
Sea Of Stars

The Universe is but a playground, A Track Race of technological development. A hunting ground where the more technologically advanced races reign as kings while the weaker ones are made slaves When one such race that possesses technology that far surpasses that of earth, plans to limit humans technological growth, what can a single human do to protect his kind. Raphael a genius turned criminal must take to the stars to face the imminent threat head on, but with the help of the system and its knowledge of technology all hope is not lost.

Skar4 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 - Revelation

[System Initializing synthesis with host]

[Synthesis - 1%]

"What the hell?"

Raphael couldn't help but yell in confusion as he begun to question himself in denial of the events that have taken place.

I'm dreaming aren't I?

Did I just hear it say System?

Like the ones I read about in those novels?

And synthesizing? What does that mean?

Judging by the electronic sounding voice, could the system be a machine? An artificial Intelligence?

But if so where is the hardware?

Raphael began searching his surroundings eagerly as though he had found hope to return to grace after having fallen.

After searching for ten minutes and having found nothing, Raphael couldn't help but just laugh, at his own thoughts.

System? yeah! right I'm just tired. No way a system could actually exists. Even if it did why would it come to earth of all places? Surely there are more advanced races and more determined people around, why me?

Raphael took a deep breath in and sighed. He immediately went to sleep to wash away his disappointment.

The country side was quite, especially so in the mornings. The normal buzzing of the cars which he was used to in the city was no longer around, neither was footsteps of the jailors walking around monitoring the prisoners at night while they sleep. So what is it, you ask that woke Raphael before the sun rose above the horizon?

[Synthesis - 72%]

Every five minutes or so, the so-called system would ring indicating the percentage of completion has increased.

Meanwhile, Raphael is lying on bed with the blanket on the floor and the pillow over his head begging an unresponsive god for mercy. One must know that as a scientist, Raphael was all but religious, his reason being: "Seeing is believing."

Now that very same person was pushed to the point of no return. His belief in science turned upside down; his reality crumbling what the fine line between fiction and reality has begun to fade, all thanks to the mechanical sounding system.

Meanwhile Xeno was fast asleep in the guest room snoring loud enough to be heard across the block.

Raphael had already deduced that the seemingly loud booming notifications are something that could be heard only by him.

What would happen when its reaches 100%, was a total mystery, though he is a genius, figuring out the unknown with little to no prior information is an impossible task as such Raphael could only wait.

Time passed...

By now the birds chirping could be heard, the rays of the sun shined through the window brightening up the room and footsteps could be heard approaching following a series of knocks.

"Hey Raph, come downstairs I'm making breakfast"

It was Xeno.

"Yeah Yeah I'm coming just gimme 5 more minutes"

"yeah sure"

Raphael was already awake or rather he never slept, his prior annoyance with the system was now replaced with growing curiosity. curiosity so great that it seemed as though it were going to explode.

While waiting for the completion of the synthesis, Raphael had begun questioning the origin of the system. Who made it? Where is it from? Why Earth? Why was the system made? As he continued piling question upon question, a notification sounded.

[Synthesis - 100%]

[Synthesis Complete]

[System - online]

[Greetings host]


Though Raphael replied in a seemingly calm and collected manner, his childish excitement had flooded his mind leaving no room for any other thoughts.

Raphael began planning what to say. The numerous questions he had prepared were being filtered in his mind as though he were searching for the puzzle piece that fit most perfectly for his situation. not even 5 seconds later he found it.

"What are you?"

[I am a system]

Raphael was speechless. he had not expected such an obvious answer for the artificial "intelligence."

He shook of his daze and asked a more specific question.

"What is your purpose"

[Host, my purpose is to assist you in any way you desire, in exchange the host must agree to provide power for me before my current power runs out]

"So its like a symbiotic relationship"

[That is correct]

"In that case can you help me get revenge on Bardolk, the guy who framed me?"

[Host, I can assist you in talking revenge on his entire race]

"Wait a minute I don't want to wipe out all human kind just because of one guy"


"System? you there?"

[Detected that the host is unaware of his planets situation]


[Host, allow me to explain, the person whom you call Bardolk, is not a human]

"what? you're joking"

[Bardolk is part of the Xynite Race originating from the Andromeda Galaxy, They far possess technology that far surpasses that of earth and have achieved intergalactic travel recently After having dominated most of the Andromeda Galaxy the have began to bear their fangs at the Milky Way Galaxy]

"Wait then why are they on earth, hiding no less"

[They hope to limit the progression of Earth technology before the master intergalactic travel]

"Then me losing my job and having my life ruined was all apart of some giant alien conspiracy?'

[Pretty much]

Just as Raphael was about to ask more questions he heard Xeno's concerned voice asking.

"Hey Raph you okay? who're you talking to?"

"Myself I'm ... talking to myself"

Xeno who heard His best friends odd response couldn't help but question.

Has he gone Mad?