
Sealed Hope

Attacked by a Pebble, Amar's entire life changes. Being forced to unseal a princess. Would his life be better or worst?

thechubbyone · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Misty Valley Town

After absorbing the Essences from the human duo Amar managed to make a breakthrough to level nine which made him one of the strongest fighters among the youth in his hometown. Leaving the forest and traveling about fifteen miles Amar came upon a quaint town nestled in a valley with its back to the mountain.

There was a huge waterfall not too far away which always sprinkles mist over the town thus giving it the name Misty Valley Town. Amar grew up here under the care of his Aunt, Emma and his elder cousin Elisa, who was senior to him by two years. She was extremely pretty, too pretty for some backwoods town and since she passed her coming of age ceremony the mayor's playboy son was trying to get her into his bed. Amar believed that Aunt Emma's sickness was caused by Taldor, the mayor's son in a bid to steal Elisa away.

However, Amar had to bury these suspicions deep in his heart because he didn't have enough strength to do anything about it but now things were different. Instead of walking into town Amar decided to sneak in and the he quickly made his may to the 'Jolly Boar' and slipped in through the back door. He quickly made his way up to Aunt Emma's room on the first floor, he rapped quietly first but did not receive an answer, gently pushing the door, Amar saw a slightly emaciated figure lying on the bed breathing laboriously. Worried, he rushed over to her, and saw his once beautiful Aunt looking akin to a corpse, fingers trembling he light caressed the sunken cheeks then he rushed out the room to brew the 'Phoenix Tail Grass' according to how the Potion Master had instructed. He returned with a bowl filled with golden liquid and a spoon. He propped up his Aunt's frail figure and gently shook her awake.

When she open her eyes, those brilliant hazel orbs had never lost there luster, unlike her corpse-like figure her eyes sparked with life, surprise flashed through them when she laid eyes on Amar, just as she was about to utter a word, he raised his hand and placed a finger on those dried lips to keep her quiet. Then he dipped a spoon full of golden concoction and gently placed it near her lips so that she could sip it. Slowly, he fed her the entire bowl, after the first few mouthfuls, Amar could see a visible improvement in his Aunt's condition, her pale skin gained some color and the blackened veins that were very visible started to fade. Looking at one of his only family, anger burned in Amar's chest when he thought that someone actually tried to hurt her, lost in thoughts of revenge, Amar was shaken out of his thoughts by an urgent pull on his sleeve, looking at the source he saw his aunt, who was pointing at the bowl in his hand. Just as he put the bowl in front of her, she coughed up a mouthful of black, clotted blood into the bowl.

Gasping at first then breathing more easily Aunt Emma looked way better than a few moments ago. Amar asked, "Aunt, here is Elisa?", she turned to him with somewhat dejected eyes and replied, " Since I was sick, we couldn't open the inn and Elisa went to find a small job at the mayor's place." She raised her eyes to see his expression seething with anger and hurriedly grabbed his shirt sleeve, " It was the only place that would hire her, and you know how Taldor does things. She insisted on going even though fully well knowing what might happen."

Breathing heavily, Amar reached for the pouch at his waist, after he killed the duo he had searched them and found twenty gold and seventy silver in total, he placed the money in Emma hand and instructed, " Pack all the essential and valuable items from the inn and go to Derrick's and buy a fully loaded wagon for travel we are leaving today." As she emptied the purse and saw the shiny gold, she gasped and looked at Amar, "What are you going to do? Where did you get all this money? Why are we traveling?" Holding her hand Amar reassured her that he would not do anything stupid and that she should just do as he said because it is for the best for all of us, that we leave this godforasken town. She nodded and then hurriedly started packing, as he turned back he saw the skinny figure trembling to even lift a few bags, then he remembered the 'Crimson Blood Fruit', he took out the fruit and gave it to her, the fruit had the ability to replenish blood, and repair bone and muscle better than a healing pill of the same grade.

Emma's eyes lit up wit wonder as she tried to guess Amar's adventures for the past few days. Being as that she was an adventurer before she had a child, Emma knew how hard it was to get the fruit and she recognized the change in Amar's temperament, the confidence he unconsciously exuded amazed her.

Amar quietly slipped out the door and made his way to the mansion at the center of the town. As he snuck in he overheard two guards talking, "It's a pity, that one, Taldor has already laid his dirty talons on that inn girl. He has her working in his bed chambers." Seething with rage, Amar turned around and made his way into the mansion, pausing at corners and.creeping through the shadows, gently opening doors, he finally came upon a wide room where he heard Taldor's voice, " I tell you Elisa, I am the only savior left for you. Do you know that I told everyone in town that if they hire you, I'd break their property, kill their children and steal their wives." Amar could only hear a muffled whimper in response.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Such fire, so many girls can't wait to rush into my bed, but why do you refuse me so vehemently? Am I not handsome enough? Well I admit I'm not as good looking as your cousin but lets face it, he's dead."

" Surprised are we? Well I learned that he went into the Wilvar to look for some herb for your mother and I hired two men from the "Black Wolf Gang" to take care of him before he comes out, they should be waiting in ambush now."

Taldor, pleased with his performance continued on, " Elisa dear, do you know that i

this autumn I'll leave Misty Valley to go study at mage school. Why don't you come with me as seeing that you have no family left."

" Oh? what's with that look? Do you still believe your mother became ill naturally? No, no, no dear, I had her poisoned with 'Night Shadow'. Now you are all alone in this world. So come to me I'll make love to you and care for you for as long as I am concerned with you."

Then as Amar was sneaking closer he heard the ripping of cloth, Amar slowly drew his bow and aimed at Taldor from behind the drapes. The arrow flew over and just before it was about to pierce his head a white light flased and the arrow was stopped. Startled Taldor spun around, " Who dares?!" He asked loudly, Amar decided not to give him a chance and immediately rush at him, drawing his sword he stabbed straight for Taldor's throat.