
Sea Of Stars

The Universe is but a playground, A Track Race of technological development. A hunting ground where the more technologically advanced races reign as kings while the weaker ones are made slaves When one such race that possesses technology that far surpasses that of earth, plans to limit humans technological growth, what can a single human do to protect his kind. Raphael a genius turned criminal must take to the stars to face the imminent threat head on, but with the help of the system and its knowledge of technology all hope is not lost.

Skar4 · Sci-fi
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Chapter 3 - Planning for the Future

"Just sign here and ownership of the The Pendragon Pharmacy is yours"

"Are you sure you wanna do this Raph?"

"What are you concerned about? It's not like I'm going to give you everything I've got"

"But this is what your parents left for You"

"Dude, If I didn't give it to you it'd probably end up bankrupt anyways"


"No buts, You're talented in business and I am sure you would make more use of it than I would"


After signing the paper work Xeno left home and went to work whilst Raphael remained at home to harvest Information out of the system about Earth's and the Milky Way Galaxy's situation.

"So let me get this straight, in about 100 years the Xynite Race will have perfected intergalactic travel and will begin to officially invade earth and all surrounding sentient life on our galaxy"

[That is correct]

"So what do you suggest I do?"



[324 pathways for hosts survival acquired]

"324? wait a minute how many of those pathways involving me abandoning earth and surviving by myself?"




"287?? What the hell? how many of those allow for Earths survival and victory against the Xynite race"

[Host please explain what the host means by 'Victory']

"To no longer be threatened by the potential for slavery by the Xynite Race"


"Describe those three outcomes"

[The first of the three outcomes Involve travelling to the Andromeda Galaxy and exterminating the Xynite Race on Alitron their home planet and other planets they inhabit"

[The Second involving Uniting the Milky Way Galaxy thus preventing the Xynite Race from being able to invade]

[The third is taking all residents on earth to the Triangulum Galaxy to temporarily escape the Xynite Race's rule, whilst gathering power and developing technology and preparing for war against them]

"hmm, okay the third option is ruled out and only to be followed if no other option is allowed"


"Umm, I've decided, why not create a fourth option. We could develop technology in secret and go to the Andromeda Galaxy to buy time"

[What do you mean Host?]

"I mean we should do what they've done to us, slow down their development of intergalactic travel technology, and then we can unite the milky way and thus make it impossible for them to invade and conquer us."



[confirmed, does the host enable initiation of plan]

"wait before that, how advanced is the most advanced civilization?"

[The most advanced civilization in the milky way galaxy possess space travel to at most, other star systems]

"damn that's not exactly a lot to work with, well whatever initiate plan"

[Confirmed, host it is encouraged to begin by building an underground room to build the equipment needed for space travel]

"like a secret base?"

[Yes host]

Without a second thought, Raphael left for the department store to buy supplies.

He has decided to begin by building a robot that will tunnel underground allowing for the base building.

Naturally due to the fact that any one around him could be an alien, every time he saw a person he questioned the system whether the person was an alien or not.

This annoyed the system and at one point it just stopped answering.

Despite how well written the plan was and how useful the system is Raphael ran into a few problems during the collection of supplies.

The first problem being supplies, building a spaceship with only a million dollars and a house is quite difficult, on top of that it must be done in absolute secrecy to prevent spy's from the Xynite race from catching on.

The second problem being time, with only 100 years, it should be near impossible to build interstellar ships and weapons and to protect earth against the looming threat. To do it alone is no better than giving up and as such Raphael came to the conclusion that he should invite geniuses around the globe to take part in his mission.

The first of which being Xeno. Before being kicked out of his fathers company he determined to be the next successor due to his overwhelming talent in business as such with Xeno around gathering supplies won't be difficult.

Another problem with the time allotted is the natural lifespan of humans. To counteract this Raphael came to the conclusion that genetically modifying his and his team's genes to slow the rate of senescence, or biological aging, to allow for his body to achieve more before his body functions begin failing.

If the right people are invited, Raphael estimates that space travel should be achievable in ten years at most.

Of course that was just in theory, realistically it is nearly impossible, but the difficulty of this near impossible task wasn't enough to satisfy Raphael. As if to put more pressure on himself Raphael asked the system to not provide him with blueprints of any equipment that required inventing.

This means, any and all technology Raphael needs, he would have to invent for himself. This is simply a madman's games, an impossible task.

Then again like all geniuses, Raphael is an eccentric. He is the kind of person who enjoys difficult challenges, especially those that claim to be impossible. For this reason alone, all his breakthroughs while working for the space agency, have mostly been "achieving the impossible."

According to the systems plan, after building a base for his experiments to take place he would need to build a generator that would provide sufficient power to run an entire city every day.

To accomplish this Raphael decided to design a blueprint for a combination of a biomass generator and a nuclear reactor.

Namely a atomic reactor.

It works by absorbing energy by breaking atomic bonds in metals. The breaking of bonds occur in the chamber surrounded by tempered glass, the released energy is absorbed through a vacuum on one side of the chamber.

The energy is then amplified a thousand fold. After the energy is extracted part of it is then used to power the generator while the rest is free to use to power all experiments that require it.

Even though it is easy for a genius like Raphael to design Technology that surpasses that of earths, it is difficult and time consuming to build. This is where the problem of time reveals it self.