapter and tell me if you want POV's still or if you want to try third person view. I don't want to post more chapters until I know what you guys think so be sure to comment please. If it's been a few days and no one has told me their opinions I will post a chapter in third person so you know what I mean, but before I continue the book I want to hear your opinions.

Be sure to COMMENT what you guys think about the format of the novel. I won't continue the story unless I get some opinions because I can't continue unless I know how to set up my chapters.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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