
Sealed Hope

Attacked by a Pebble, Amar's entire life changes. Being forced to unseal a princess. Would his life be better or worst?

thechubbyone · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Killing a Mage

Taldor was astonished to see that the bug was still breathing, and it dared to attack him right in his own bedroom. However before he could process the situation properly, Amar had already reach close enough to pierce him. Snapping out of his daze Taldor activated the magic defense item that his father had given to him. A large, transparent earthen yellow dome appeared around Taldor, the dome could block three attacks from a peak black rank warrior or mage. He breathed out a sigh when he saw than Amar's sword couldn't pierce through the Earth Shield. A condescending smirk appeared on his horse-like face as he stared at the poor bug. " What are you doing here Amar?" He asked. "Aren't you supposed to be dead? Or did you come back from the dead to see me ravage your beautiful cousin?"

Amar was shocked at the yellow dome that protected Taldor, So he slashed with all him sight and as his sword connected a series of geometric patterns appeared on the bubble-like dome. Then he heard the idiot say,"Don't waste your effort, this can withstand three all out attacks from a peak iron rank warrior." Hearing this a smile suffused Amar lips as he chopped again, as his sword connected with the dome bubble, a crack appeared on its surface.

Frightened Taldor started chanting a strange toungue, the words were fast, low and deep, as he completed the chant a ball of fire appeared above Taldor's palm.

Reflected in the fireball's glow, the smile on Taldor's face looked really ghastly, he raised his hand and threw the flaming ball at Amar. Startled, Amar reacted quickly and jumped to the side to avoid the fireball, however, the spell connected with his side and exploded. Amar was tossed across the room, his shirt on fire and the tips of his hair singed. Amar stood up and beat off the flames, when he turned around he saw Taldor holding another fireball in above his palm.

Taldor laughed as he threw the fireball at Amar, having experienced the explosive power, Amar did not want to taste it again. He rapidly circulated all of his inner strength and swatted the incoming fireball with the flat side of his sword.

Taldor kept throwing fireballs and Amar kept trying to dodge or swat them but he failed twice and got one on the leg and in the stomach. Clothes in tatters and bunt all over, Amar slowly approached the magic barrier and raised his sword and struck with all his might, like glass, cracks spread like spiderwebs across the barrier's surface then it shattered. Sweat dripping down his face, gasping for air, Taldor was extremely frightened when he saw the barrier falling apart, with the last of his mage force he conjured a fireball and pushed it at Amar, who was in arms reach.

Amar, heard him chanting, but couldn't halt the fireball from forming. Amar hefted his sword and swung it at the fireball in Taldor's hand, in a last ditch attempt to extinguish it.

"Boom!!", the fireball exploded as the sword broke through the ball's surface, Amar was pushed back three steps, when he looked up he saw, Taldor clutching the blacked, bloody stump that remained of his hand. Unwilling to give up this perfect opportunity he lounged at the boy putting his entire weight behind the thrust. The sword, still glowing from cleaving the fireball, pierce through Taldor's chest, roasting his heart. The sword broke, leaving a broken blade protruding from Taldors body.

Slumping over, onto Taldor's warm corpse, Amar was extremely exhausted, he managed to use the very scrapings of his energy reserves to circulate " Dragon's Greed " . The light specks were being absorbed to replenish Amar's dry reserves, but before he could recover completely there was a shuffling of footsteps outside the door.

Boom!, the door shook, Amar could sense that the person attacking the door, couldn't be anyone else, other than the strongest man in Mist Valley Town, the mayor, Talmar.

During his infiltration, Amar had jammed the door with a large plank off timber. The sounds of explosions must have alerted the other inhabitants of the mansion. Amar was too tired and sore to move a muscle. As he glanced at Elisa, he saw her shivering in fear.

She had been shoved aside when Taldor casted the fireball spell. Amar motioned for her to be quiet and then pointed to a larger closet at the far corner of the room.

Nodding her head, showing she understood Amar's intention. Elisa silently slipped in between the pieces of clothing hanging in the closet. Amar listened intently and heard only one set of feet trampling outside the door.

A desperate plan gradually formed in Amar's head, he rolled over onto his stomach and hid the short dagger that he took from Taldor's waist, under his body. Biting his tongue, he allowed the blood flow down the corners of his mouth making it seem as if he had suffered internal injuries. Amar held his breath and laboriously circulated " Dragon's Greed ", hoping to recover some iota energy.

Just as he had completed his hasty preperation the mayor came crashing through the door as he charged into the room. Amar tensed all his muscles to strike at a moment's notice, but suddenly he realised something amiss, from the hand that he had left on Taldor's corpse, he could feel that he was absorbing the three Essences even though he could not breath in light specks. He also discovered that he could absorb the Essences faster and they were more plentiful.

Perplexed, he circilulated his mage force and found that the essences were aiding his recovery. Lost in the europhia of this discovery, he temporarily forgot about the existance of the mayor, but was rudely shaken back to reality as the mayor kicked his hand away from Taldor's corpse.

Bent over the body Talmar was calling out for his son, he wailed misserably akin to a banshee's cry. Assuming the assailant was either dead or too seriously injured to move, he disregarded the purple haired youngster's existance.

Fatal mistakes often occur when one is careless, sobbing with tears rolling down his face cheeks, Talmar felt a sudden sting at the back of his neck then, the icy metal blade pierced through his throat.

Having cultivated to a certain stage one would not die immediately unless his head was damaged or removed. Taldor saw a black blade protruding from under his chin, the last thought he had before the darkness took him was, " Why does this blade look so familiar?".