
Sealed Hope

Attacked by a Pebble, Amar's entire life changes. Being forced to unseal a princess. Would his life be better or worst?

thechubbyone · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Getting a Tattoo

Amar stood dazed for a period of time, staring at the senior's last few words, he didn't even realise that a small array had lit up at the foot of the door and two bottles and a weird ball the size of a fist just popped out of the ground.

Coming out of his daze Amar picked up the three items and carried them to sit at the lake bank. Amar decided to take a thorough bath before he took the pill because he had heard that one should be in their best frame of mind before taking Medicinal Pills. As he washed he digested all the knowledge that he had gain from the letter the old dude left, especially the part where he had the 'Heavenly Winged Dragon' bloodline, he had never known either of his parents, and only grew up in a small border town with his aunt and cousin.

No wonder he always looked different from everyone else in town, his aunt ran an inn, where he worked doing chores and hunting for meat in the forest. He came to the Wilvar looking for a 'Phoenix Tail Grass'. His aunt had fallen ill and the towns priests were incapable of do anything to heal or help her.

He had begged a travelling Potion Master to treat her. That Master required the 'Phoenix Tail Grass' as it is be the only way he would cure for Emma's illness. He had spent all of his meager savings preparing for the trip. When he found it, the Grass was growing accompanied by a 'Crimson Blood Fruit', which was being guarded by a stupid, oaf of an ork. Now he wanted to thank the ork for helping him aquire a treasure that even knights could only dream of.

As he picked up the ball, he pushed a sliver of mage force into the ball. Imformation flowed into Amar's mind, a chant, a breathing technique and a two circulation paths for both inner energy and mage force.

Subconsciously Amar started reciting the chants and practiced the breathing technique and found that the little inner energy in his body slowly flowed through the circulation path. Amar also learned that beings with a Ranked bloodline can both practice inner energy and mage force.

Feeling comfortable after a few rotations Amar decided to take the pill, as it entered his mouth it dissolved almost intantly and Amar felt a cool, refreshing feeling flow down his throat, into his stomach and then all over his body. Smiling satisfyingly he started to cultivate 'Dragon's Greed' and he could feel the energy flow into his bones and muscles, as the energy got into his bones, Amar started to feel an intense burning coming from all over his body, then his muscles started to twitch and itch. The pain and burning was unbearable causing his skin to itch. He wanted to pass out but forged ahead through it. He tried to scratch but his fingers were burning so bad he couldn't move them, after what felt like hours of suffering the worst torment of his life.

Amar finally felt ease. When he came to he saw an entire layer of blackish-purplish gunk all over his body and the stuff stank to high heaven. Disgusted Amar plunged head first into the lake and scrubbed like no tomorrow to get the stuff off. After an hour of scrubbing Amar finally rid both himself and his clothes of the mess. When he left the water and sat on the lake's bank, Amar noticed that his entire body felt lighter and the inner energy flowed more smoothly and faster than before he took the pill, like five times fast. Grudgingly nodding Amar mummered, "Boy were they right, no gain without pain, but damn, I don't want to experience that again."

After going through that pain and fuss, Amar felt exceedingly tired, so he lay right there and fell asleep, waking up a few hours later Amar was extremely refreshed. He had just had the best sleep in his life, as he opened his eyes and arched his back he looked up and saw the beauty, trapped up there in her crystal, sleeping for eons. Her entire family destroyed, being left alone and abandoned. He felt close to her as he and her were similar in many ways. He did not know if his parents were alive too.

He averted his gaze and his cheeks started to go red because he realised that he had been lounging around in his birthday suit and the beauty as right there. " What if she can see me? God, I sure hope she can't cause she'd hate me even before we met and that would be a shame.", He mummered as he quickly dashed to put on his clothes. Then he picked up the last of the old man's gifts and sat down and emptied the bottle in one go. The blood was heavier than it looked, almost as dense as jelly.

The Blood Essence tasted fishy as it went down his throat, he started to circulated 'Dragon's Greed' and the and the thick Blood Essence started to slowly enter his blood vessels. The blood spread tendrils looking for and attaching to the thin traces of the 'Heavenly Winged Dragon' blood in his body. As the blood integrated it self with his body it forced some of his regular blood out of his pores rather aggressively as if it was aggrieved to share the same space within his veins.

The Blood Essence continued to integrate slowly into his body, Amar felt his body becoming stronger and an excess of inner energy started to build up in his spirit channels, Amar activated 'Dragon's Greed' and his inner energy kept bubbling up until pop he broke through and became a Tier 10 warrior.

Amar kept circulating 'Dragon's Greed' as the last of the blood essence assimilated into his body, then miracously a tattoo of a Winged serpent gradually appeared on Amar's back. It's tail coiled around his spin, wings spread across his shoulder blades and it's neck reached over his left shoulder and the serpents head rested over his heart. The tattoo was just an outline and even that appeared slightly blurred, Amar assumed that as the concentration of 'Heavenly Winged Dragon' bloodline got thicker the tattoo would become more distinct and vivid, maybe one day he could transform into a 'Heavenly Winged Dragon' and soar above the heavens.